I love Bell ExpressVu.
I have it to get Canadians TV in the States!
Your violating the end user agreement! quiet. :evil3:
I love Bell ExpressVu.
I have it to get Canadians TV in the States!
With all due respect Durka Durka, Bell has enjoyed a monopoly on telephone service for so long it's made them forget what customer satisfaction and service really mean. De-regulation is a sham in Canada and Bell Canada if it can be avoided should be.
With all due respect Durka Durka, Bell has enjoyed a monopoly on telephone service for so long it's made them forget what customer satisfaction and service really mean. De-regulation is a sham in Canada and Bell Canada if it can be avoided should be.
Account sharing is illegal, starchoice, expressvu whoever.
Actually according to Star Choice you can have multiple hook ups, up to five in different locations before any questions are asked. In fact having recently given my system away, Star Choice actually encouraged me to give it away to someone in the family and split the bill with my parents instead of turning the system completely off.
I was under the impression that account sharing was a CRTC thing, i guess I could be wrong.
ExpressVu differs from Star Choice in that regard. With ExpressVu, you cannot have receivers active at 2 different location at the same time, not that it stops people though. The way they will find out if you are account sharing, is when your receiver dials in for a Pay Per View etc, if the phone number you are dialing from doesn't match the one on the account, you will probably get a call from their customer service department to verify all receivers on the account.
I knew there was a big brother angle to that phone line crap! When I first got my system they went as far as to tell me it would not function without being in a phone jack. I was ROFL as at that point my system was in Bancroft with no phone access. Bell want $7500.00 per cottage to run in cable for phone service. I told them the were ful of s*** as my system worked fine without it. Ten years later it still works with no phone line. As for pay per view, I don't know because I've never got one. Will the ppv work without phone connection?
I remember growing up in the 1970's as a kid. I always revelled at the satellite dishes I saw, and said "Wow that guy has an advanced system".
I worked for a company that offered the same service. If you have absolutely no other choice go with a satellite dish and a receiver. Alternatively, if you have an advanced degree in electronics and satellite tragectory then by all means order it today.
God help you if you order it.
I live in the country so I don't have a choice It's satellite or nuthin- Bell works for me. You have to look up the asimuth and latitude or whatever for your area I installed it myself and I admit it takes some figuring out- Hint if you want to speed up the install take a 12" tv and the receiver outside and set it up so you can see it while your adjusting the dish for signal strength- lot easier than going into check it everytime you move the dish.
You can minimilize signal loss by getting a bigger dish eg. 36" make sure ther are no trees in the signals way. But yes there is sometimes signal loss, like I said I don't have any choice.And just wait for the slightest bit of rain to lose your signal or snow. Sorry if that's all available.
Cable 1/2 price of Bell including high speed internet access.
We have Starchoice here. I have had the odd discussion about their "packages" and every time I have come away fortified in my opinion that the word "service" in Canada is becoming to mean something other than it's definition in the dictionary. The last time I talked with SC I wanted to downsize my subbscriptioon and got into the discussion about packages again. My question that why can't we just pick and choose which individual channels we want and nevermind the package crap. The pseudoanswer I got was that packages were cheaper and more in the consumer's interest. To that I said "bullsh|t" and hung up. If I paid the $1.99 they wanted for some of the channels you can get individually for the channels that I wanted, I'd pay a helluva lot less than the $60 + change that I am paying now. Just who the hell do they think they are telling me what is best for me? I can imagine ExpressVu is the same and so are Rogers, Shaw, etc. Some freaking choice .... either take what they throw you or take what you can pluck out of the air with the old aluminum antenna.
REALLY?, I've got the connection to twin it but haven't got around to it yet. What kind of receiver do you have?I have ExpressVu with twin satellite receivers for over 2 yrs now and when they have put on a prom/free weekend after it's finished I end up with the channels free of charge == up to 24 now.
IMO, Les
The less that you talk to "these" people the better off you are.