Britain to go on mission to the Moon by 2010

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
English is mine to abuse as I willl....Being English in England....where exactly is "Britland" on the map Moose Molestor?
Sorry, I don't molest moose. I eat them.

Um, Britland - a word I concocted by mixing "British" with "England". Apparently, you Brits have no imagination. Not really a big surprise since you folks probably can't imagine someone having been to the moon before. ;)


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Now, hermanntrude, my dear chap, coming from the same heritage line as myself, and myself liking the old England as much as the next soccer raving Brummie, and myself enjoying fine pints of fart producing Bass downed in gallons after a stroll across the Malvern hills, or the Epsom Downs as much as any stiff upper lipped Londoner on a weekend outing, and revelling in the peal of the bells from Winchester Cathedral while I shovel in my Yorkshire pud as much as any other state school lassie, I am afraid that I still have to take umbrage at the idea that the queen has done more for Canada than I have. Please list her accomplishments so I may compare them to my own meager but dedicated and sincere contribution to society.

her name and face is on the coinage.....yours isnt....old chap

nope, no immagination whatsoever.....em, I wonder who dreamed up the world wide web....

and that was a tounge-in-cheek joke about the not-so-graceful moose....the simple logistics of humping a moose would be overwhelmingly impossible.....and actually, Britain has been co-operating with NASA since it's earliest missons, soon British nationals will be allowed to fly as Nasa astronauts.


Council Member
Apr 7, 2006
It's from my own experiences of Canada actually fuzzy...we dont wave the union jack here too much's more the st. George's cross actually, but I'll put it like this....BOTH Canada and the US are more like stereotypical England than England these days....there are loads of examples, measuring systems, pronounciations.....most countries in the UK dont tend to have the union flag on their flags....a fair percentage of provences do!!...

really, as an Englishman, Canada, to me, seems more like England than England thses days....did you also know your coins are the same size as ours too?...I've got some here, it's a virtual match. plus, Do you speak Polish?...cus it's required where I am.

Now Dazzie, I had to have a wee chattie with hermanntrude, and I feel obliged to respond to your postie too.
I think it a tad bit presumptive to consider that living in a country for a wee time makes one more of an expert on the country itself than - oh- say someone who was born raised and lives here permanently. Now, I am not sure, but while I have lived in Old England myself for a year or two, and during that time formed some opinions of the attitudes and lifestyles of the chaps there, I certainly couldn't claim to be an expert on the lifestyle of the average Brit.........

But having lived in Canada, oh for argument's sake, let's admit to at least twenty years since birth, I think I am a bit more cognizant of our hockey loving, Tim loving, bureaucracy!


Council Member
Apr 7, 2006
her name and face is on the coinage.....yours isnt....old chap

And more's the shame!

Are you suggesting that is her contribution to Canada?

Wait- as kids we used to be ROYALLY entertained by folding her face on the one dollar bill into a pair of buttocks!!!



Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Now Dazzie, I had to have a wee chattie with hermanntrude, and I feel obliged to respond to your postie too.
I think it a tad bit presumptive to consider that living in a country for a wee time makes one more of an expert on the country itself than - oh- say someone who was born raised and lives here permanently. Now, I am not sure, but while I have lived in Old England myself for a year or two, and during that time formed some opinions of the attitudes and lifestyles of the chaps there, I certainly couldn't claim to be an expert on the lifestyle of the average Brit.........

But having lived in Canada, oh for argument's sake, let's admit to at least twenty years since birth, I think I am a bit more cognizant of our hockey loving, Tim loving, bureaucracy!

(we did something similar to her face on the noteage here too!)

I am not suggesting I know more about Canada than you....that would be stupid, what I am saying however, as linguists amd other experts point out, a large portion of English culture has been exported to Canada.....As a Canadian in the UK, didnt you see the similarities?...surely you did?

I did anyway...nope, as of the last few years Britain has changed beyound belief, to a point where any English speaking country is more like England than the traditional view, it's swaming with poles and eastern europeans these days, and I expect you knew this, over a million Bbritish people have emmigrated to Canada in the last five years alone!!....huge figure


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Actually, Daz, in the UK, I was known as "that dreadful colonial"

They warmed to you I see

it's all in jest.....but there are more British people coming to Canada now, lowering the "British" population in the UK and rasing the eastern european figure.

It's the accent too, unless you know what to look out for, people will just dismiss you as a yank..shameful really


Council Member
Apr 7, 2006
Well I actually have somewhat of a British accent which becomes stronger when drunk, and when mixed with the Canadian apparently makes me sound Scottish.

