OK....I can't sleep and I've got to tell a story to compare to the topic of this thread.
Tonight I got to deal with the Police again...and I know that every time that
a member of the Public ever has to deal with the Police, it's always a potentially
fatal situation for that member of the Public. I relearned a lesson tonight that I must
have somehow forgotten. Only call the Police for File numbers after the fact and for
insurance purposes only, and that'll minimize your contact with them, which may
very well extend your life. I will not ever forget that again.
Tonight is Tuesday August 19th, 2008. In hindsight, I guess the Baby-bonus
must be out. After supper tonight, I was taking my garbage out to the can in the
alley, and out behind my garage (leaning up against my buddy's travel trailer) are
four Native peoples (three males and a female) dressed in the MTV version of
Ghetto with the white ball caps worn at a 45 degree angle, etc...smoking Crack.
I asked them to please move alone. They said, "Stop being so white, Whitey!
F**k Off! We're not doing nothing (double negative, yeah, I know)!" So I asked them
to move on up the alley to continue their doing nothing. Things started to get ugly. In
an effort to convince them to move along, I called my Dog and my Son as I was
outnumbered four to one. As my Son was distracting them, I quickly called the Police
(at 7:56pm) and got right back before my Son got jumped or stabbed. It took us over
ten minutes to get the Crackheads to leave.
I called the Police back (at 8:17pm) and told them that it was all over and that we'd
gotten the Crackheads to finally leave, but like cowards, I fully expect (when I'm not
home) to have broken windows in our home and cars and slashed tires and such, so
is there a file number I can get (even thought the Police didn't show up) to tie back to
the near future damage I expect. I was told that all there is, is an RA# for the call and
that is RA0804968.
After that, a cat got out of the house and it took about an hour to get it out from
under the deck on the back of the house, and then we assembled and installed a
ceiling fan downstairs as it got up to +33c today...and where sitting out on the deck
cooling off at about 10:30pm when the dogs started barking at someone out in our
front yard in the dark. The dogs where barking at the front gate, and all I could see
was the silhouettes of at least two people. Because we where sitting out on the deck
at the back of the house, I didn't have the motion light on at the front of the house. I
did have a 3ft piece of pipe in my hand as I though the Crackheads where back, as
the Police never did show up. Once I was at the gate I was able to see that it was the
Police, so I told them to step back from the gate (due to the dogs) so I could come
I came through the gate backwards so I could keep the three dogs in the yard and
was telling the dogs, "No!" (as in, "get down," in the limited vocabulary that a dog would
understand) when the female office yelled "Put down the pipe!" and then grabbed me
and attempted to throw me to the ground. Being a law abiding citizen, I dropped the
piece of fence and just went with the motions while asking her, "just what the hell was
she doing?" She was yelling that she's the authority and I should have listened to her
and she claimed she almost pulled her gun and shot me. nice...I told her to get off my
back (literally) and get the hell out of my yard.
Things really became ugly at that point, and my Son and his Wife where coming down
the front steps, and my Buddy was coming out of the side gate. To keep my Son out of
the mix, I told him to "Go inside and call our Lawyer, Now!" and he did.
Both officers (I'm using the term very loosely) proceeded to throw out F-bombs and
threats to myself, my Son, my Friend, and the male officer threatened that he'd shoot
our dogs through our fence and then claim that they got out. It was surreal. All the while
I'm telling them that over two hours ago, there was a crime they could fight, but not now
and please leave. Go. Go away. Get off my property. Repeatedly over and over.
The Female Officer told me I was going to be arrested (she didn't say why) and I kept
telling her that she could leave my property and go fight some crime somewhere. They
where not needed or wanted hours after the fact, and someone somewhere might actually
need or want some kind of Police response.
These Officers just wouldn't leave, though the little one (the male) did back into the
vacant lot beside my house but seemed hell bent on trying to pick a fight with my Buddy.
