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  1. Nick Danger

    Canada’s cultural re-alignment

    Can you find a link to that study? I was able to find was a story about how the U of L is engaging in the manufacture of their own brand of masks... Facility on UofL’s Belknap Campus produces 50 N95-style and 100 three-ply non-surgical masks per minute, with plans to ramp up I work in a camp...
  2. Nick Danger

    Canada’s cultural re-alignment

    Where are the new cases coming from ?
  3. Nick Danger

    Canada’s cultural re-alignment

    Boneheads who won't get with the program and take a few simple precautions to curb the spread of this virus.
  4. Nick Danger

    Canada’s cultural re-alignment

    Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Adolf Hitler becomes more likely. Congratulations, you got there in your...
  5. Nick Danger

    US to cut emissions 50% by the end of Biden's Term

    Trump's standard reply when asked about climate was "Climb what?"
  6. Nick Danger

    CDN-Economy & Related Factors

    That’s not exactly fair. The Feds propped up Bombardier time and time again because they had a superior product in the C-Series jets, until it became obvious that going up against the combined might of Boeing and Airbus was an un-winnable battle. In the end Airbus swooped in to pick up the...
  7. Nick Danger

    Marvels of God's creation

    Much and much speaking and talking is where new ideas and learning come from. Fear of new ideas is to be stuck in the past.
  8. Nick Danger

    Marvels of God's creation

    You do realize that quoting a “holy scripture” as evidence of its own veracity is a somewhat delicate position, don’t you ?
  9. Nick Danger

    Trudeau Gov't looking to force Canadian news media licensing and regulation

    Like I said above, these days it seems to be restricted to the subscription News Services so not available to you and me woithout a hefty price tag. We have to settle for the news outlets who use the services who all tend to put their own spin on it before it gets to us. It's possible to get...
  10. Nick Danger

    Trudeau Gov't looking to force Canadian news media licensing and regulation

    I'll give him that much, but there are people out there stupid enough to take him seriously. But if you know that going in then you can look past it, same with MSM that leans to the right, Bias is not so much the issue if you can screen it out, the issue is with so-called "news sources" that...
  11. Nick Danger

    Trudeau Gov't looking to force Canadian news media licensing and regulation

    Like the National Post ? The Toronto Star ? I think if anyone has a lick of sense they can recognize and sift through political bias, it's next to impossible to find a truly unbiased news source these days. About the best ones out there are the news services like AP, Reuters, or the Canadian...
  12. Nick Danger

    Marvels of God's creation

    Inspired by God perhaps, but the creation of man, and as such subject to all the biases and weaknesses that go along with being human. The Bible is a perfect example of this, with the countless vesions avaialble, and the countless revisions, additions, and exclusions it has undergone.
  13. Nick Danger

    Trudeau Gov't looking to force Canadian news media licensing and regulation

    I try to stay away from "rags" of any political persuasion.
  14. Nick Danger

    Trudeau Gov't looking to force Canadian news media licensing and regulation

    I think we should look closely at the credibility of anyone wanting to call themselves a "journalist", and employ some way to make this information available to all media consumers.
  15. Nick Danger

    Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives

    It looks to me like Mr. O'Toole is hoping to skim some votes off the Liberal party by giving the CPC the appearance of moving closer to center. He likes to talk up the environment and social and economic inequality, things that would have the far right hollering "socialist" if it were anyone...
  16. Nick Danger

    Trudeau Gov't looking to force Canadian news media licensing and regulation

    Let's not lose sight of the fact that Levant is a mouthpiece for far-right extremist groups and spends much of his time in court defending his big yap, and even more time hammering out retractions and apologies to keep his ass out of court. I'm all for protection of journalists, but that name...
  17. Nick Danger

    Marvels of God's creation

    He's right,"truth" is highly subjective when speaking of things that can't be proven or veirfied. What's true for you may not necessarily be true for another and without some method of judging what is "true" then to say you're right and someone else is wrong is a pretty shaky position, and more...
  18. Nick Danger

    Marvels of God's creation

    I make no claim to divine knowledge. I just bugs me when I see people toss insults and claim the moral high road on subjects that are basically unknowable. You are entitled to your beliefs, but you are not entitled to judge mine. “Heal the sick, feed the hungry, care for the weakest among...