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  1. scratch

    The Microsoft Daily News

    Windows Vista is No Help Since my work laptop is being repaired, I have the pleasure to work on another laptop running Windows Vista. I feel like I'm working on a poor imitation of Mac OS X that has been designed by a marketing committee. Actually, the...
  2. scratch

    organ donation....

    Your child dies tragically in an accident. In the hospital emergency room, the doctors inform you that donating her organs could save the life of another child who has just been brought in. ...I'd donate the necessary organs.
  3. scratch

    child abuse....

    you suspect that the neighbours physically abuse their children. ...i'd need proof first...
  4. scratch

    pet abuse....

    you witness your neighbours constantly abusing their pet. ...i'd report them
  5. scratch

    we've all been transported to 1958.......

    Some how we have ALL been transported back to the year 1958 but still possess our knowledge and ages from 2008. Would we be able to handle it? Would we be happier or ticked off? Could we adjust because the transport is irreversible? always liked the...
  6. scratch

    a male dilemma....

    Your wife comes home with a new haircut, you cannot stand it.... :canada::canada::canada:
  7. scratch

    a male dilemma.....

    you suffer sudden impotence, but the cure guarantees baldness ...................i am not impotent and have been bald forever 8O8O8O8O
  8. scratch

    technos up front......

    in layman's terms what is the deal with hdtv i.e., can your current tv be adapted or do you need a true hi-def tv , i have asked around and have seen some hd and the picture imho is no better than my 4 year old sylvannia and i'm 100% digital/dual satellite and pvr (expressvu), will this change...
  9. scratch

    favourite tear jerkers...

    movie: the lake house (reeves,bullock) song: you needed me (anne murray) and the rest of you.... :?::?:
  10. scratch

    what is the best restaurant you've ever been to?

    for me the restaurant in the hotel plaza 2 bay tower, corner bloor and young, toronto :canada::canada:
  11. scratch

    Any technos out there?

    I have an irritating problem of a wandering cursor. Makes it hard to use e-mail or word process. The movement is erratic and not predictable. In caps it highlights. Tried everything to solve problem without result. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You scratch :-(
  12. scratch

    Repair versus Buying New

    Recently my 12 year old Roper/Inglis refrigerator was starting to die. I felt at the time that a 12 year run was acceptable and checked out new similar fridges and could not believe the prices. So I called around and the same afternoon the fridge had been repaired for just over a hundred dollars...