Canadians bashing Americans

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
There would be a lot that Americans don't get. Are you suggesting Americans understand everything on this planet 100%? Not getting it and disliking people are stretch ITN.

Lumping all Americans in the same pot again I see. So comprehension of a situation is based on someones passport? Stop while you're ahead.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I agree, will you tell me how do we succeed in voting such idiots into power. Maybe we on CC should begin our own political party. We couldn't be any worse than the ones we already have.
I don't know how we do it but we're good at it.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Lumping all Americans in the same pot again I see. So comprehension of a situation is based on someones passport? Stop while you're ahead.

Have a cup of coffee ITN. Life isn't so bad. Don't you have about 9 meters of snow to shovel?

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
It might be the "We The People" stuff. Americans tend to associate themselves directly to the government because their Constitution tells them so. In Canada we refer to our government as "How did those idiots get elected?" A different paradigm.

Kreskin, you have no idea what Americans believe as a group if you make a statement like that. No idea. Our Constitution has been framed around the belief that government is NOT to be trusted. No branch of government, whether it be judicial, legislative or administrative.

It's the Canadian Constitution that preaches "good government".

Are you confused?
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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Kreskin, you have no idea what Americans believe as a group if you make a statement like that. No idea. Our Constitution has been framed around the belief that government is NOT to be trusted. No branch of government, whether it be judicial, legislative of administrative.

It's the Canadian Constitution that preaches "good government".

Are you confused?
That's just the gun control mantra ITN. Take away gun control and it is meaningless.

The reason for the Iraq quagmire is the complete trust applied to the ruling party. Not a question asked in the media. No nothing. No "distrust" of the official word shown in anyway shape or form. If I were an American I would be embarrassed for the blind faith placed in the situation.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
That's just the gun control mantra ITN. Take away gun control and it is meaningless.

The reason for the Iraq quagmire is the complete trust applied to the ruling party. Not a question asked in the media. No nothing. No "distrust" of the official word shown in anyway shape or form. If I were an American I would be embarrassed for the blind faith placed in the situation.
As many are, the blanket generalizations are counter productive, the anti Americanism rampant in the Liberal regime, is not only counter productive, but dangerous. A majority of Canadians want to push away from the states and cozy up to the European entities, but their histories are just as corrupt and full of death and distruction, the US is just the contemporary model of the Imperialist state.

It's hypocracy.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
That's just the gun control mantra ITN. Take away gun control and it is meaningless.

The reason for the Iraq quagmire is the complete trust applied to the ruling party. Not a question asked in the media. No nothing. No "distrust" of the official word shown in anyway shape or form. If I were an American I would be embarrassed for the blind faith placed in the situation.

I have no idea which media it is you watch, but we obviously don't watch the same.

BTW, were you equally embarassed to be Canadian when Canada invaded Serbia without UN approval?

Just curious.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
As many are, the blanket generalizations are counter productive, the anti Americanism rampant in the Liberal regime, is not only counter productive, but dangerous. A majority of Canadians want to push away from the states and cozy up to the European entities, but their histories are just as corrupt and full of death and distruction, the US is just the contemporary model of the Imperialist state.

It's hypocracy.
Well Bear I have no idea why you chose my quote to make you point because your reply seemed have no connection to what i said. That's ok, however, is there a question you need me to answer? Whenever you and I talk on this board eventually you need me to go back and find hidden questions that need answering so I thought I'd find out just what had to be answered now rather than go on an Easter egg hunt 12 pages later.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I have no idea which media it is you watch, but we obviously don't watch the same.

BTW, were you equally embarassed to be Canadian when Canada invaded Serbia without UN approval?

Just curious.
Not in the slightest.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Most of my entertainment is fact, most of what I consider my culture comes from there and I have never stated anywhere that I had a hatred for Americans.As for the Government there; i like theirs about as much as i like my own[not much!] Our elected idiots are as bad or worse than theirs.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
You have this fascination with cesspools ITN, I think there's a little poop problem in your past, maybe toilet training, diaper rash has formed your obscure perverse train of thought.:laughing7::laughing7::wave:

Only when it comes to socialists and their utopian dream, that eventually turns into tyranny. :wave:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well Bear I have no idea why you chose my quote to make you point because your reply seemed have no connection to what i said. That's ok, however, is there a question you need me to answer? Whenever you and I talk on this board eventually you need me to go back and find hidden questions that need answering so I thought I'd find out just what had to be answered now rather than go on an Easter egg hunt 12 pages later.
It's not surprising you missed your own generalizations as you began your cute rant, but I'll let you slide on it this time. If you want a real challenge, try looking for anything other then smug generalizations about a country just aped out, because your political party told you to think that way.

And you say you would be embarressed to be an American, hell I'm embarressed you call yourself Canadian!!!


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Of course you weren't. When Canada does something "illegal" it's for the good of mankind.

What a hypocrit.
No ITN, common sense would suggest that if a war is started there should be some evidence that it can be won. The world was behind it whether or not it was UN sanctioned and thus an end game could be achieved. Only an idiot would start a war that can't be won.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Not in the slightest.
And the hypocracy is confirmed!!!
You have this fascination with cesspools ITN, I think there's a little poop problem in your past, maybe toilet training, diaper rash has formed your obscure perverse train of thought.:laughing7::laughing7::wave:
You lie, you told me you were not house trained!!!
Only when it comes to socialists and their utopian dream, that eventually turns into tyranny. :wave:
Didn't Chavez just grant himself dictorship like powers!!!???

And around the bowl Venezuela goes!!!

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
No ITN, common sense would suggest that if a war is started there should be some evidence that it can be won. The world was behind it whether or not it was UN sanctioned and thus an end game could be achieved. Only an idiot would start a war that can't be won.

Great logic and an embarassment to Canada's military history. When Canada joined WWII you ACTUALLY believe it went into battle KNOWING it will be won? Give your head a shake.

The Serbian War was "illegal". Canadians are war criminals. Go ahead, say it.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
It's not surprising you missed your own generalizations as you began your cute rant, but I'll let you slide on it this time. If you want a real challenge, try looking for anything other then smug generalizations about a country just aped out, because your political party told you to think.

And you say you would be embarressed to be an American, hell I'm embarressed you call yourself Canadian!!!
Hey Bear AllMighty one. Only you could know such generalizations since you are the self-proclaimed witness of all truth in the world. Nothing more smug than a guy who can't stop insulting people yet constantly complains about other peoples insults. Your shtick is wearing thin my friend.