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  • He liked the ones he got for Father's Day. My mom and I got him The Walking Dead Season 1, House Of Cards Season 1, and Ripper Street Season 2. Ripper Street is really good, but the seasons are only 8 episodes long!:(
    Someone mentioned it somewhere, but I forget where. LOL!

    I shall have to send you my list...perhaps tonight or tomorrow? Left to your own devices (or imagination) I can just imagine what you would get me! LOL!;) :)
    Question marks work again...

    I said "Of course she did, dad! She bought it on the day it came out!" He said, "Good." Of course, I am not a liar!:( ;) LOL!
    If you wouldn't mind reviving it (since we're in a True Blood mood after all), that would be nice!:)

    And yet another (potential) death even with all the characters dying last season (my dad will not be amused, LOL!)?!?! Hopefully you'll have it by my next visit, as dad actually hinted about it last night! LOL! He said, "So, when is the new True Blood being released on DVD?" I said it was already out. He said, "Did Sheila Buy it yet . And the keyboard is being stupid again. How do I get it off the french crap again. Not being able to use question marks is annoying. I will finish the story when I fix it.
    Thank you for the birthday wishes!:)

    *goes to check for a birthday thread*;)

    How was True Blood? My dad is eager for Season 6!
    damn when I click on a thread and end up on the person's page

    so now I'll leave a little hello message...

    Looks like I missed you again.:(

    I am only working 5-8 on Sunday, so hopefully I'll see you then. Of course, you'll be watching True Blood that night, so who knows, right?;)
    Not to mention sharing some of that loot with your dear friend...namely ME!;)

    I am working until midnight the next two nights, but the next two nights after that I am done at 11pm. Hopefully one of those two nights we'll be able to chat some more (these threads were too long for me to get through tonight!).

    Have a good night.
    I'm glad. He's a monster. And the "people" that were posting locations of other cops and trying to help him need to be kicked in the nuts (or the vijayjay if they aren't men). Numerous times.
    I just posted in the thread. Perhaps he was thinking of the suspect in the Seattle Pacific University shootings, as he is now in custody.
    You don't want to give him (or her) a little hug?:wink:

    Sorry for the delay in response. I was reading the thread about the murdered RCMP officers.
    Okay. I'll look for it.

    How's the weather been? It's been pretty nice, and it's been cool at night.

    I have a "pet" spider that has a web underneath my mailbox on the front of my house. It has caught at least 5 Junebugs (kind of a beetle) so far, and has feasted quite well. I leave it there so it can get rid of any insects that have desires to get into my house.;)
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