mattUK :
I would rather live with some form of authority than in a world of chaos.
Take away all the authority in the world right now.... what a bloody mess.
Sorry China, I get the point, but its about as realistic as a blue elephant.
No need to be sorry ,this is a forum ,a place where we can chalenge each others points of view and hopefuly find a common denominator .I hope we can do that.
I want to ask you a question;how would you like to live under an authority of Stalin ,Hitler,Sadam or Nicolae Ceausescu ? Do you recall what happen to good ol' Nicolae ?,well people had enough of his authority and Nicolae began his 'spiritual journey' sooner than he has anticipated.We are all created free , the moment we are born ,not as if freedom is something that we have to work for, and "then we are"finaly free".Freedom is at the begining not at the end of our lifes,it is our "inheritance".It is an an entity,like love or happiness .There is no such thing like being free "from someting ". Fredom is "what is", but obviously you are free to choose not to be free ,just like you can choose not to love or be happy. So,to one who understand his freedom ,an authority creates a friction .
You state that if we take away an authority ,the world would be in a "bloody mess".Well ,there is more and more authority, and the world IS in a bloody mess ,dont you think so?
This is a Spiritual/Philosophy part of our forum ,and the post is aming in that direction .You are free to be free and you are also free to sell your freedom to an authority . Live and let live.( Love the fab four).
PS.In regards to the blue elephants......we are all authors of our reality.Well ..... as long as you dont see more then three pigeons.