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  1. darkbeaver

    'TOTALLY INDEPENDENT': Teen eco-warrior hits back at rumours she's being manipulated

    And now governments pay scientist to lie about climate change. Guess who owns government.
  2. darkbeaver


    There are three genders, male female and reject.
  3. darkbeaver

    efficient shipping

    If beer cans were rectangular rather the tubeular a greater volumne of beer could be shipped in with attached to a tractorstandard tractore trailor trailor , much of my evening was spent arguing with my retarded brother intiullectualizing ove rhtis problem. You don,t want TO PAY FOR ANY SPACE...
  4. darkbeaver

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    The Sun is God Cliffy. That God has connections.You can,t make hay when the Sun don,t shine, all your pathetic efforts, bowing and scraping will not change that mind, it,s a minor God in this galaxcy afterall and it must obey the big guy.
  5. darkbeaver


    There are three human genders, male, female, and reject.
  6. darkbeaver

    Theaters and civilization/climate change

    Aug 1ee Theaters and civilization/climate change In the Ancient World, more especially in the Greco-Roman civilization, every city had a theatre. Bosra Hierapolis Merida Taormina For some time, I have thought that the...
  7. darkbeaver

    What happens if half a million people show up to storm Area 51?

    Area 57 will be left unmentioned. The place where horrible human experiments are carried out by the Hienz corporation the horrific ketchup and mustard proving grounds. No one can even estimate the rats that have died to provide you with red and yellow stuff to squirt onto your meatless weiners.
  8. darkbeaver

    What happens if half a million people show up to storm Area 51?

    Nothing will happen if Area 51 is overrun by brain dead American citiizens, everything of note is in area 52, and area 57.5 and 63. Area 51 is A ventilation point where the curious are blaketed with fresh alien air. ..
  9. darkbeaver

    Our cooling world

    Climate Change Pseudoscience Posted on June 28, 2019 by Louis Hissink An incontrovertible fact is the existence of atmospheric downwelling infrared radiation that is interpreted to come from CO2. Much intellectual gymnastics are used to use this fact...
  10. darkbeaver

    Our cooling world

    NOAA: 12-month precipitation record hits all-time high for the third month in a row, U.S. July 09, 2019 Worst storm of the year hits Croatia, widespread damage reported July 08, 2019...
  11. darkbeaver

    Death knell for AGW

  12. darkbeaver

    Our cooling world

    It,s not wise to believe any government stats about food right now unless it,s boiling in a pot in front of your eyes.
  13. darkbeaver

    Our cooling world

    Crop Losses Are Literally Happening All Over The Globe on July 2, 2019...
  14. darkbeaver

    Our cooling world

    Phenomenal hail accumulations after massive hailstorm hits Guadalajara, Mexico Posted by Teo Blašković on...
  15. darkbeaver

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    This coming week if we get some sun I,ll put ion the best seed I can find and pray we don,t transition into winter two weeks ahead of the usual, I,m not convinced this will happen, this little ice age is serious...
  16. darkbeaver

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    I haven,t even tilled my little garden yet. The operation would result in a muck hole. June has been very damp here and the forecast is not encouraging.
  17. darkbeaver

    Human control = contrived history

    Jun 30 True history? At a first glance, the aim of history criticism consist in (1) the unmasking of false history, (2) the establishment of true history. This scheme does not hold anymore once the reason is discovered for the...
  18. darkbeaver

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    We did feed in the good old days that aint now. Yer living in the past yah silly old fuk.
  19. darkbeaver

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Some people think it,s 2019. We can,t possibly even suggest what year it might be. Throw away your calendars ,now dosen,t have a number. There is no human idea more fukked up than history. The truth would set us...
  20. darkbeaver

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Nova Scotia food prices are up 17% over last year next year it suggests double that increase at least. Farm insurance cost will of course have to obey trends of distruction production, which seem to indicate a downturn in hemispheric food production. This of course is a good time to remind the...