cub1c said:It's so crazy that this year, Loco Locass, Cowboy Fringants, Dumas and a lots of other decided to say F-U to the governement and made their own Saint-Jean Baptiste show. We "celebrate" both SJB and Canada Day, June 24 and July 1st, SJB is our national day, Québec's Day if you want. It will be in Montréal the 24 of June at 1pm until, like they say, the later they can. 20$ for student and 30$ for the rest. They expect more than 30 000 people (they have a limit!), and it's probably already sold out. I already have my ticket though. This will be the most EXTREMELY political event people have seen in years in the whole Canada.
Saint-Jean-Baptiste is crazy over here. And by the way, alchool law are very different in Québec!!! Liquors are controled by SAQ, a LCBO like, and beer wine and the rest is sold in convenient and grocery store everyday until 11pm. So there is no problem for alcool here!!
And even our SAQ is open on week end. There is even SAQ Express which is open till 11pm.
We fête la St-Jean everywhere. I already have a costume haha. I wear a huge Québec flag as a cap, another Québec flag as a jupe. Its awsome man.