WE really need to get rid of this guy


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The Conservatives are not extreme right.

To you they're not, to me they are.

Center right, maybe. There may very well be some extremists that will vote Conservative, but that is not the same thing.

When a good chunk of them vote for the extremists, when they have extremists in the party, it is the same thing.

The problem is that the left has gone so far Left that even a moderate lefty now appears right wing to you.

And who would be a "moderate lefty" to you? Cause I would call myself a moderate lefty, if only for the fact there are things I can be pro conservative on. I certainly wouldn't say I'm any sort of 'extreme' left person.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
….And who would be a "moderate lefty" to you? Cause I would call myself a moderate lefty, if only for the fact there are things I can be pro conservative on. I certainly wouldn't say I'm any sort of 'extreme' left person.
Everybody views themselves and their views as being the centre or towards the centre….& in their own world, they are.
To you they're not, to me they are.
That fits. It’s an accurate statement for both people.
Whats an extremists in your eyes?
Someone whose views are very different from your own, and it’s gonna be different for each person as far as who the extremist is. Does that definition fit?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Everybody views themselves and their views as being the centre or towards the centre….& in their own world, they are.

That fits. It’s an accurate statement for both people.
It depends on the topic for me where I'm at.

Some things I'm center, some right, some left. I don't normally just fixate to one position and stay at it.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It depends on the topic for me where I'm at.
The same with everybody, and those that don’t align fairly closely with either yours or my opinions, one of us might consider whoever that is an extremist, and the other one doesn’t consider that one an extremist. Weird that, eh?
Some things I'm center, some right, some left.
Same with most people I’m assuming…
I don't normally just fixate to one position and stay at it.
Hmmm…sounds fairly universal. You could pick an opinion though of mine (& I could do the same for you with you) where we are both consistent…& someone else could consider both of us extremists on different topics, but not others….Because our opinions align with a third persons on some subjects, but not others.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The same with everybody, and those that don’t align fairly closely with either yours or my opinions, one of us might consider whoever that is an extremist, and the other one doesn’t consider that one an extremist. Weird that, eh?

Well it depends on what you see as extremist.

Denying people the right to live who they are or how they are as long as they don't hurt others, don't see what's extreme about that.

But calling for the death of others because they want to live as who they are or how they want, is.

Or do you think the latter isn't extreme?

Same with most people I’m assuming…

Hmmm…sounds fairly universal. You could pick an opinion though of mine (& I could do the same for you with you) where we are both consistent…& someone else could consider both of us extremists on different topics, but not others….Because our opinions align with a third persons on some subjects, but not others.

So do you think extremism is subjective then?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Pickering city councillor blasted for appearing on far-right podcast
Decision called 'irresponsible, unethical and dangerous,' as well as a violation of council's code of conduct

Author of the article:Bryan Passifiume
Published Aug 08, 2024 • Last updated 2 days ago • 2 minute read

Pickering’s mayor and most of city council are calling out one of their own after a controversial councillor appeared on a far-right podcast.

Ward 1 Councillor Lisa Robinson, who has a history of controversial stances, appeared this week on a podcast hosted by notorious gadfly and convicted hate peddler Kevin J. Johnston, who as of Thursday morning published more than 11 hours of content about Pickering city council on his Rumble page.

In a statement posted Wednesday to the City of Pickering website, Mayor Kevin Ashe and the balance of city and regional councillors denounced Robinson for appearing on the podcast, which featured personal information about council members, with Johnston providing derogatory commentary and accusations against each of them.

“During the broadcast, the host published the names, pictures, and personal phone numbers of council members, falsely and dangerously labelling us as ‘pedophiles,’ ‘Nazis,’ and ‘fascists,'” the statement read, describing Robinson’s participation as an endorsement of Johnston’s views.

“This inflammatory, defamatory and violent rhetoric is not only reprehensible, but also poses a direct threat to our safety and the safety of our families.”

The letter describes Robinson’s decision to appear on the show as “irresponsible, unethical and dangerous,” as well as a violation of council’s code of conduct.

“We will be filing a joint complaint to the Integrity Commissioner for this most recent breach.”

In a statement to the Toronto Sun, Robinson said she doesn’t condone the hateful comments Johnston made about her fellow councillors, but said it’s “telling” that Ashe and council have no issue when “similar attacks” are levelled at her, and are only “squirming” because they’re “getting a taste of their own medicine.”

“Their selective outrage and double-standards only reveal their hypocrisy,” the statement read.

“They can’t have it both ways — criticizing Mr. Johnston’s comments while tacitly endorsing or ignoring the hateful attacks against me.”

Facing numerous court judgments — including a 2023 conviction demanding he pay $650,000 to an Alberta Health Services employee he harassed, as well as the $2.5 million he owes Paramount Fine Foods founder Mohamad Fakih after losing a 2019 defamation case — Johnston fled Canada to Central America, and currently calls Panama home.

