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  1. pgs

    Election 2024

    At least when he meets world leaders they will know they are actually speaking with the boss not a figure head .
  2. pgs

    Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

    If he hangs on long enough he will be the first governor of Canada
  3. pgs

    Election 2024

    Shocking !
  4. pgs

    Refugee/Migrant Crisis

    Yes they all want to get to the golden mountain and Canada just happens to be next door .
  5. pgs

    Canadian Federal Election Outcome October 20th (or 27th?), 2025.

    Politicians , bureaucrats and party insiders .
  6. pgs


    Best move to New Brunswick .oh right .
  7. pgs


    Heartless !
  8. pgs


    A travesty .
  9. pgs

    Gun Control is Completely Useless.

    And it gets faster every year for some reason .
  10. pgs

    Well, today is the Liberal/NDP Non-Coalition Coalition Budget Day!

    It is always easier if you hide spending others money .
  11. pgs


    I hear Glenmorangie is quite satisfying.
  12. pgs

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    Yup we are all going to die . You best head for the hills .
  13. pgs

    Trudeau’s Newest New Carbon Tax

    Of course , it was and never has been about climate . It is and always has been about government control .
  14. pgs

    Non-Coalition Coalition that’s Definitely NOT a Coalition…

    Of course , as it has always been .
  15. pgs


    Think about it , we have the distinct society with nothing except money holding them in Canada . We have the maritime whose only connection is jobs in Alberta and equalization , Ontario who rules over all . B.C. Who is closer to Washington Oregon and California than the rest of Canada and the...
  16. pgs


    Yes I have been saying for years Canada is broken beyond repair and we will eventually break apart . It is not a matter of if , it is a matter of when .
  17. pgs

    Omnibus : Hunter Biden

    Funny how that works .
  18. pgs


    Bill does .