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  1. FiveParadox

    Ethics rules require Liberal cabinet to report by today

    Mary Dawson, Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner for the House of Commons. Under s. 22(1) of the Conflict of Interest Act, today, is the deadline for Liberal ministers, parliamentary secretaries, and ministerial employees and advisors, to submit disclosures to Mary Dawson, Conflict of...
  2. FiveParadox

    What are the big issues for 2016?

    Physician-assisted dying On February 6, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in Carter v. Canada (Attorney General) that it was unconstitutional to prohibit the physician-assisted death under certain circumstances. The effect of the decision was suspended to February 6, 2016, but the...
  3. FiveParadox

    GG's New Year message: Refugees, sport, and innovation

    The Governor General seated at the foot of the throne in the Senate of Canada. His Excellency The Right Honourable David Johnston CC, CMM, COM, CD, the Governor General, delivered a New Year message to Canadians. The Governor General, the Queen's representative in Canada, thanked Canadians for...
  4. FiveParadox

    Trudeau publishes ministerial mandate letters

    I haven't seen these posted anywhere on here. The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau PC, MP, the Prime Minister, has taken the historic step of publishing his mandate letters to ministers. These letters, which in previous governments have been kept confidential within the ministry, set out the...
  5. FiveParadox

    Peter Munk exceeded donation limits to Tories 3 times

    The founder of massive mining company, Barrick Gold Corp., has signed a compliance agreement with Elections Canada after he admitted to contributing nearly twice the legal limit to the Conservative Party of Canada over three different years. He made illegal political donations to riding...
  6. FiveParadox

    Syrian refugees: Target of 10,000 to see 2-week delay

    (I couldn't find one specific thread about the Syrian refugee plan, but feel free to move if there is one.) Syrian refugees: Target of 10,000 to see 2-week delay However, Liberals still on track to welcome 25,000 refugees by end of February The Honourable John McCallum PC, MP, the Minister of...
  7. FiveParadox

    "Unsupportable" radar systems to be "refurbished"

    It turns out that the Department of National Defence is going to be refurbishing two ground-based radar systems, backing away from the previous plan to retire them out of service. This comes in the wake of the collapse of a procurement deal between the Government of Canada and Thales Canada...
  8. FiveParadox

    Some disappointing Liberal orders-in-council

    So, I have a habit of checking up on recent Orders-in-Council on the Privy Council website because, hey, why not? Whereupon, unfortunately, I have discovered that there are some appointments by the Governor General-in-Council that disappoint me, especially in light of all of the hullabaloo from...
  9. FiveParadox

    NDP already being annoying in new Parliament

    NDP already being annoying in new Parliament David Christopherson MP (Hamilton Centre), the sole New Democratic member on the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs is also the committee's second vice-chair (required under the Standing Orders of the House to be a...
  10. FiveParadox

    So, what are regular ol' MPs proposing?

    It is no secret that the agenda of the Government of Canada generally dominates the legislative agenda in both the Senate and House of Commons. Government business is given nearly total priority in both chambers, and the powers of ministers and government leaders to reorganize the legislative...
  11. FiveParadox

    Top 10 Political Quotes of 2015

    Add others, if you have any that you think are notable! Source: CBC News
  12. FiveParadox

    Remake of Final Fantasy VII

    ...I am living for this.
  13. FiveParadox

    Top 5 Political Blunders of 2015

    1. Identity Politics: The Niqab I agree with this one; it probably contributed, substantially, to the Conservatives' loss of the general election. I think that this was a "wedge" issue like no other, designed to whip the Tory base into a frenzy and to bring back long-time conservative...
  14. FiveParadox

    2016 provincial elections a comeback for Tories?

    It is no secret that it has not been a good year for political conservatives in Canada. The Conservatives, and their official or unofficial conservative counterparts in the provinces, have lost eight consecutive provincial and federal elections. However, it looks like 2016 could be the year...
  15. FiveParadox

    Trudeau to be guest at US state dinner

    The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau PC, MP, the Prime Minister of Canada, has been invited by His Excellency the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, for a state dinner at the White House on March 10, 2016. This marks the first time that a Canadian prime minister...
  16. FiveParadox

    Senate modernization report: 11 recommendations

    Over three days in October, a number of Conservative, Liberal, and independent senators met to discuss the need for the Senate to identify ways in which it can modernize itself to restore the public's trust and confidence in Canada's appointed upper house. The participating senators reached...
  17. FiveParadox

    UK: Lords defeat tax credit cuts passed by Commons

    Across the pond in the United Kingdom, the House of Lords has done something that they have not done in over a century, and some are saying that it has caused a "constitutional crisis." The Lords, the mixed appointment-hereditary upper house, has rejected a financial regulation that had been...
  18. FiveParadox

    Christmas message from Her Majesty the Queen

    Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, in Her Majesty's Christmas address, urges us to spread love to others. The Queen is the head of state for Canada, the United Kingdom, and fourteen other Commonwealth realms. The Queen's Christmas message is broadcast throughout the world. Her Majesty...
  19. FiveParadox

    Changing the Senate (Outside of the Constitution)

    In recent weeks, all of the political parties have set out their positions on what should happen now with the embattled Senate of Canada. For the Government under the Conservative Party, they have set a constitutionally-questionable policy of letting Senate vacancies build up until the...
  20. FiveParadox

    Union disclosure bill passes senate, receives royal assent

    After some interesting constitutional manoeuvres, the law of the land now includes bill C-377, an act that forces the disclosure by labour unions of any expenses of $5,000 or more, and the details of anyone who makes more than $100,000. This information must be provided to the Canada Revenue...