Whole Foods Instead Of Pills


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I take a vitamin supplement because there is simply no way I can eat the recommended amounts required to get 100% of the things I need. It's just way too much food for me.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Some of the posts in here were moved to wreck beach. Dave, please don't rehash old bs. Thanks.

Deafening Silence

New Member
May 2, 2007
In a house.
No, a lot of people who lived past 100 did not live unhealthy lives. A few - there are always going to be those very few who process fats well, or are not affected by tobacco, or have some immunity to degenerative diseases.

Most of us, by definition, are average.

Wanna avoid iron defeciency? Eat as I suggested in my earlier post. Wanna avoid osteoporosis? Exercise - except for pathologies, osteo can be easily prevented by gently stressing your skeleton throughout your life.

A 3,000+ year old quote for 'ya, s243a: "Let food be your medecine, and medicine be your food."


defeciency - did you mean deficiency?

medecine - did you mean medicine?

What were you saying about American's who can't spell? That they are just like you? So, what was your point again?

Are you trying to be confusing? Or does it come natural?


New Member
May 29, 2007
I was going to chime in and ask why you would bother to split hairs with his/her spelling, but a quick search led me to the thread where Pang was being a dick. It seems like a last ditch effort to discredit someone when your own main arguement falls flat...attack the other persons spelling and/or grammar. Good on you, Silence, for keeping him/her honest.
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Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
As per supplement use. The food produced today is devoid of mineral and vitamin content compared to a 100 years ago_One needs to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals,albiet over doing it is no good.

As any good gardener will know, a plant simply will not grow unless there is sufficient vitamins and minerals in the soil. That's why we use fertilizer, to add those missing nutrients so that the plant will grow strong and healthy. To say that the food today is devoid of nutrients is laughable.
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
As any good gardener will know, a plant simply will not grow unless there is sufficient vitamins and minerals in the soil. That's why we use fertilizer, to add those missing nutrients so that the plant will grow strong and healthy. To say that the food today is devoid of nutrients is laughable.
In this context yes. Read on and tell me then it's still laughable. The power in motherearth to enrich us as in the days of old is declining .IMHO.


Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
Your post confuses me. Do you mean to say that the nutrients in the earth have been depleted?

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. The nutrients that we use every day do not get broken down so easily, they are used and reused. When we die our bodies return to the earth and all the materials that make our bodies return and fertilize the soil. We know this process as composting and decay. The myth that the earth cannot support us nutrient wise is simply that, a myth. When I add compost to my garden, I am adding what used to be the remains of my salad, the cuttings from my lawn and the weeds from the garden.
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
Your post confuses me. Do you mean to say that the nutrients in the earth have been depleted?

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. The nutrients that we use every day do not get broken down so easily, they are used and reused. When we die our bodies return to the earth and all the materials that make our bodies return and fertilize the soil. We know this process as composting and decay. The myth that the earth cannot support us nutrient wise is simply that, a myth. When I add compost to my garden, I am adding what used to be the remains of my salad, the cuttings from my lawn and the weeds from the garden.

Me confusing anyone...who knew...but now that i got you trapped in a discussion with a madman hey.....ok seriously ...This fact/myth started during a discussion years ago with a Tibetan lama regarding Milaripa living on nettle soup. I thought how could one do that and asked him. He replied that the earth 500 years ago produced more powerful food.And one could get a substantial amount of nourishment back then even from nettles. this led to a discussion on the earth losing it's ability to nourish us. I also quoted this research I read where the calcium content in broccolli has dropped dramatically since the 50's. Hence supporting my fact/myth.

what ya think?


Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
I'm thinking I've never heard of such a thing. But then, with all of the growth our population has been doing, it wouldn't come as a surprise that the nutrients we need are all in the people we talk to.

I disagree with the statement that the earth doesn't have the ability to sustain us. We are part of the earth, we live on it and live off of it. If all of the people died and our cities crumbled, the nutrients would decay back into the soil. They haven't gone anywhere, they're just being used for other things.
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
I'm thinking I've never heard of such a thing. But then, with all of the growth our population has been doing, it wouldn't come as a surprise that the nutrients we need are all in the people we talk to.