No, it wasnt my accent or elocution that gave the colonial origin away.

I believe it was my behaviour.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Well I actually have somewhat of a British accent which becomes stronger when drunk, and when mixed with the Canadian apparently makes me sound Scottish.

No, it wasnt my accent or elocution that gave the colonial origin away.

I believe it was my behaviour.

funny, when I'm drunk, I tend to sound Scottish too, although my friend Dave Hutchings (MacHutchings when he's drunk) is much worse, starts quoting Braveheart....

So you went around calling everyone limey's and insulting their yellow teeth...what can I say??...typical behaviour (although I have perfectly white teeth, with a couple of veneers and dont drink tea....does that still qualify me??)


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
thatstrue. sorry to go on about them but i dislike the whole monarchy so much. i beieve when people my age take over, well dump them all. old people seem so attached to them and jst dont wanna see what is s obvious-they are just unnecessary to anyone. we need them like we need holes in our heads. but, theyll be gone i think when we young people get our turn to run the country. most people i know my age couldcare less about elizabeth or any of them.

Saddly Maple, I think you're correct. Most young people I have been exposed to have very little respect or tolerance for the monarchy in Canada. It often surprises me how much disdain young people have for not only the monarchy itself, but for the Queen who is so highly regarded by most people in the country.

Not being critical, but sometimes I shudder to think of what Canada will be like when your generation takes over:|


Council Member
Apr 7, 2006
funny, when I'm drunk, I tend to sound Scottish too, although my friend Dave Hutchings (MacHutchings when he's drunk) is much worse, starts quoting Braveheart....

So you went around calling everyone limey's and insulting their yellow teeth...what can I say??...typical behaviour (although I have perfectly white teeth, with a couple of veneers and dont drink tea....does that still qualify me??)

Oh heavens, no, Daz- I wasn't insulting.

No, I just couldn't get around having to wait until the Queen was toasted before popping off to the loo at a big banquet, and I was once observed dancing on top of the billiard table, which would probably been ignored had it not encouraged all the young well mannered public school lads to doff their jackets and join me, or perhaps it was the time I brought a young lad to the Officer's mess without his tie, might even have been the time I dared to phone up a bunch of friends to invite them over for a big nosh up instead of sending formally engraved invites..

Just joking. Me and me mates 'ad a great time over there.


Council Member
Apr 7, 2006
Saddly Maple, I think you're correct. Most young people I have been exposed to have very little respect or tolerance for the monarchy in Canada. It often surprises me how much disdain young people have for not only the monarchy itself, but for the Queen who is so highly regarded by most people in the country.

Not being critical, but sometimes I shudder to think of what Canada will be like when your generation takes over:|

Sanctus, many countries have "dumped their monarchies" and survived. I would have to ask what really you think the Queen does for Canada. She is obviously a part of our history, and I respect that, but on a political and economical level, what does she DO for us NOW?

England is a different story. Because obviously their history with the monarchy is more entrenched. And the proximity to the monarchy has created an aura that some people like. She is their "rock star" or " celebrity". And, undoubtedly in England, there has been a significant input into the tourist industry with the fascination of the monarchy and sites like Buckingham Palace. But even old generation Brits are beginning to question the huge expense of the monarchy, and at least are starting to demand that if the monarchy continues, then the members of the Royal Family have to accept that it is a JOB. They are paid Royally to be figureheads and representatives of the country, and therefore they should have standards of behaviour that earn their incomes. Partying around and misbehaving in public should not be tolerated anymore than it would be for me in my job. Many royals are accepting to step down from their duties to have a normal life, and in doing so give up their status and income.

Diana was such a hit, parlty because she did seem to try to do something with her immense power- such as fight land mines.

The Queen has to be seen to do this instead of bemoaning her annus horribilus and how many lovely paintings she lost in the Windsor fire.

Having said that, I am definitely not a monarchist. I earned my job and I expect others to earn their jobs, not just be born into them. And I am as apt as the next person to peruse the entertainment section to see what my celebrity rock stars are up to... but I have no misconceptions that the likes of Pamela Andersen do anything beneficial for ME.


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Sanctus, many countries have "dumped their monarchies" and survived. I would have to ask what really you think the Queen does for Canada. She is obviously a part of our history, and I respect that, but on a political and economical level, what does she DO for us NOW?

