I would like to state this belief as my own and as what I have found, discovered and or given to understand by the Holy Spirit: That I exclude no one, believer or nonbeliever, from the graces of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Good and evil can only be defined by the individual conscience at the time of it's choosing. When ever that occurs is the point of death.
For then we must seek to right what the conscience deems wrong and won't let us rest until we do.
That applies to all regardless of beliefs. So happens that belief in God helps to easy our conscience because it gives us a vehicle by which we can work things out and become free again.
From what I understand, the conscience is more in tune with what evil is. As if the conscience were evil; telling, condemning, or ratting on us at every turn.
Take the conscience out of the equation, we'd all be perfect without any self condemnation.
The conscience has no favorites, we all have it, and we can try to explain it away as not from God, but the evidence for it is much greater as being from God then without God.
So the question of Good and Evil has become an ageless argument only to find its solution for the peace of mind, contentment and rest; is to believe that God caused it to be so, so that we would learn to appreciate His love for us as we learn to become obedient in the midst of disobedience.
Therefore the conscience accuses us to God of our evil doings.Rom 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
The seed of which I spoke about earlier is the seed of conscience. That we all have it as a testimony against us to God. Where can we hide, that our conscience won't expose us?
Need I believe in God to have a conscience? NO!
God addressed that fact in that He said we were a law unto ourselves, meaning that the seed of conscience is within each one of us regardless of who we are.
Your response?