I disagree with the statement that the earth doesn't have the ability to sustain us. We are part of the earth, we live on it and live off of it. If all of the people died and our cities crumbled, the nutrients would decay back into the soil. They haven't gone anywhere, they're just being used for other things.
Not that it doesn't have the ability it is just that it is losing it's ability.
Oh hey here's another piece of fact/myth.
I have some African friends and we talk quite frankly. Most after coming here gain wieght, look less healthy, feel tired, get heqd aches and eat more volume....the volume thing .
Back home they say fresh fish is always like a half day....in some parts they only catch what the locals can consume . In a lot of ghana and nearby countries large parts of the agriculture is still done the old way....organically...and is consumed relativtly fresh from harvest....any who they come here and are hit with processed foods frozen foods etc. They eat more over time. We talked about why . Maybe cause our food is not as powerfull and there's is so they try and compensate by eating more to gain the same old energy they are used too?

look at caribean people that are new to canada and then a year later....i mean there are drastic differences in appearnace and health....
8 months after this african famly moved here they were at me mum's place , one was into the kleenex and the other was asking for tylenol ...LOL!!!


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I'm thinking I've never heard of such a thing. But then, with all of the growth our population has been doing, it wouldn't come as a surprise that the nutrients we need are all in the people we talk to.

I disagree with the statement that the earth doesn't have the ability to sustain us. We are part of the earth, we live on it and live off of it. If all of the people died and our cities crumbled, the nutrients would decay back into the soil. They haven't gone anywhere, they're just being used for other things.

The earth does have the power to sustain us. BUT ... to do that, it needs to be left alone. For example. in the praries, they use fertilzer for crops because each year the nutrients get used up. Under natural conditions, the grass would live die and decompose back into the soil. Instead, it is harvested and removed taking with it the nutrients which would have been restored to the earth. Fertilizer replaces that and allows crops to grow again. Even doing that, they still need to leave the field to fallow for a year every now and again to help in regenerate.


Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
I think it has more to do with our society than anything else. We feel so much pressure to eat and eat. With all of the food commercials you see and the food readily available everywhere it's no wonder we overeat. I often spend time at my mothers house, and she lives on a nice secluded little island with no fast food restaurants or cable. I eat much less there.. and not intentionally. It's just that, instead of stopping by at a McDonalds when I get hungry, I have to go home and make a dinner, often waiting over an hour before I get the meal I'm looking for. I eat the same amount, just not as often.

It also comes as no surprise that those who grow organically have better food. As I said before, the more nutrients in the soil the better the plants will grow, giving you a bigger and better harvest.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
It also comes as no surprise that those who grow organically have better food. As I said before, the more nutrients in the soil the better the plants will grow, giving you a bigger and better harvest.

If you grow it yourself, you can control what goes into the food. As for 'organic' labels on food in the store, I wouldn't trust it with a 10' pole. I don't believe there are any regulations on what is or is not organic. And of course, it doesn't mean it was grown without fertilizer. It just means it was grown with an organic fertilizer (can you say ****?). Its a scam to get more of your hard earned money.


New Member
May 29, 2007
If you grow it yourself, you can control what goes into the food. As for 'organic' labels on food in the store, I wouldn't trust it with a 10' pole. I don't believe there are any regulations on what is or is not organic. And of course, it doesn't mean it was grown without fertilizer. It just means it was grown with an organic fertilizer (can you say ****?). Its a scam to get more of your hard earned money.

Of course there are regulations. Reasearch is key when you're shopping for organic.

Here is some info you may find enlightening. Taken from: http://www.cog.ca/orgquickfacts.htm


What it is

Organic agriculture is a holistic production system designed to optimize productivity and fitness of diverse communities within the agroecosystem, including soil organisms, plants, livestock and people. The principal goal of organic production is to develop enterprises that are sustainable and harmonious with the environment.

