WE really need to get rid of this guy


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
So the Bloq is looking to negotiate the fall of the Liberals.

Bloc Québécois will begin talks to topple Liberal government as deadline passes


Great that Trudeau will be gone.

Hate like FUCK we're getting an anti-Canadian, worthless and clueless asshole likely to be next PM.
Um, that's the PM we already have. Ya know, the goof who once stated that "Canada belongs to Quebec" and that "Canada works better when Quebecers are in charge". That goof who stated Canada had no core identity or culture. A goof who pushes "equity" which is anti-Canadian and anti-democratic. So is scrapping meritocracy. Equity is the opposite of equality. The two cannot co-exist within the same system.
The absolute retard who stated he saw no business case for selling natgas to Germany.
And I'm pretty sure sitting by and doing nothing while our Jewish population is terrorized by Trudeau's "special guests" is pretty goddam anti-Canadian. So is praising/celebrating nazis in Parliament. Wanting to reward Palestine with official statehood for 76 years of mid-east terrorism doesn't seem very Canadians to me either.
Everything he's done has been an act of theft and/or deliberate sabotage of the country. And you're whining about Pierre? Why? Are you buying into the LibDips rhetoric and hyperbole again?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Everything he's done has been an act of theft and/or deliberate sabotage of the country. And you're whining about Pierre?

Yes, because he's more Anti-Canadian than all that stuff you just said.

1. Refuses to do his fucking job/duty by getting security clearances especially in regards to a situation that affects not just Canada, but his own fucking party.
2. Demands others break the law because he won't get said clearances. And the reason he won't get them is because then he WOULDN'T be able to use it as a talking point that somehow others are "bad" (when Trudeau's done enough to warrant getting his ass kicked out as leader and PM and while Singh is a dipshit at least he realizes that getting security clearances is a smart thing for a party leader) I also wonder if he was looked into, would he even PASS for a clearance which might be another reason why he refuses to get that much of an in depth look into his life. Perhaps he's already bought? Likely he's waiting for PMship so he can just get it automatically without the need for background checks... which again, suspect as fucking hell.
3. By doing so he shows he doesn't give a damn about Canada, doesn't give a damn about anything but talking points. All other issues of policy I have with him aside (or rather, his lack of policy and other things) THIS is the proof to him not being the right fucking person to be PM for Canada.

Are you buying into the LibDips rhetoric and hyperbole again?

Pierre did this HIMSELF. And if you think all that is somehow okay, you're anti-Canadian too.

So are YOU okay that PP refuses to get clearances?


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
1. Refuses to do his fucking job/duty by getting security clearances especially in regards to a situation that affects not just Canada, but his own fucking party.

So are YOU okay that PP refuses to get clearances?
You are buying into the TrueDope rhetoric. If he gets the clearances, he cannot continue to criticize the government. Pretty simple. There is nothing illegal about releasing the names. That is also a decision by TrueDope not too. The reason is not for the protection of any investigation. It is because most of the names are Liberal.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You are buying into the TrueDope rhetoric. If he gets the clearances, he cannot continue to criticize the government. Pretty simple. There is nothing illegal about releasing the names. That is also a decision by TrueDope not too. The reason is not for the protection of any investigation. It is because most of the names are Liberal.
It's for the protection of himself and his party.
Twat Waffle that is.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You are buying into the TrueDope rhetoric.

Oh really?

If he gets the clearances, he cannot continue to criticize the government.

That is an outright lie.

He can still criticize the Government. Many have done it before. What he CAN'T do is reveal details of things that concern NATIONAL SECURITY.

And if you're all for thinking revealing national secrets/information is a good thing then maybe living in Canada isn't right for you.

Pretty simple. There is nothing illegal about releasing the names.

There are if they could be involved in problems with foreign actors trying to interfere in our Country.

Considering the investigation is still ongoing, that's just basic fucking law. You do know what law is, right?

IF it ends up the people mentioned are innocent, that'll come out if they're charged.

That is also a decision by TrueDope not too.

Because he CAN'T, by LAW.

JFC... do you really not know what this is all about?

The reason is not for the protection of any investigation. It is because most of the names are Liberal.

No, they're not, they're CONSERVATIVE...

If you're not even going to know what's going on, there's no further discussion to be had.
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Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
No, they're not, they're CONSERVATIVE...

