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  • Hi SuzyQ... I was popping onto Ron's wall to tell him how much I liked his puppy pics in his avatar, and spotted a post from you there. As I told him on his wall...

    "New members can't PM until they have 50 posts, or some such number, under their belts. It's one of the forum's spam prevention measures, to keep spammers from easily sneaking in and flooding PM boxes with links and sales pitches.

    Sorry for 'eavesdropping'. lol."

    It doesn't take long to get up to the post count that opens all the bells and whistles. Especially if you like playing 'last one to post wins'. :lol:
    "Suzie Q has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be
    allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send
    your message to him/her".....that might explain why you couldn't
    figure out the Private Messaging thing...I'll try and figure out how to
    post this (what would have been) PM on your wall.

    I can provide you with the solution that worked for me, but not for
    several hours as it's on my Home computer, and I'm not at home.
    I can send it to you step by step, just like you're reading this here
    right now. Please send me back a reply so I know you've discovered
    this feature.

    If I don't get a reply (look to the left, PM = Private Messaging), I'll assume
    that you haven't found this message, and post the solution publicly out on
    that Thread. Talk to you soon and good luck. Ron in Regina.

    P.S. I'm NO EXPERT at all, but this was easy enough for me to stumble
    through, and it didn't cost me anything but some time.
    Welcome SusyQ-----`oh Suzie Q----- Love CCR and Fogerty.`

    May your time here be a pleasure for you. Great forums and good people.

    Don't be a stranger, ok?

    Sincere regards,
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