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  1. s_lone

    Quebec bashing/Dawson tragedy

    A terribly wrong analysis of the Dawson tragedy...from Jan Wong/Globe and Mail... Unbelievable how much she misunderstands Quebec...
  2. s_lone

    The nature of free will...

    Do you believe in free will? If so, how do you rationally explain it, if you can explain at all...
  3. s_lone

    Is science dogmatic?

    Is science dogmatic?
  4. s_lone

    9/11 Omission Comission

    Posting this for general interest...
  5. s_lone

    How conscious are you?

    Do you consider yourself more conscious than an average 7-year old kid? Are you more conscious than a tree? Are you more conscious than the universe itself? If the universe is not conscious and you are conscious how do you explain it? How can a part of an unconscious whole be conscious?
  6. s_lone

    Garfield vs. Heathcliff

    Talking about comic strip humour is fun... Who is funnier? Garfield or Heathcliff?
  7. s_lone

    Racial profiling?

    Some Muslim guys called Osama and Ali were arrested for having bought hundreds of pre-paid cell phones. “The cell phones can be used as detonators. Batteries can be disassembled and used to make methamphetamine. Obviously there’s something wrong here,”...
  8. s_lone

    Quebecistan?!!! Well there you go... Quebec will become a haven for terrorists... Maybe you guys in the ROC should start thinking of attacking us before we Quebecers all convert to Islam...
  9. s_lone

    Self-inflicted 9/11 ???

    I might be lighting a fire strom here but what the heck...
  10. s_lone

    PQ-BQ merge scenario

    Imagine this: We are in 2008 and a provincial election is coming up in Quebec. Jean Charest has managed to regain a bit more support but support for sovereignty is still estimated to be somewhere between 45 to 50%. One day the sovereignists make a stunning announcement. Andre Boisclair and...