If you're not even going to know what's going on, there's no further discussion to be had.
That's what TrueDope is feeding you. Since the names are not released, he knows nobody can correct him on it. Every action the LIeberals have taken to this point tells me that a majority of the names are indeed Liberals.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
That's what TrueDope is feeding you. Since the names are not released, he knows nobody can correct him on it. Every action the LIeberals have taken to this point tells me that a majority of the names are indeed Liberals.
It's killing Serrya that we won't acknowledge that she doesn't like Pollievre even though she knows he's the only alternative.
I would have rather had Stephen Harper back, but PP will do.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Oh really?

That is an outright lie.

He can still criticize the Government. Many have done it before. What he CAN'T do is reveal details of things that concern NATIONAL SECURITY.

And if you're all for thinking revealing national secrets/information is a good thing then maybe living in Canada isn't right for you.

There are if they could be involved in problems with foreign actors trying to interfere in our Country.

Considering the investigation is still ongoing, that's just basic fucking law. You do know what law is, right?

IF it ends up the people mentioned are innocent, that'll come out if they're charged.

Because he CAN'T, by LAW.

JFC... do you really not know what this is all about?

No, they're not, they're CONSERVATIVE...

If you're not even going to know what's going on, there's no further discussion to be had.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Yes, because he's more Anti-Canadian than all that stuff you just said.
No, he's not.
1. Refuses to do his fucking job/duty by getting security clearances especially in regards to a situation that affects not just Canada, but his own fucking party.
You're a sucker. 1) Pierre is a member of the Privy Council which means he is cleared to be privy to sensitive and classified information. 2) Until 2019 when Trudeau scrapped the requirement, members of the Privy Council had to renew their clearance every two years. Now they do not. Which means 3) as much as you claim to hate Trudeau, you swallow his tripe willingly and stupidly.
2. Demands others break the law because he won't get said clearances. And the reason he won't get them is because then he WOULDN'T be able to use it as a talking point that somehow others are "bad" (when Trudeau's done enough to warrant getting his ass kicked out as leader and PM and while Singh is a dipshit at least he realizes that getting security clearances is a smart thing for a party leader) I also wonder if he was looked into, would he even PASS for a clearance which might be another reason why he refuses to get that much of an in depth look into his life. Perhaps he's already bought? Likely he's waiting for PMship so he can just get it automatically without the need for background checks... which again, suspect as fucking hell
Jesus fucking Christ you ARE a moron. He HAS security clearance to be on the Privy Council which means he is supposed to be privy to sensitive and classified info. You don't need a fresh security clearance for every fucking issue that comes up.
3. By doing so he shows he doesn't give a damn about Canada, doesn't give a damn about anything but talking points. All other issues of policy I have with him aside (or rather, his lack of policy and other things) THIS is the proof to him not being the right fucking person to be PM for Canada.
No, it's proof you're a leftard moron who just regurgitates leftard bullshit.
Pierre did this HIMSELF. And if you think all that is somehow okay, you're anti-Canadian too.
No, he didn't. You're just a low-info sucker. Anti-Canadians buy Team Trudeau's garbage hook, line and sinker.
So are YOU okay that PP refuses to get clearances?
He didn't refuse. The "security clearance" they want him to sign would effectively be a gag order since he already has security clearance.

But then look at me, I'm arguing with a dill-hole who doesn't even know the difference between ideology and genealogy.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Yes, because he's more Anti-Canadian than all that stuff you just said.

1. Refuses to do his fucking job/duty by getting security clearances especially in regards to a situation that affects not just Canada, but his own fucking party.
2. Demands others break the law because he won't get said clearances. And the reason he won't get them is because then he WOULDN'T be able to use it as a talking point that somehow others are "bad" (when Trudeau's done enough to warrant getting his ass kicked out as leader and PM and while Singh is a dipshit at least he realizes that getting security clearances is a smart thing for a party leader) I also wonder if he was looked into, would he even PASS for a clearance which might be another reason why he refuses to get that much of an in depth look into his life. Perhaps he's already bought? Likely he's waiting for PMship so he can just get it automatically without the need for background checks... which again, suspect as fucking hell.
3. By doing so he shows he doesn't give a damn about Canada, doesn't give a damn about anything but talking points. All other issues of policy I have with him aside (or rather, his lack of policy and other things) THIS is the proof to him not being the right fucking person to be PM for Canada.

