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  1. s_lone

    Can anyone here read Korean???

    An album I recorded with my band has somehow made it to Korea and there is a review on the Web I would like to understand. I've tried translating it with translation tools but there isn't much to be understood... Can anyone here translate from Korean to English (or French)? Here is the link...
  2. s_lone

    The Reality Thread

    We often refer to something called ‘reality’. But what is reality? Does reality include any single thing our minds can come up with? Or is reality exclusive in the sense that some things are simply not real? Would that imply the existence of a ‘non-reality’? Surely, planet Earth is more real...
  3. s_lone

    Time or money?

    What do you value more? Time or money?
  4. s_lone

    The Value of Gold

    What is the true value of gold? What practical use does it have that justifies it being a central focus of economy?
  5. s_lone

    Hexagon on Saturn

    Saturn's Strange Hexagon 03.27.07 A bizarre six-sided feature encircling the north pole of Saturn near 78 degrees north latitude has been spied by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer on NASA's Cassini spacecraft. This...
  6. s_lone

    The coming budget and the Quebec election

    Will Harper be inlfuenced by the current Quebec election in his next federal budget due March 19th? Will he be more generous with Quebec then he would have been if Quebec was at the beginning of a 4 year Liberal mandate? Right now, the polls indicate a very tight and unpredictable 3 way race...
  7. s_lone

    Astrology fundamentals

    For any of you that are truly interested in the subject AND/OR interested in discussion and debate. An Introduction to Archetypal Astrological Analysis Richard Tarnas, Ph.D. A birth chart or natal chart is a portrait of the heavens at the moment of one’s birth. The Sun, Moon, and planets are...
  8. s_lone

    Intelligent Design is a legitimate concept

    I'm not one who questions the evidence given to us by science concerning evolution. But I’m also not one who will be intellectually satisfied by what science teaches us about the world. My quest for meaning is too strong for that. Science can tell me what an atom is made of, but it can’t tell me...
  9. s_lone

    Matter and Structure

    Matter is nothing else but structured energy. True or false?
  10. s_lone


    I put this thread in Science and Environment, but it could also be in Spirituality and Philosophy. What do you think of anti-depressants? Do they do a favor to the person taking them? Or do they worsen their situation by burying even more deeply the root of their problem? Any experiences to...
  11. s_lone

    Is our planet alive?

    Is our planet alive?
  12. s_lone

    Music is geometry

    Check out this very cool video to see how sound and music are intimately connected to mathematical realtites.
  13. s_lone

    Time and space

    Are time and space two aspects of the same thing?
  14. s_lone

    Reincarnation in the bible?

    Does the bible explicitely say reincarnation is not possible or true? Does the bible even speak of reincarnation?
  15. s_lone

    What is art?

    We use the word "art" many times in our daily lives, but yet, when you ask people what the word means, you get a wild variety of different answers. Artists themsleves do not always agree what is art and what is not... These little questions can help us get the discussion going... Is a...
  16. s_lone

    Harper may re-open Constitution

    This is from the Toronto Star; it would seem Harper might limit Ottawa's spending power in regards to provincial jurisdictions. PM eyes limits on Ottawa's powers Holds talks with several premiers May mean change to Constitution Nov. 10, 2006. 07:02 AM SEAN GORDON QUEBEC BUREAU CHIEF...
  17. s_lone

    Favorite beer(s)?

    This question is just plain cruel! I refuse to answer it!
  18. s_lone

    UK youths 'among worst in Europe'

    I wonder if Blackleaf would have posted this article...
  19. s_lone

    Extreme violence in entertainment

    All over the Montreal metro stations, I see large posters for SAW 3, the most recent horror movie. The poster shows a rather gruesome image of man's mouth with half the teeth ripped off by a tweezer. All the kids in the city can see this when they go to school. Do you think this is acceptable...
  20. s_lone

    Constitutional debate re-awakening...

    Duceppe is trying to seduce Quebec city residents by asking them to imagine what Quebec city could be like as the capital of a sovereign country in 2015. Support for the Conservatives is...