England is a different story. Because obviously their history with the monarchy is more entrenched. And the proximity to the monarchy has created an aura that some people like. She is their "rock star" or " celebrity". And, undoubtedly in England, there has been a significant input into the tourist industry with the fascination of the monarchy and sites like Buckingham Palace. But even old generation Brits are beginning to question the huge expense of the monarchy, and at least are starting to demand that if the monarchy continues, then the members of the Royal Family have to accept that it is a JOB. They are paid Royally to be figureheads and representatives of the country, and therefore they should have standards of behaviour that earn their incomes. Partying around and misbehaving in public should not be tolerated anymore than it would be for me in my job. Many royals are accepting to step down from their duties to have a normal life, and in doing so give up their status and income.

Diana was such a hit, parlty because she did seem to try to do something with her immense power- such as fight land mines.

The Queen has to be seen to do this instead of bemoaning her annus horribilus and how many lovely paintings she lost in the Windsor fire.

Having said that, I am definitely not a monarchist. I earned my job and I expect others to earn their jobs, not just be born into them. And I am as apt as the next person to peruse the entertainment section to see what my celebrity rock stars are up to... but I have no misconceptions that the likes of Pamela Andersen do anything beneficial for ME.

yeah. hard to feel sorry for one of the richest people in the world cos her flipping castle caught on fire and she lost some, she should feel what its like to really lose something, like her job or all her money.i have no respect for her or her familt at all. my mom loves prince charles and gets uptight when i knock him. older people are playing games pretending these people are important. they are not important to anyone, but noone wants to be honest and admit it. even in england its stupid to pay these people so much money just to look important. whens the last time the queen was involved, really involved, in what is going on in canada?


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
yeah. hard to feel sorry for one of the richest people in the world cos her flipping castle caught on fire and she lost some, she should feel what its like to really lose something, like her job or all her money.i have no respect for her or her familt at all. my mom loves prince charles and gets uptight when i knock him. older people are playing games pretending these people are important. they are not important to anyone, but noone wants to be honest and admit it. even in england its stupid to pay these people so much money just to look important. whens the last time the queen was involved, really involved, in what is going on in canada?

Perhaps your parents would also be able to tell you that the US will never stop creating a hero of George Washington, so why should the other side stop? was a man from St Peter Port in the channel islands that won Canada it's freedom and stop you being just another part of the US.

So what exactly have the English done for Canada is a silly question (or perhaps an ignorant one).

Besides, this is about the British Space Program (which I'm sure someone just created for a laugh, why do they need to bother?, they've had 3 NASA astronauts already, and now they dont have to gain US citizenship to become NASA why bother?'d think we'd save money.

Although I would like to see the Queen, Prince Phillip, Charles and Camilla blasted into space and never returned.


Jun 23, 2006
my favourite thing to do is fold a valley fold vertically through the middle of her mouth, then two mountain folds, one at either end of her mouth, then tilt the note back and forth to make her grin like an idiot and frown like u just raped her corgy.

it's still a source of much entertainment.

as i said before fuzzy it's all very subtle but has to do with charitable organizations and such. she and her family often set up organizations which no-one else would have the capital and the impetus to do. I can't list specifics because i actually dont know them. I'm sure daz or blackleaf will tell you ALL about it though.

I just don't think she'd be around if she wasnt being any use. she's such a conscienscous woman i would expect she'd abdicate if she felt she wasnt helping. she's always been dedicated to her people.

Maybe however you HAVE done more than her for canada. I made the statement in an offhand manner, probably better if i had said "more than me or any average member of the commonwealth"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Google "Telesat". Telesat is a Canadian company which has extensive experience in designing, launching and mantaining all sorts of satellites. Your depictions of Canada having no experience in Space exploration is a joke.

Yeah, but Canada isn't sending a craft to the Moon. It may one do so alongside NASA or ESA, but not independently like Great Britain.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Perhaps your parents would also be able to tell you that the US will never stop creating a hero of George Washington, so why should the other side stop? was a man from St Peter Port in the channel islands that won Canada it's freedom and stop you being just another part of the US.

So what exactly have the English done for Canada is a silly question (or perhaps an ignorant one).
Saddled us with a ridiculous monarchy for one thing.

Besides, this is about the British Space Program (which I'm sure someone just created for a laugh, why do they need to bother?, they've had 3 NASA astronauts already, and now they dont have to gain US citizenship to become NASA why bother?'d think we'd save money.

Although I would like to see the Queen, Prince Phillip, Charles and Camilla blasted into space and never returned.
I'll second that motion.