Pierre did this HIMSELF. And if you think all that is somehow okay, you're anti-Canadian too.

So are YOU okay that PP refuses to get clearances?
What is the job of the opposition, and in turn the leader of the opposition, in the Canadian Parliament? What is their responsibility?
That is the job & responsibility of the opposition in a parliamentary system…not to muzzle themselves for the governments benefit to help cover up another one of the governments scandals.
Who’s Job & Responsibility is it to hold the government to account by every legitimate parliamentary means in a situation like the following?

The House of Commons hasn’t dealt with any government business because they’ve been debating the green slush fund and the government’s refusal to release documents. This is a debate over the public’s right to know about the abuse of taxpayer’s money in a billion-dollar fund that was the subject of a damning audit earlier this year.

The report into the fund by the Auditor General was so bad – allegations of conflicts of interest and misspent money – that the Liberal government immediately shut down the fund. The documents that Parliament has demanded and that the government has refused to hand over are clearly so damaging to the government that they would rather the Commons be at a standstill for a month than follow the legally binding order to hand over the documents.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
That's what TrueDope is feeding you.

No, but go on believing that.

Since the names are not released,

Because normally it's *against the fucking law*.

Yet Trudeau is asking that there be some sort of work around just for PP now.

So I guess that shoots your idea out of the water.

he knows nobody can correct him on it.

Actually Singh can, and hasn't - but then Singh has the clearances.

Every action the LIeberals have taken to this point tells me that a majority of the names are indeed Liberals.

There are names from every party, not just the Cons.

The point being, in the end, PP refused to get the clearance, because doing so means he would be "gagged" from commenting on things.

Yes, because as a PM, sometimes you CAN'T always just spill shit about whatever you want.

He does not get that.

He doesn't deserve to be PM.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The point being, in the end, PP refused to get the clearance, because doing so means he would be "gagged" from commenting on things.

Yes, because as a PM, sometimes you CAN'T always just spill shit about whatever you want.

He does not get that.

He doesn't deserve to be PM.
Yes, the foreign interference issue, something Trudeau has known about in detail since at least 2019. Rather than dealing with the issue, including within his own party, he kept things hidden for years, including from other party leaders and even MPs who were the targets of foreign governments.

Now, Trudeau is trying to use the foreign interference issue for partisan gain by smearing Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre….& clearly it’s working with some people anyway.

Trudeau won’t make any names public but has said he knows of Conservative Parliamentarians involved in or the subject of foreign interference. Poilievre has dared Trudeau to name anyone involved so the air can be cleared, but Trudeau refuses.

It doesn’t suit his agenda.

When Independent MP Kevin Vuong asked Trudeau in Question Period about allegations that one of his cabinet ministers, Trade Minister Mary Ng, was an unwitting participant in Beijing’s foreign interference, Trudeau reacted with outrage. He didn’t address the allegations; he dismissed the idea as “absolutely disgraceful” while attacking Vuong’s character.

It seems in Trudeau’s Canada, he’s the only one who can make accusations about foreign interference.

On the green slush fund, on the Winnipeg Lab scandal, on the issue of foreign interference, the public deserves to know the truth, and it’s the opposition’s job & responsibility to hold the government to account by any legitimate and legal parliamentary means at their disposal…not to muzzle themselves for Justin Trudeau’s benefit.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well that's not true, but you know...
I know that I’m very curious to see what happens and who is listed, when sunlight finally hits this list of names of MPs, etc…that’s what I know.

As far as credibility goes….I’m willing to wait. We had to with SNC-Lavatory, & we still are with the Winnipeg Lab shenanigans, but Trudeau won’t be in power forever. In either 353 or 360 days the government will change, & it will be interesting to get some answers after that.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
No, he's not.

You're a sucker. 1) Pierre is a member of the Privy Council

Except one huge thing happened to change that - Harper's no longer PM.

And before you go off on the two men in the video being somehow "Liberals" or "Shills for Trudeau" or CBC is "Liberal" or whatever excuse...

They're going to know more 'bout this than you or I and I'll take their expert word on it, vs that of Joe Stupid On the Internet.

Again, Pierre did this HIMSELF, this decision he's made has nothing to do with Trudeau. If he won't give a damn about getting clearances now because he wants to "name names" himself, then he's a DANGER to Canada and not fit for PM.
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