In 2022, Johnston was arrested in Montana after crossing the border on foot to escape an 18-month jail term for violating an Ontario judge’s order to stop defaming Fakih.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well it depends on what you see as extremist.
I’m trying to generalize, and take a step back. On some subjects, I’m sure you would view me as an extremist, & I would view myself as closer to the centre…& on another subject, vice versa.
Denying people the right to live who they are or how they are as long as they don't hurt others, don't see what's extreme about that.
You’re jumping into one of your pet positions already (though vaguely), & I haven’t gone there. I also have pet positions on other topics where I don’t waver much either…& some might see me as an extremist because of that. See where I’m going?
But calling for the death of others because they want to live as who they are or how they want, is.
I’m talking about peoples perspectives, and how those with opinions, different than them would be perceived as extremists…

I believe you’d have to take a step back from your own mind (and me from mine) into the population as a whole to try and view things from the outside, looking in on the perception of who is an extremist.

Then take a bigger step back and look at it again, then take a bigger step back and look at it again…& whether or not you or I would be perceived as an extremist potentially would keep changing on how many steps back we take to look at things from the outside looking in.
Or do you think the latter isn't extreme?
Try the mental exercise I’m trying to portray above. Try it with a topic that you’re not overly passionate about.
So do you think extremism is subjective then?
I very much believe that extremism is subjective.
I’m sure some may perceive my perspective on extremism as extremist.😉


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Minister for women won't comment on committee drama as Liberal MP defends actions
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Alessia Passafiume
Published Aug 08, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

OTTAWA — The federal minister for women won’t comment after a House of Commons committee that was supposed to discuss violence against women last week instead dissolved into political chaos.

Witnesses Megan Walker and Cait Alexander, who walked out of the meeting, wrote to federal party leaders this week to decry MPs’ behaviour and demand concrete action on the issue.

“We hope that you, and your members of Parliament, treat this issue with the seriousness it deserves,” they said.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre responded to their letter Thursday, saying his party will write to other federal parties to demand a recall of the committee to allow them and other victims a chance to speak.

“What took place last week was a shameful episode in the history of the House of Commons, and we owe it to you, as well as to every other survivor, to rectify this situation immediately.”

Walker and Alexander directed ire at Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld, who instigated a procedural fight at the committee by moving a motion to resume debate on abortion rights rather than engaging on domestic violence.

“It was a ruthless turn of events. It continued the abuse,” the letter said.

Vandenbeld said in a lengthy opinion article this week that she was responding to procedural antics by the Conservatives, whom she accused of “hijacking” the committee process for their own political aims.

“I believe that what has happened in recent months in the status of women committee is a case study in how our parliamentary institutions are being deliberately dismantled, and those who defend them or call it out are being targeted, attacked, silenced and intimidated into leaving political office,” she wrote in the article published by National Newswatch.

She said she believed “traps” were being set by far-right politicians and insisted her actions were about defending the parliamentary process, but acknowledged the harm to witnesses.

“In my focus on trying to save our committee from the same dysfunction and partisanship that has plagued other committees, I played a role in adding to their trauma and for that I am very sorry. Nothing that happened in that meeting should ever have happened.”

Vandenbeld said she had to close her constituency offices since the meeting as she and her staff were being targeted by online abuse.

The minister who oversees the government’s gender policy, Marci Ien, has been silent about the incident.

She declined to comment on what happened or on Vandenbeld’s subsequent comments, and would only say in a written statement that committees are independent and her party stands up against violence.

“We must stand up against gender-based violence in all forms and take concrete measure to combat this ongoing crisis,” she said, noting that the government has invested more than $500 million towards a national action plan.

The statement went on to say that the government “will always defend a woman’s right to choose and to have safe and accessible sexual and reproductive health care.”

Conservative MP Michelle Ferreri, who sits on the committee, said Vandenbeld referred to herself at least 36 times in her op-ed “with no regard for the hurt and frustration she directly caused.”

“We continue to call on the Liberals to let the brave witnesses they turned away … return to committee and speak,” she said in a written statement.

“We will continue to fight for vulnerable women who are increasingly victimized after nine years of Trudeau’s disastrous policies and their unforgivable shameful actions.”

Vandenbeld raised concerns in her piece about committee rules being broken or ignored, including the use of “props,” which she described as “in this case, photos.”

Alexander, in her opening testimony, had testified about her own experience of abuse at the hands of her ex-boyfriend three years ago. She held up photos to show MPs the extent of her injuries.

The Liberal MP’s complaint about those images crossed another line for Alexander.

“It makes me want to throw up,” she said. “This isn’t how you treat any human.”
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Whats an extremists in your eyes?
To you they're not, to me they are.

When a good chunk of them vote for the extremists, when they have extremists in the party, it is the same thing.

