$700 b b b b b b billion bailout


Electoral Member
Sep 2, 2006
In 1989, J.P. Morgan became the first commercial bank that the Fed allowed to sell corporate bonds, and a year later it won permission to underwrite stocks. Morgan had been active in these businesses in Europe, and in that sense was already helping pave the way for major changes to U.S. banking laws -- changes that were finally enacted last year.

In recent years, Morgan had been trying to become an even bigger player in investment banking - the business of underwriting securities and advising on mergers and acquisitions - but it did not have the size of some of its larger rivals.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
.....wow.....holy sh*t.....

I watched Mr. Bush cut into TV programing and do his little speach, and I felt something
that I haven't felt since the morning of 9/11 when I was watching a plane crash into the
second tower....I think the world just changed again.