What is isn’t

Organic agriculture does not allow the use of:
  • Synthetic pesticides, including fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides, defoliants, desicants and wood preservatives
  • Synthetic fertilizers
  • Materials and products produced from genetic engineering
  • Sewage sludge
  • Synthetic growth regulators (hormones)
  • Synthetic veterinary drugs, including antibiotics and parasiticides
  • Irradiation
  • Synthetic processing substances, aids and ingredients, and additions to food including sulphates, nitrates and nitrites
  • Equipment, packaging materials and storage containers, or bins that contain a synthetic fungicide, preservative or fumigant
  • Genetically modified organisms
Standards and Regulations

Canada has had a national organic standard in place since 1999. Recently, in anticipation of the new federal organic regulation, the organic sector worked with the Canadian General Standards Board to update the national organic standard. Part I (Organic Production Systems General Principals and Management Standards; CAN/CGSB-32.310-2006) details the agricultural practices that are acceptable in organic agriculture production systems, while Part II (Organic Production Systems Permitted Substances Lists; CAN/CGSB-32.311-2006) lists substances that are permitted for use in organic systems.

Under the new organic regulation, passed December 2006, organic certification bodies are to be accredited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency based on the recommendation of approved accreditation bodies. Certification bodies are tasked with the job of ensuring that the organic farms or processing facilities that they certify as organic are in compliance with the organic standard. Verification is done by trained independent inspectors who visit the farms or processing facilities annually. The organic standard and regulation is available at www.cog.ca/stds_regs.htm.

On December 21, 2006, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency published the final organic regulation. This regulation enshrines the new organic standard in law and allows for the creation of a new federally managed organic office.

Industry Facts
  • Organics is the fastest growing sector in agriculture, with sales increasing at 20% per year.
  • In 2005, the last year for which there are statistics, Canada had 3618 certified organic producers. Another 241 farmers were making the transition from conventional to organic farming.
  • Saskatchewan is home to close to one-third of all certified organic producers in Canada.
  • Over 1.3 million acres (530,919 ha) of land in Canada is used to grow organic food. Another 118,500 acres (47,955 ha) is in transition to certification.
  • Organic farm operations reflect the bioregional diversity across the country in the same way as conventional agriculture. For example, the majority of the organic farms on the Prairies are producing grains and pulses, organic dairy producers are found primarily in Ontario and Quebec and most of the certified organic tree fruit production occurs in central British Columbia.
  • Wheat is Canada’s largest organic crop with over 187,000 acres (75,816 ha).
  • Organic livestock production is increasing dramatically. From 2004 to 2005, the beef herd increased by 30%, sheep numbers by 19%, layers by 20% and broilers by 56%.
  • The number of certified organic processors and handlers increased by 47% between 2004 and 2005, with the largest increases observed in British Columbia and Quebec. This represents the second year of dramatic growth in the processing sector. Between 2003 and 2004, the number of processors jumped by 48% with most of the gains occurring in Ontario and Manitoba.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Vitamin companies would prefer that you don’t read this.

This is why you should.

To your health.


Protects your heart
prevents constipation
Blocks diarrhea
Improves lung capacity
Cushions joints

I'm not sure of the validity, there is no mention of head cheese!



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The pills are mean for the ones that are missing in a diet or for specific times where you need a big increase for a short time rather than act as a replacement for everyday food which may not be in season all the time if the supply line has a failure. Other things that are good to know, like a silver dollar in milk will stop it spoiling as quickly. The only way I can think that TPTB would not want the people to know is that if things go wrong they want us as unable to survive on our own as possible and the ones with the guns are going to be very few so very many need to die and the sooner and lees disruptive the better. People that can survive that and know they were intentionally targeted for extermination will be very pissed off and there goes the peace and quiet the elite thought they would get by getting rid of the useless eaters.

With all the machines around a small group (1 B) would have spare parts that would last 200 years and then some. Just 1M survivors would ruin all that.