A Question to 9/11 Believers


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
I posted this in ''Why the towers fell'' but I'm starting this new thread to freshen the perspective a bit.

I have an observation and question to the THERE-IS-NO CONSPIRACY supporters.

An argument often used by your side is that no organization could have put all the supposed explosives in the WTC without anyone noticing it. You will say the WTC collapse was simply caused by the burning jet fuel, which weakened the steel structure to a point where everything just collapsed.

By doing so you are clearly saying that ALL IT TOOK to bring down the WTC was to crash a commercial airliner into it.

By your own arguments, you are admitting that making the WTC collapse wasn't such a complex operation to organize. All you had to do was manage to crash a commercial airliner into it. I'm asking the following question:

For whom would it be easier to successfully accomplish what was done (crashing commercial airliners)?
For foreign terrorists?
Or from terrorists working from within the US government?

I mean, if as you suggest, a bunch of foreign terrorists could pull it off (crashing a commercial airliner in the WTC), can you at least acknowledge that an organization that has infiltrated the US government would have even more chances of successfully pulling it off...???


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
I posted this in ''Why the towers fell'' but I'm starting this new thread to freshen the perspective a bit.

I have an observation and question to the THERE-IS-NO CONSPIRACY supporters.

An argument often used by your side is that no organization could have put all the supposed explosives in the WTC without anyone noticing it. You will say the WTC collapse was simply caused by the burning jet fuel, which weakened the steel structure to a point where everything just collapsed.

By doing so you are clearly saying that ALL IT TOOK to bring down the WTC was to crash a commercial airliner into it.

By your own arguments, you are admitting that making the WTC collapse wasn't such a complex operation to organize. All you had to do was manage to crash a commercial airliner into it. I'm asking the following question:

For whom would it be easier to successfully accomplish what was done (crashing commercial airliners)?
For foreign terrorists?
Or from terrorists working from within the US government?

I mean, if as you suggest, a bunch of foreign terrorists could pull it off (crashing a commercial airliner in the WTC), can you at least acknowledge that an organization that has infiltrated the US government would have even more chances of successfully pulling it off...???
I have always been of the belief that what occurred was planned well in advance inside the U.S. and was done for economic reasons first and secondly as a pretext to get American troops into the Middle East.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
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