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  1. Decapoda

    What Emergency Act?

    This is day 61, but who's'?
  2. Decapoda

    What Emergency Act?

    Nope....nothing about the committee, nothing about the factors that led to the unprecidented government action against the people, nothing at all....and we're not going to either. This government has decided that we don't have the right to know. Ottawa cites cabinet confidentiality over...
  3. Decapoda

    Fucking Weather 💨 ❄️ 🌪

    Guess I'll be postponing my trip to Manitoba again this weekend . Crazy spring.
  4. Decapoda

    What Emergency Act?

    Statement: Inquiry into the use of the Emergencies Act We are representatives of major civil society organizations and social movements from across Canada. Individually and collectively, we represent the interests of many Canadians with diverse identities and interests. We are writing...
  5. Decapoda

    What Emergency Act?

    It's interesting how everything has gone silent regarding the inquiry into the justification of the use of the Emergency Measures Act, which is mandated by law. According to 63(1) of the Act, within sixty days after the expiration or revocation of a declaration of emergency, an inquiry must be...
  6. Decapoda

    Omnibus : Elon Musk's Twitter Acquisition

    I'm not sure if that was a Freudian slip or if they just simply don't care anymore about hiding the utter loathing they have for free, independent thought. Its so hard to tell these days with all the overt narcissism and contempt for non-conformity.
  7. Decapoda

    Canada PM Justin Trudeau seeking to forcibly silence news outlet

    Of course he knows, he's not even trying to hide it. He barely made it through his 30 second statement in that QP clip without breaking out in hysterical laughter, you can tell he's holding back a laughing fit. he knows what he's saying is total bullshit but in his arrogant contempt for...
  8. Decapoda

    Canada PM Justin Trudeau seeking to forcibly silence news outlet

    Given Trudeau's obvious loathing disdain for free speech, admiration and aspiration for censorship, and his media "bailouts" to media entities who "play ball", his future motives should be give a large degree of distrust and questioning. It is well within the bounds of probability that this...
  9. Decapoda

    Nasa spots a record-breaking, huge comet headed toward Earth

    Lol, headline: Huge comet headed toward earth. Artist rendering shows a huge comet about to hit earth. Open article and read: Huge comet that we've known about and been watching & studying for over two decades will not come within a billion miles of us. Had my hopes up for a good planet...
  10. Decapoda

    Biden Wants To Burn Food On the Eve of a Famine

    The funny thing is, they're trying to market this as "environmentally sustainable and renewable", implying that burning wood releases co2 which promotes the photosynthesis cycle... since carbon dioxide, rain, and solar energy is needed for the growing cycle. Also, after burning of the wood...
  11. Decapoda

    Biden Wants To Burn Food On the Eve of a Famine

    Clear cutting Canadian forests for biomass fuel overseas. Insane indeed, and hardly "environmental".
  12. Decapoda

    Microchip Control

    All the more reason to pay with cash.
  13. Decapoda

    Trucker Blockade Caused Lasting Psychological Damage to Canadians

    Impossible to know, that's the convenience of using the reverse onus of proof. Shit luck man, hope your feeling better.
  14. Decapoda

    This👇is what chasing “Covid zero” leads to.

    Just don't bring the bouncy castle or f🍁ck Trudeau flag or he'll call you a misogynistic Nazi, call the swat team and run the fucking heavy horses through your peaceful protest. Otherwise protests are cool.
  15. Decapoda

    Trucker Blockade Caused Lasting Psychological Damage to Canadians

    Haven't you heard? It's not supposed to prevent infection anymore's only supposed to lessen severity of symptoms. Conveniently, you don't have a baseline for how severe symptoms would have been if you hadn't gotten your shots, so you're not allowed to refute this relentlessly flogged...
  16. Decapoda

    Trucker Blockade Caused Lasting Psychological Damage to Canadians

    Don't sweat it too much, it's bullshit. In fact the CTV article is in itself utter garbage. No one was terrorized...or if they were, they have bigger problems to deal with than car horns and crowds. And anyone who ended life long relationships with friends and family because they disagreed...
  17. Decapoda

    Trucker Blockade Caused Lasting Psychological Damage to Canadians

    What is this "time limit" exactly? I've heard anywhere from 6 months to as little as a few weeks, which BTW is a pretty big leap from the original narrative that 2 shots and you had complete and total protection from contracting or of spreading the virus. Have we figured out what the risks are...
  18. Decapoda

    Well, today is the Liberal/NDP Non-Coalition Coalition Budget Day!

    Don't forget the cottage cheese.
  19. Decapoda

    Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt

    WOW... looking back at this thread, the pace of the fiscal cliff dive was quicker than anyone predicted. Trudeau is nothing if not thorough in his effort to test the plausibility of Modern Monetary Theory. We're getting there quickly.
  20. Decapoda

    Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt

    Any bets on how many more tens of billions of deficit spending Trudeau is going to commit to burdening our children and grandchildren with today? 30 billion....50billion...80 billion? I am honestly amazed at how just a few short years ago these kind of projected numbers were far beyond the...