And since we have demanded and thusly set up an open door policy with Afghan officials, that would be hard to prove.
Open door policy, what a joke. The local human rights monitoring agency is funded by the Afgan government, if they actually do their job and find out how prisoners are treated they'll get shut down. You're living in a fantasy world if you think there's any real democracy and accountability in the Karzai government. Bull**** propaganda from the Bush and Harper governments aside, we're talking about a former CIA bagman supported by some of the most brutal warlords and drug dealers you're ever likely to run into. It's no surprise that most of the heroin on our streets comes from Afghanistan now. Wonderful job we're doing making the world safe for scum like that.
Besides that, I wouldn't care. Europes full of cheese eating surrender monkey's anyways. Highly over rated lot.
Most of the European nations weren't stupid enough to by into Bushs moronic "War on Terrorism". You ever study the US School of the Americas and the devastating effect it's had all across Latin America. It makes Al Qaeda look like a debating society by comparison. And besides most of the money and personel that went into the 9/11 attacks are from Saudi Arabia, why the hell are we pounding the crap out of some dirt farmers in southern Afghanistan while we ignore the Wahabi pricks who spend millions each year funding the madrasa schools that are training the young people who attack us.
Which only highlights the stupidity that is the weak kneed European phylosophy.
What you know about the Balkans wouldn't sink a thimble in a pool of propane.
Bet I know more than you when it come to the Balkans. It's the worlds mixing pot, both for religion and ethnically. After the fall of Constantinople much of it came under the control of the Turks which set the ground for the fighting in Bosnia Hercegovinia. It's also where the Slavic world meets the west, many Serbs indenitfy more closely with Russians than they do with the Europe. It's one of the reasons Milosevic felt he had so much power, his big brother to the east was always there to back him up. Hell, it's one of the reasons WW I started, the Serb Black Hand society was trying to gain independence from Austro-Hungary and was bumping off people who stood in the way. When they assassinated the Austrian heir to the throne it was the final straw, the Austrians declared war on Serbia, the Russians delcared war on the Austrians to protect the Serbs, the Germans delcared war on the Russians to back their allies and on and on. I could go on but what the point, you've got it all figured out, why bother with annoying things like facts.
Again, what you know ain't much.
In the next post are you going to call me and Harper a Nazi?
Again, it's enough to know when I'm being screwed and that's exactly what the Harper government is doing to Canadians in general by not being honest about...well almost everything. We're experiencing government by stealth and it has no place in a western democracy. Especially when the lives of our troops are at stake in a dirty war that has no end in site.
And no you're not a Nazi.
My grandfather was a Canadian vet from both WWs and I used to have a very high regard for our men and women who are and have served. The way they're allowing themselves to be used now by a Conservative government that has no respect for the people of this or any other country for that matter saddens and shames me.