RED storm

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
1. Ur Age: 54
2. Ur Gender: Male
3. Ur Job: Multifunctional
4. Ur nationality: Canadian
5. Ur character (more than one choice): intelligent, loyal, funny, a bit eccentric, principled, a bit rebellious, compassionate, loving

[FONT=宋体]□outgoing Y

[FONT=宋体]□good at communicating Y
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]easy to be get excited At times[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]□easy to have a conversation Y
like outdoor exercises Y
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]initiative Depends on the activity
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]Hesitated Depends on the activity
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]coward N
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]speechless N
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]preciseness Somewhat
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]like loneliness Sometimes
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]shy Sometimes
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]like liveliness Y
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]like peace Y

6. Put these elements in the order based on your understanding of culture. Which one has the greatest impact on daily life?
[FONT=宋体]①[/FONT]Educational Background[FONT=宋体] ②[/FONT]Customs [FONT=宋体]③[/FONT]Color style[FONT=宋体] ④[/FONT]Dress[FONT=宋体] ⑤[/FONT]Moral Standards [FONT=宋体]⑥[/FONT]values
(degree of extent) greatest[FONT=宋体]→[/FONT]least
moral standards, values, customs, educational background, dress, color, style

7. If there is a new-launched food, how much does the color of its package induce you to buy?
E. 0

8. If you are a patron of one food, which you always buy, how much does the color of its package affect you to buy again?
E. 0

9. Do you like red color (based on your interest)?
[FONT=宋体]  yes

10. What do you think that red color stands for? (more than one choice)

[FONT=宋体]□Blood & Death[FONT=宋体]  □
Violence & Combat[FONT=宋体]  [/FONT][FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]porno
[FONT=宋体]□[/FONT]Alarm[FONT=宋体]  □[/FONT]aggressiveness
[FONT=宋体]  [/FONT]
11. Do you think it appropriate to dress the food package in red?

12. Why do you think ‘red’ is suitable for food packaging?
E. No special reason. It's as good a color as any other

13. Why do you think ‘red’ is not suitable for food packaging?
A. It seems to be ugly.
B. It means danger and alarm.
C. It makes the food packed in it tastes bad.
D. It is commonly used in many packaging.
E. No special reason.

14. What do you think of the color ‘red’ in snack’s package?
B. so so[FONT=宋体]   [/FONT]your reasons It's as good a color as any other

15. What do you think of the color ‘red’ in beverages package?
B. so so
[FONT=宋体]  [/FONT]your reasons It's as good a color as any other

16. What do you think of the color ‘red’ in beverages package?
B. so so
your reasons It's as good a color as any other

17. What do you think of red color used as main color of the food package?
A. Business strategies for inducing customers

[/FONT]I find most advertising to be offensive either to the physical senses or else to the intelligence of the consumer. I buy things because of personal preferences like taste, expense, quality, etc. and not as a result of marketing procedures. As a matter of fact, the more I see of an ad, the less likely I am to buy the product, especially if the ad is offensive to me.


New Member
Apr 10, 2008
Guangzhou, China
Yes, Mandy... what would life be without a little fun and teasing? It would be boooooring!

Are you on your lunch break? Let me guess what you are having for lunch: RICE!!!:lol: Right?

:-(I hope so ~~~~ but....:-?:-? too busy~!!!! I'm nearly crazy!!! Too many stuff~
the paper. the forms~ help me~~

never stop~ things make me tired.


New Member
Apr 10, 2008
Guangzhou, China
your questionnaire will not tell you very much. It limits people's choices. For instance, you ask "what do you think of the colour red in beverage packaging" (or something like that). My answer would be that I try to buy my food and drink items based on prior experience and taste. I tend to look at things like alcohol content, ingredients and ask other people their opinions. In a world of commercialism run-wild, it's impossible to know anything about any product when we listen to those who are selling it. For instance, "monster" is sold as a medicinal drink, containing herbs and vitamins, when it is basically a concentrated solution of caffeine and taurine (a derivative of speed), both of which are hazardous to health. However, I am aware that packaging plays a role in my purchasing decisions, since I am only human and cannot remove my impressionable side. The whole situation makes me a little annoyed.

In your questionnaire, my answer would have been reduced to "so-so".

Dear hermanntrude,
I'm very pleased to receive your reply to my questionnaire. Well, I can deny that you have made useful comments on mine. and your analyses of it and your experience on purchasing are quite practical and to the point. I'm appreicated.

The contents in this questionnaire, in your opinion, are related to commercial and business, right? but actually, in my paper, they are related to academic use. I'm not a student studying in business, but in language. What I decided in the contents are just phenomenon appeared in life, but my analyses are based on linguistic, psychology. because I wanna to use a new-established linguistic theory to elaborate this phenomenon.Thus, my questionniare does not merely focus on business, transaction, etc, but more than that.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. And your words would be quoted in my paper~;-)


New Member
Apr 10, 2008
Guangzhou, China
Make a list! Then tackle one thing at a time!!!;-)

Loon~~~~your method I always use~

you konw, my foreign teacher from Canada before once taught us to deal with things in such a way that you recommend to me.~~Well. I suppose, are you my foreign teacher? haha:lol:

yeah~it's helpful anyway~but i know, my focus still has been laid on my paper~~~~~right?


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Loon~~~~your method I always use~

you konw, my foreign teacher from Canada before once taught us to deal with things in such a way that you recommend to me.~~Well. I suppose, are you my foreign teacher? haha:lol:

yeah~it's helpful anyway~but i know, my focus still has been laid on my paper~~~~~right?
Hi, Mandy, it was just a suggestion! But, I have wondered what your nickname means, if anything. CMR? Centre for Male Reproduction? Canadian Magazine Register? Communist Macho from Romania? Common Market Review? Cold Medicine Research? Or what?;-)


New Member
Apr 10, 2008
Guangzhou, China
Hi, Mandy, it was just a suggestion! But, I have wondered what your nickname means, if anything. CMR? Centre for Male Reproduction? Canadian Magazine Register? Communist Macho from Romania? Common Market Review? Cold Medicine Research? Or what?;-)


Loon,~~~I should say that you have a wonderful imagination~:lol::lol:your ideas are absolutely novel and incrediable~~I love them, esp. Centre for Male Reproduction, haha~~ what a new idea~ what about i at once set up a workshop, giving up my paper, then buy several machines, to make males!!!! like clone~ great!

actually, cmr is an abbreviation of my Chinese name, you know, Chinese are accustomed to use Pinyin to call their names and things. e.g. Canada in Chinese is Jia Na Da, three words to represent the name of your country.

my name has 3 words, and the first character in each words is c, m & r, so I usually use the abbreviation.

If you don't understand, never mind, just remember to call me Mandy~ yes.~:cool:


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Hi, Mandy... you are my kind... you have humor!!! The Chinese language is a Bohemian forest to me!:roll: Just like French or Russian.

I heard you are 12 hours ahead of us, that means it is now the middle of the night where you are!!!
Sweet dreams!;-)


New Member
Apr 10, 2008
Guangzhou, China
Hi, Mandy... you are my kind... you have humor!!! The Chinese language is a Bohemian forest to me!:roll: Just like French or Russian.

I heard you are 12 hours ahead of us, that means it is now the middle of the night where you are!!!
Sweet dreams!;-)

yeah~~` you're right, I'm humorous, but compared with u, just a little:cool: so, teach me how to be that~~~

haha~~at this moment, I have just finished my lunch and prepared for my paper~~~~~

when u get up, after reading my post~ wow... smile~ nice day~ ;-)