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  1. NZDoug

    Airline cancellations-The GRETA Effect ?

    Airliner Cancellations Slightly Concerning, Analysts Say. Year-to-date cancellations of large commercial aircraft orders are totaling 441 units through November, according to financial analysts, a...
  2. NZDoug


    How to win friends and influence people. NOT !!! (Borat voice) ...
  3. NZDoug

    Palestine EXISTS !

    I am a proud Canadian. .......................... Canada voted for a UN resolution this...
  4. NZDoug

    Stable Genius Imposing Economic Sanctions on Turkey :)

    Incirlik Air Base (Turkish: İncirlik Hava Üssü) (IATA: UAB, ICAO: LTAG) is a Turkish air base of slightly more than 3320 ac (1335 ha), located in the İncirlik quarter of the city of Adana, Turkey. The base is within an urban area of 1.7 million people,[2] 10*km (6*mi) east of the city core, and...
  5. NZDoug

    The Problem With The Me. Josh Threads...

    Really, he is right. Name callings, calls to nationalism really cant counteract the facts exposed through digital media. I try to create friction, as we all do. What more can you expect unless you join the values of the foe. GRETA FRICTION ! New Values
  6. NZDoug

    Hong Kong STUFF-NO ON DEAD!

    How can protesters show up on the street for 2or 3 months trashing the largest airport, the public transport systems, generally screwing the economy? How do they pay their rent, food, booze...
  7. NZDoug

    Why Rock Was Born

    Its because of songs like this. O.K. Sojers, MARCH!
  8. NZDoug

    America should pay when CDNs help people fcyd by U.S. mistakes.

    Emigrants to Canada like 30 thou Syrians. D.P.s, Displaced Persons, used to be the WOPS, (with out papers) back in the 50s...
  9. NZDoug

    World Cup Rugby Thread 2019

    Warm ups as The World Cup starts in 6 weeks. Tokyo. A lovely night in Auckland. NZ take the...
  10. NZDoug

    World strike-weapons? Ya_Naw....

    Refuse weapons. Don't buy it. Agree to disagree...
  11. NZDoug

    WHY IS THE SUICIDE RATE SO HIGH in the U.S. Military? While suicide remains a rare event among U.S. troops, 325 active-duty members died by suicide in 2018...
  12. NZDoug

    God Save The Queen

    I always thought, when singing "God Save The Queen, the words were "Centre Victorious, happy and glorious, was that she scored the winning goal. Its great she plays hockey.
  13. NZDoug

    Happy New Year !

    Matariki, The Pleiades arise. Shortest day here...
  14. NZDoug

    Google "Pompeo Warns"

    “Pompeo Warns”! Google those words and what do you come up with? Pompeo warns countries from...
  15. NZDoug

    Blackwater goes milo minder binder

    Errik Prince, the former Navy Seal who founded Blackwater, hardly seems like the type who dwells on corporate niceties. He was, after all, America’s foremost mercenary executive. But there he was...
  16. NZDoug

    China ORDERS 290 Airbus A320s +10A350 WIDE BODIES

    35 Billion worth of them. Airbus secured a US$35 billion jet deal from China during a state visit by President Xi Jinping to the French capital, dealing a fresh blow to Boeing as it grapples with...
  17. NZDoug

    Canada wtf ?

    STOP KISSING US ASS. US has No friends, just interests...
  18. NZDoug

    Kenny Shields/ Streetheart bites dust Were droppin' like flies Sad....