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  1. Murphy

    45th Anniversary of the Internets

    45th Anniversary of the Internets copyright 2017 - Murphy Let's take a few minutes and tip our hats to Rene Deschambres and his earth shaking invention - the Internets. Today is its 45th anniversary. It's hard to believe that it's been around that long! From its crude beginning using...
  2. Murphy

    Justin Trudeau as PM was predicted over 40 years ago

    As seen in this long forgotten CBC video. It's understandable...about being forgotten, I mean. After all, I said it was a CBC video. lMOHiQtuSuo
  3. Murphy

    It's All in the Movies

    is the name of a song that was written and recorded by country music singer Merle Haggard. Written in 1975 and released in 1976. It plays well across several genres. Here's the late writer's son, Ben, singing his Dad's song. He does a great job. ChHrwJ_CX8s
  4. Murphy

    So, how about that Syrian chemical attack thing?

    Nasty. CNN has a series of pics of dead children. Other agencies are covering the story. The initial blame is that Syria delivered the attack with support from Russia - the possible provider of the juice, or at least, providing the recipe and means of creation. There are other theories...
  5. Murphy

    Uniquely Canadian Easter Events

    Eggshell Statue Building The town of Dulwusky, Manitoba collects all the eggshells cracked throughout the year and has an eggshell sculpture competition every Easter Monday at the Legion. It replaced a former, less popular Easter pastime, ‘How many frozen cow patties can you carry from goal...
  6. Murphy

    Santa Maria!

    The beauty of the words brings a tear to yer eye. Hugh the Goliath In high school they called him Colossus And the boys were all startled to see That his gift was as long and as thick as a cuke That went from his crotch to his knee...
  7. Murphy

    The Moe, Ham and Ed Show

    From the not so golden years of radio. The Moe, Ham and Ed Show From high atop Mt. Talloola in the Catskills, broadcasting at 5,000 watts of radiated power, it's the Moe, Ham and Ed Show! I'm your announcer, Little Dicky Jimkens! --- Moe: I'm Moe. That's short for Moe. Ham: I'm Ham...
  8. Murphy

    Canada - EU Trading to begin shortly

    July I believe. Someone post a link plse. I'm on my cell. Never mind. Found it on CBC.
  9. Murphy

    Woman says she crashed into deer because she saw Bigfoot

    I'm roasting a baby out back.
  10. Murphy

    Woman says she crashed into deer because she saw Bigfoot

    Fair enough question. Heart meds can cause problems sometimes. Any drugs used to treat depression or mood swings can be worrisome. Best to seek professional help.
  11. Murphy

    Woman says she crashed into deer because she saw Bigfoot

    Where do you live, Cliffy? I think you're in need of medical assistance. I can phone the hospital for you, if you'd like. PM your address and someonewill be there in minutes. Seriously. You're not well.
  12. Murphy

    Woman says she crashed into deer because she saw Bigfoot

    He's seen lots. Here, Cliffy admits to time travelling, in this secretly taped video. KcYdu2u0jUo
  13. Murphy

    Woman says she crashed into deer because she saw Bigfoot

    Can you imagine having Cliffy, BL, Cannuck and selfsame in one room together?
  14. Murphy

    NASA / NOAA Climate Data Is Fake Data

    Yeah, he's pretty easy to fool.
  15. Murphy

    I Just Realized It's Earth Hour Tonight

    So, to show my solidarity with Kathleen Wynne and her desire to build the biggest retirement villa in Onterrible using hydro money, I've fired up all the lights and turned up the heat. But heck, it's not all seriousness and standing shoulder to shoulder with the government...or is it? Oh heck...
  16. Murphy

    It's hard to believe that Jackson Browne

    is 68. Apparently, he's still touring. 7UC4SLsPQic