And who would be a "moderate lefty" to you? Cause I would call myself a moderate lefty, if only for the fact there are things I can be pro conservative on. I certainly wouldn't say I'm any sort of 'extreme' left person.
I don't see you as extreme left either. On many issues, the left would probably see you as center right. Other than gender benders, where you are so far out of touch with reality, you would probably bounce center-left to cnter-right.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I’m trying to generalize, and take a step back. On some subjects, I’m sure you would view me as an extremist, & I would view myself as closer to the centre…& on another subject, vice versa.

Yes, I get that. There's nothing wrong with 'taking a step back'.

So far I don't find you an "extremist" so... *shrug* That doesn't factor into anything dealing with you thus far.

You’re jumping into one of your pet positions already (though vaguely), & I haven’t gone there.

Really? Actually no, I'm not. While I know what you're hinting at, you're actually not correct in your assumption as that is my overall belief about everyone/everything in general and is not specific to any one thing.

I also have pet positions on other topics where I don’t waver much either…& some might see me as an extremist because of that. See where I’m going?

I saw where you were going with this on the first post.

I’m talking about peoples perspectives, and how those with opinions, different than them would be perceived as extremists…

So was I.

And I'm suggesting that for me personally, I don't fit that criteria you have. But I also don't deny that to other people 'extremism' is a huge divider.

I believe you’d have to take a step back from your own mind (and me from mine) into the population as a whole to try and view things from the outside, looking in on the perception of who is an extremist.

That's one way to do it, sure. And I'm sure you've heard of "Empathic people"? I happen to be one of those types - despite how I sometimes react here (which is another discussion all together) - and my mind is constantly going to the feelings of other people (in person) and how what I say or do may affect them. IT usually means I end up letting people walk all over me because I'm too much a fucking idiot to stand up for myself, but when it comes to others watch the fuck out.

Another is to keep in mind that people are different from the get go, and factor those differences in when discussing anything. Whether they are an extremist or not depends on just how far they dip into the "My way or the Highway" ideas.

Then take a bigger step back and look at it again, then take a bigger step back and look at it again…& whether or not you or I would be perceived as an extremist potentially would keep changing on how many steps back we take to look at things from the outside looking in.

And at what point do you reach the line for "this is too many steps back" to consider someone an extremist? That's rather subjective to each person, is it not, which is why you get some people called extremists for little things and someone who is an extremist not called out until they are not only endangering lives, but harming people.

That's why my line in the sand, so to speak, is doing harm to people who want to live/be whoever or whatever they are.

Try the mental exercise I’m trying to portray above. Try it with a topic that you’re not overly passionate about.

Why? I approach most topics with the same "don't be a dick" attitude, and I won't give people an infinite number of chances to prove themselves not to be a dick, before I call them a dick. And if that being a dick crosses into "My way or the Highway" then it's really crossed the line.

Give you an example.

For all his railing about topics I don't agree with him on, I don't think Jin is an extremist. I think he's a lot other things, sure, but not an extremist.

Boom on the other hand is, because he's proven himself to be. Actually he's graduated beyond just being an extremist to worse.

Blackie is just a dumbfuck racist, a "Baby Boom" who's nutless really.

RCS, not extremist.

But likely that's not the feeling of others if they were to 'think about' me.

And honestly, that's the whole point of this convo. Subjectivity of Extremism.

And the fact that the current Conservative Party is leaning towards extreme right ideas/extremism, but there are denials of that because thus far the things they're against haven't affected those who support them. But when you have people who are extremist in your party, and vote for extremist things, or want extremist things...

Your opinion is they get to keep on being extremist until everyone agrees? Until they cross an unknown line for all people?

I very much believe that extremism is subjective.

Well we agree on that at least.

I’m sure some may perceive my perspective on extremism as extremist.😉

Well I'm not one so... that's one less you need to worry bout :p


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
It depends on the topic for me where I'm at.

Some things I'm center, some right, some left. I don't normally just fixate to one position and stay at it.
Well I'm pro abortion, so I guess I cannot be extreme right. Aside from fiscal issues, I am fairly left. I do tend to view social issues from a fiscal perspective though. So "social" programs that do nothing for taxpayers, but end up in the hands of tax takers tend to get my ire up. Even more so when the bulk of the money ends up in the pockets of bureaucraps and consultants, instead of the people they are supposedly "helping".


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
SO how about we change that to - the views of the vast majority of North Americans?

And when the view of North Americans was once that Black People were lesser?

That women weren't persons?

"Views" change all the time.

So why can't your "View" on this change too?

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Until somebody reigns in the banks there is no hope.

Plain and simple they control the stock market to keep everyone from paying off their debt. They are Canadian in name only and mostly owned by foreign entities. The NFL has a seat on the RBC Board of Directors. They are not here to help us.

Canada doesn't own the gas companies either and pay global prices for domestic production.

Main plan is to beat the little guy down and then laugh. Sad part is they think they will live forever.