It was stupid. It took my Lawyers wife arriving (turns out our Family lawyer is out of town)
for these officers to start behaving like non-antagonistic criminals. The Female says, "We
have a dangerous and stressful job, and if you don't like our response time, call your
City Councilor and request more funds for more Police." Huh??? This city already has a
Gang problem with crime stats at the bottom of Canada, and this Officer wants me to fight
for more Gang members (with badges) to come out an assault the public (hours after a
response would have even been relevant) after the Police knew full well we'd run off the
Crackheads off our own, as we had no choice without a (even remotely) timely Police
response. We really don't need more Police like these two. We need real Police!!!
How about we get ride of the incompetent cops, and the ones that are left can do their jobs
instead of assaulting the public like this goat rodeo tonight. The officers that responded where
a petite female and a small male, who I believe where compensating for their physical short
comings with HUGE CHIP's ON THEIR SHOULDERS and violence against the public. Honest
to God, the time they wasted as we tried to just get them to leave, they could have gone out
and responded to an actual crime that might actually require a response in a still relevant time
frame. They might actually get to deal with a real criminal then. Actually, in hindsight, by stalling
and trying to pick a fight with my Friend (I kid you not), they ensured that they'd show up long
after any danger for their next call. They where worse to get rid of than the Crackheads. We
actually managed to convince the Crackheads that the Police where coming, and even criminals
are answerable (in a lenient fashion) to the Law. Not so for the Police it seems....
If a complaint is ever filed, the Police Police the Police, and then have something that I
believe is now called the "Public Complaints Commission" (formerly the Police Complaints
Commission) to rubber stamp it. This process will be drawn out over about a year and a half,
at the taxpayers expense, when everyone knows in advance that the Police will Police the
Police and find the Police innocent. "Thanks for Coming" sort of thing.
The Public in Montreal is shocked and outraged to recently discover that this is how
complaints are dealt with out there. Here, it is business as usual. I license my car, and I license
my dog. I don't speed or steal or pimp or prostitute myself on a corner near the Police Department.
I cross in the crosswalks, and pay my taxes, and mow my lawn, and pick up discarded needles in
the school grounds and parks and such and dispose of them in the garbage before some kid finds
them....and I was assaulted and threatened tonight by the Police. If my Lawyers wife (God bless
her) didn't arrive when she did, I would be in jail tonight and who knows what the story would have
been. It would have kept these two sorry excuses of Police officers out of harms way for another
baby bonus by ruffing up a non-criminal who wouldn't have fought back against them, instead of
going out and actually fighting crime. I believe that I have learned tonight just why Regina has the
highest crime rates, year after year after year...it's the Police that we have, instead of the real
Police that we need. I am so thoroughly disgusted. I know that filing a complaint is a useless
gesture, and thus the reason this Constable wanted me to file a complaint. She seemed to be
trying to dare me to file a complaint, as both she and I know how that (or almost any) complaint
would turn out. I didn't even see any sense in accepting her business card, but my Lawyers wife
did accept it.
"Protect and Serve," but protect and serve whom? In Saskatchewan, between April 1,2007
and March 31, 2008 a total of TWO complaints where found substantiated out of the 142 that
where filed. The previous year, less than 14% of the complaints filed in Saskatchewan where
found substantiated. Why where the other 86+% even filed when the Public knows what a long
and drawn out process (with zero personal gain whatsoever) the complaints process really is?
The Police seem to be out to protect and serve the Police, but not the Public. The truly ironic
thing is that the Police are still members of the Public, but just in an elite class where the Laws
that most of us have to follow; because it's the right thing to do; only apply if there are enough
witness's and video that reaches YouTube and the Media before the Police can claim and hide
it. Who's going to Police the Police? It seems to not be the Police. No wonder Saskatchewan
has the crime rate that it does.
Wow...I feel better now that that's off my chest. Sorry for the rant but it's interesting in comparison
to how the 85 year old woman in the USA was treated. Morning comes in three and a half hours.
I think I might be able to sleep now.