81% of ISIS suspects in US are American citizens; none are Syrian


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It was an example.

People who gravitate to extremism don't have to be brainwashed about some ideology. They just have to believe that killing will justify whatever perception they have of the world.
Having your kids and wife killed in a drone strike would eliminate the need for any brainwashing.

So many of these people were born in America, what failure of America's does this indicate?
America has been in meltdown since the Fed was created in 1913.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
America has been in meltdown since the Fed was created in 1913.

I'm willing to bet lack of a good education, as the main cause.

It always comes down to that, doesn't it? Are you sure it's not sin?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Meltdown implies there is a problem.

People be living just fine even with these massive debts.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
81% of Isis-linked suspects charged in US are American citizens

None of the Isis-linked suspects who have ever been charged in the United States came from Syria and the overwhelming majority were born in the US, research reveals.

Sixty-eight people have been indicted because of alleged involvement in Isis, of whom 18 have been convicted, with an average sentence of 10 years three months, according to figures published this week by Center on National Security at Fordham University.

Yet despite a growing political clamour over a perceived security threat posed by an influx of Syrian refugees, the data shows that only three of those indicted in connection with Isis was a refugee or asylum seeker; none came from Syria.

Instead 55, or 80.9%, of the individuals concerned are US citizens, including 44 who were born in America. The rest include six born in Bosnia, four in Uzbekistan, three in Somalia and two in Sudan. Fifty-eight are men and 10 are women. The average age is 26 and around a third are under 21.

81% of Isis-linked suspects charged in US are American citizens | World news | The Guardian
Deport them all. Back to Europe!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If we have to deport them it means they won the battle. Invite them in and train them to change and we win and they win as their lives will have improved.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
If we have to deport them it means they won the battle. Invite them in and train them to change and we win and they win as their lives will have improved.
I'm talking about the 81%


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Meltdown implies there is a problem.

People be living just fine even with these massive debts.
Yup when you have 10% unemployment you have 90% employment . I guess your alright jack with one of those 90 % jobs . Just what exactly kind of education does one need to cut and paste other peoples thoughts on the internet all day ? And is the salary worth it ?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm talking about the 81%
That is still a relatively small number of people. Perhaps they would like to move to Syria. Once the shooting stops and the rebuilding money comes in it will be like the boom years in the US after the end of the World Wars. If oil is available so it is a stable income a moderate growth would then be the norm. If water in the from of rain became available and the temperature remained between freezing or frying it would be helpful if people got along as crowding would be 'normal' an rural areas would just be fields and roads. Contrary to popular belief overcrowding does not cause bad behavior, being in short supply of the necessities of life is how most people die.
If nature is the route cause then the culprit is lack of foresight to what should be a familiar pattern after examining the history that is available.
If we could predict the weather 100 years into the future as far as when and where it would rain. To build something like the prairies you need a fleet of 'dams' the height beavers would build them and trap the rain. Eastern Russia and the foothills of Alberta are the most vacant areas around. The County of Greenview AB has all been drilled and logged so HD roads already exist. It lacks people who are used to having a lot of spare time on their hands and money burning holes in their pockets. Their nearest neighbors are the ones that came in around 1900 swinging axes and riding horses so the 'new comers' will be 'contained' for 20 years and some land and judgment comes at the end of that time.
Rumor has it that by the time news of WW1 got there the war was already over. Today there is 90 miles of blacktop and 900 miles of dusty road and 9,000 miles of 'dustless trails' . Without taking any wildlife areas away you can still get an area that is almost 90 miles square and about 10 people live there full time at the moment. The bad news is it all perfect for acreages on riverfront property or treeless peaks of the higher hills. Too many things to do to just stay alive to be very much concerned about causing **** anyplace. The nearest towns are company towns so they know what the price should be to clean the wallet out every month. Velcome to da vest stranger in a strange land. I have a acre of svamp for you.

Option 2 big boats and even bigger icebergs, safer at home once the bullets stop. Fix that and then come for a visit and a peek of why you made the best choice. Nice to look at, wonderful to hold, but it's a bitch when you live there.

Option 3 use the recent pic of the antarctic as the pic of their promised land and the boats and planes sent for them will be mostly empty on their way back.

Yup when you have 10% unemployment you have 90% employment . I guess your alright jack with one of those 90 % jobs . Just what exactly kind of education does one need to cut and paste other peoples thoughts on the internet all day ? And is the salary worth it ?
Hobbies would be the businesses that would survive. Would they be garage hobbies like VR and broadband where you could race sims in real time or play extended games in the same kind of real. Anything below that is already on the shelf. If you have the viewpoints people come to you and spend a lot of money and then they leave again.
The Rez there is where the '1st rez-ponders' to bush fires are already in place but a ground crew within a few hours drive would be worth having in place when needed as far as the total harvest goes. Quading and thrill rides are the hobbies and first aid is a few hours away or a few days depending how close the nearest clearing is. I'm pretty sure the Village could help with the 'white man's need for permits in triplicate'.

Yup when you have 10% unemployment you have 90% employment . I guess your alright jack with one of those 90 % jobs . Just what exactly kind of education does one need to cut and paste other peoples thoughts on the internet all day ? And is the salary worth it ?
Is a student loan and minimum wage worth it?