What's next? Telescreens in every home worldwide? The thought Police?? Orwell was only 40 years off. It's not 1984...it's 2024.England Police say they will extradite and imprison Americans over social media posts
Thats the whole point of accelerated immigration. They want it to boil over. There are 2 sides screaming. One is let them in but round them up to be documented. The other is round them up to document them and kick them out.What's next? Teleprompters in every home worldwide? The thought Police?? Orwell was only 40 years off. It's not 1984...it's 2024.
64 Churches in Canada burned in the 5 years.
Why does the left wing British media label you 'far right' when all that you want is for your country to return to normal.
Because they only cater to the elite and Govt dependent.
What's normal?
Before the extremists took lies as the basis TO riot which caused responsive acts in return?
Or was it before Britain ruled the world and was an island nation with all these big ideas but otherwise of little consequence?
Or was it even further back?
At what point would "Britain" be returned to 'normal'?