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  1. CDNBear

    Epic Anti-Global Warming Monologue

    Hey Ton, Can I get a response from you on these two claims please... No scientist starts with "I want to prove" or "I want to disprove." No one "lives off such grants."
  2. CDNBear

    Epic Anti-Global Warming Monologue

    The FACT that the sun once orbited the earth, was disproved. The FACT that the earth was flat, was disproved. You fail again. LMAO!!! Ummm... I love it when you contradict yourself. If you can't support your position, just say so. The common term is, "The lifeblood of research". As Tonington...
  3. CDNBear

    Latest Cause of Global Warming: Milk Being Poured Down Kitchen Sinks…

    I wonder if the thousands of litres dumped on the ground each year, by dairy farmers avoiding being fined for producing more than their quota, so the cost of milk can be artificially kept high, does to the environment. While your two car family keeps on happily emitting... Preach on you crazy...
  4. CDNBear

    They're Up!

    It's a morel, an edible and highly sought after wild mushroom.
  5. CDNBear

    Death knell for AGW

    *Clears throat*... Ahhh yes, because spelling has so much to do with it... :roll: How about questions, do you respond to them?
  6. CDNBear

    Death knell for AGW

    The fact that I wasn't given much to reply to aside... Your dishonesty negates the validity of your previous observation... Is that whey the post that I replied to in my link was filled with assumption? Maybe Walter was having the same issue. Yet in the post I replied to in my link, and your...
  7. CDNBear

    Death knell for AGW

    That's a proper noun, and I agree, it is rather pitiful to point out someones spelling, when your post is littered with spelling errors, yet here you are. No, I just like pointing out irony. I take it that was supposed to have a question mark at the end of it, and yes, I did have something of...
  8. CDNBear

    Death knell for AGW

    Ummm... Carry on.
  9. CDNBear

    Death knell for AGW

    I was going to say that yesterday. But figured I'd leave it alone until he figured out how to use the quote function.
  10. CDNBear

    95 years, since Vimy Ridge...

    Wreaths, tears mark 95 years since Vimy Ridge battle Thousands of Canadians gathered at the site of the Battle of Vimy Ridge Monday, to mark 95 years since the fight in northern France that some say was a turning point in forging Canada's identity as an independent nation. Veterans...
  11. CDNBear

    Supreme Court of Canada nixes Nuuchahnulth fisheries decision review

    Supreme Court of Canada nixes Nuuchahnulth fisheries decision review Category: NEWS...
  12. CDNBear

    First Nations will balk at Harper's private property plans, Atleo warns

    First Nations will balk at Harper's private property plans, Atleo warns Category: NEWS Created on Monday, 02 April 2012 12:16 Last Updated on...
  13. CDNBear

    Feeling left out, chiefs go to court

    Feeling left out, chiefs go to court Category: NEWS Created on Tuesday...
  14. CDNBear

    Edible Wild Mushrooms

    Lucky bastard.
  15. CDNBear

    Edible Wild Mushrooms

    I wish I could find puff balls like I used to be able too.
  16. CDNBear

    Edible Wild Mushrooms

    Ya the kids do that to teachers/instructors, from time to time.
  17. CDNBear

    Edible Wild Mushrooms

    There's also mushroom picking classes you can take.
  18. CDNBear

    Edible Wild Mushrooms

    I hope he's OK without any permanent ill effects?
  19. CDNBear

    Edible Wild Mushrooms

    Absolutely! One of the wife's friends gives us a bag of manomin whenever we meet up. Nothing beats wild lake rice and wild mushrooms, accompanying Venison or Moose steaks. Hmmm, now I have to go take some Deer out of the freezer for dinner tomorrow, lol.