I find religion and the concept of some creator, a giant mess of contradictions. Religions as we know them on this planet, are a farce. The Catholic religion being by far the worst. I think Denis Leary said it best:
What gets me however, is the evidence that exists in these modern times that utterly refute religious claims. For example, "religious historians" have claimed that Adam and Eve were flung on to Earth by "God" around 4,000 B.C. Now, folks, i'm no expert, but in the 50 years, we've made extensive headway in the field of geology, paleontology, and archeology and much has turned up in years past that utterly sink this fairytale. For example, I am an avid reader of Scientific American. In the December 2006 issue, there is a whole feature on Selam, a 3.3
MILLION year old skeleton of a baby girl found in Ethiopia. Couple that with the find of Lucy, a 3.2
MILLION year old skeleton of a woman found 4kms away from Selam, and I say that pretty much sinks Adam and Eve. Science has proven time and time again that we (humans) have evolved from Apes. They have found a clear link leading back to your basic, garden variety ape. Why is it so hard for people to let go of religion. Do they
NEED that security blanket of a mythical creator? Think about it folks, we grow up with fairytales our entire lives; Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy. Jesus and God, Adam and Eve, are simply others in a long list of child stories that have been taken literally. The ancient Greeks once believed in Eros, Hera, Ares, and Atlas (to name a few), today that religion is long dead. Over time religions fade, people wake up, or on our case, we learn the truth. Religion (whether or not people want to believe it) is on the decline in Western Society. Consider this:
The following was released by Phil Zuckerman at Pitzer College in Claremont California
- According to Norris and Inglehart (2004), 25% of those in Australia do not believe in God.
- According to Gallup and Lindsay (1999:121), 30% of Canadians do not believe in God or a “Higher Power.”
- Inglehart et al (2004) found that 22% of those in New Zealand do not believe in God
- According to a 2004 survey commissioned by the BBC, 9% of Americans do not believe in God.
- Greeley (2003) found that 29% of Latvians, 41% of Norwegians, 48% of the French, and 54% of Czechs claimed to not believe in God
- According to a 2004 survey commissioned by the BBC, 44% of the British do not believe in God
- According to Norris and Inglehart (2004), 64% of those in Sweden do not believe in God.
- According to Inglehart et al (2004), 31% of those in Norway do not believe in God.
- According to Inglehart et al (2004), 81% of those in Vietnam do not believe in God
- According to Norris and Inglehart (2004), 65% of those in Japan do not believe in God.
Just like with previous religions, the ones we have today are on their way out. It will take many generations, but eventually, society will abandon belief in a fairytale. Especially when faced with overwhelming scientific evidence
I wonder what all the obediently religious people will do when they find out "someday" that there is
no god, and that we are here on this earth together, to be responsible for each other, take care of
our earth. They will totally fall apart, for they can't think for themselves, they will have nothing to
obey, the won't be able to stand on their own two feet, be strong, live well, tolerate everyone who
is different than they are, and "truly" enjoy their time here. We have a tough job ahead of us, cause
we will have to help them out, show them the way, prop them up, convince them that they can "do it",
tell them that they are still good, and we like them, and help them "get over it",the fact, that there is no
god, we are our own bosses.