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  1. FiveParadox

    Canadian Senate: Eleven vacancies and counting

    The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P. (Calgary Southwest), Prime Minister, is risking the creation of a constitutional crisis by refusing to provide advice on the appointment of new senators to the Upper House. Section 21 of the Constitution Act, 1867, demands that the Senate consist of...
  2. FiveParadox

    Widespread condemnation of axed census continues

    Widespread condemnation continues with respect to the decision of Her Majesty’s Government to terminate the long-form census, and to transition to a “National Household Survey.” The Government, under The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P. (Calgary Southwest), Prime Minister, ordered the...
  3. FiveParadox

    Is Harper set to circumvent Supreme Court’s Nadon decision?

    A few weeks ago, in one of five major decisions against Her Majesty’s Government, the Supreme Court declared that the appointment of The Honourable Mr. Justice Marc Nadon to one of the top bench’s Québec seats was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court also reversed one of the amendments to the...
  4. FiveParadox

    Gov't spending under Tories is up 23%

    Spending by Her Majesty’s Government since the Conservatives took office in 2006 has increased by 23%, according to an analysis by the Hill Times. This is surprising, given the constant rhetoric of the Conservative Party about the “big spending” nature of the previous Government under the...
  5. FiveParadox

    PM announces air, naval, land forces support in Ukraine

    The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P. (Calgary Southwest), the Prime Minister of Canada, met this afternoon with General Philip Breedlove*, Supreme Allied Commander Europe for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), with respect to the situation in Ukraine. Canada is one of...
  6. FiveParadox

    First Nations education act 'on hold'

    In a move that is a bit surprising — given tensions between Her Majesty’s Government and many First Nations — The Honourable Bernard Valcourt P.C., M.P. (Madawaska—Victoria), the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians...
  7. FiveParadox

    Tories' changes to Health Canada libraries are "serious risk"

    It has been discovered that managers at Health Canada are concerned that the gutting of Health Canada library resources by Her Majesty’s Government will make the department less credible, and hurt the department’s ability to make evidence-based decisions when it comes to Canadians’ health. A...
  8. FiveParadox

    Voting rights restored to long-term expatriates

    The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael Penny has ruled that section 222(1)(b) of the Canada Elections Act, which restricts Canadians’ right to vote if they have been outside of Canada for five (5) or more consecutive years, is unconstitutional. This could result in more than one million Canadian...
  9. FiveParadox

    DND breaks promise, fast-tracks soldier's dismissal

    The Department of National Defence has broken its promise to a Canadian solider, Master Corporal Kristian Wolowidnyk, now fast-tracking his transition out of the Canadian Forces. The department had previously agreed to allow him to transition out of the forces at his own pace over 36 months...
  10. FiveParadox

    Canada’s looming debate on prostitution laws

    On December 13, 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada (in a unanimous 9-0 decision) struck down Canada’s prostitution laws, with The Right Honourable Madame Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin P.C., the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, noting that “it is not a crime in Canada to sell sex...
  11. FiveParadox

    Supreme Court to hear Pakistani pilot discrimination case

    A case involving Bombardier, a Muslim pilot from Pakistan, and Québec Human Rights Tribunal is about to hit the Supreme Court of Canada. The top court has agreed to hear an appeal from the pilot, Javed Latif, who is seeking a ruling that Bombardier discriminating against him on the basis of his...
  12. FiveParadox

    Chief Justice warned PMO about Nadon appointment

    In a further demonstration of the tension between the Prime Minister’s Office and the Supreme Court of Canada, it has been reported that The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin P.C., C.St.J., the Chief Justice of Canada, warned Her Majesty’s Government that there could be “issues” with the...
  13. FiveParadox

    US to be graced by Canada's governor general

    His Excellency The Right Honourable David Johnston C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D., F.R.S.C., the Governor General of Canada, is set to visit the United States of America from April 28 to May 2, 2014, "with a view to strengthening bilateral relations, including commercial, educational and...
  14. FiveParadox

    October 2013: Liberals Leading in the Polls

    In a rather comforting turn of events, it would appear that the Liberal Party of Canada has now led the national polls for seven consecutive months. In the latest compilation of polling data from, the seat projections for the new make-up of a House of Commons are...
  15. FiveParadox

    Liberals may take Brandon—Souris

    It looks like the Liberal Party may be poised to take the federal electoral district of Brandon—Souris. This would only be the second time that the riding would be represented by Liberals, with the Conservative Party (or its predecessors) representing its people for all but five of the last...
  16. FiveParadox

    Senate "Crisis" Doesn't Exist; Audit Both Houses

    If there is something that has irritated me more than anything else this summer, it has been the propensity of the media to entirely blow out of proportion the "crisis" currently facing the Senate of Canada. Out of 105 honourable senators, the expenses of four senators were flagged by the...
  17. FiveParadox

    Trans Rights in Canada

    Ms. Michelle Rempel M.P. (Calgary Centre—North), the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment, just appeared to break down in tears as she offered remarks on Bill C-279, An Act to amend the Canada Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression). I...
  18. FiveParadox

    Pot Roast to die for

    I've always found reds to work better with pot roast.
  19. FiveParadox

    Gov't should name interim PBO: Page

    According to Mr. Kevin Page, the Parliamentary Budget Officer, it is imperative that Her Majesty's Government for Canada appoint an interim Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) before his term expires on March 25, 2013. The PBO asserts that a failure to make an interim appointment constitutes a...
  20. FiveParadox

    Constitutional Experts Skewer NDP Calls for Senate Abolition

    Canadian constitutional experts are skewering calls from Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition for the abolition of The Honourable the Senate, despite the constitutional, democratic, and functional benefits of bicameralism. It has been a long-standing position of the New Democratic Party that the...