The conditions for repentance to be accepted

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Examples of some repenting men;
God Most Gracious gave us in the Quran many examples of the repentance, so that we may follow such examples

The repentance of Adam:
Adam was commanded by God, not to approach the spiky tree of the blackberry, but Satan whispered and suggested to him and his wife to approach that tree and to eat of its fruit, so he thus disobeyed God's command, and consequently the trees of that garden which was located on one of the earth mountains, dried up as a punishment for Adam and his wife.
Then Adam asked God for forgiveness and he repented, so God accepted his repentance, after Gabriel revealed to him and taught him some words of prayer:

Quran 2: 37, which means:
(Then Adam received – from his Lord – words [of revelation] q, and He accepted his repentance, for He is the 'One Who accepts the repentance' r, the Most Merciful s.)

q With which Gabriel came down and taught him, so Adam prayed God with them, viz.:

"God! No god but only You, glory and praise be to You; my Lord! I have wronged myself, so forgive me: You are the Best Forgiver.
God! No god but only You, glory and praise be to You; my Lord! I have wronged myself, so be Merciful to me: You are the Best Merciful.
God! No god but only You, glory and praise be to You; my Lord! I have wronged myself, so turn towards me: You are the All-Turning, the Most Merciful."

r Of anyone who commits the sin while being ignorant, then he repents within a short period of time.
s To His servants who repent and regret.

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The repentance of Prophet Jonah:
Prophet Jonah - salam to him- was commanded by God to go to the people of Nineveh and warn them of the idolatry and to order them to devote their worship to God alone; but Jonah was afraid of them and he did not go to them. so God let a big whale to engulf him with its mouth, so when he saw himself inside the belly of that whale, he repented and asked God to forgive him, and God - be glorified - accepted his repentance.

Quran 21, 87, which means:
(87. And [mention, in the Book, Jonah] the man of the whale, when he went [his way] invoking [Us] to anger, and he believed that We would not straiten his [provision], then [after the whale had swallowed him] he called on [Us] in the darkness [inside the whale, and said:] "There is no god but You; glory be to You; I have been [one] of those who wrong themselves."

88. So We heard his prayer, and relieved him from the grief, and as such do We relieve believers [if they turn to us in repentance.])


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The repentance of Joseph's brothers
After having cast him into a well, then years later God - be glorified - gave him authority in Egypt, like a prime minister of the present time. The story is known to people.
Joseph's brothers, the sons of Jacob (Israel), admitted their fault and asked their father to pray God for their forgiveness, and they asked Joseph also for the same request, and they repented.

Quran 12: 97, which means:
(97. The [sons of Jacob] said: "Our father, ask [of God] forgiveness for our sins; for truly we were wrong [concerning the rights of Joseph]."
98. He said: "I will ask my Lord to pardon you g; surely He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.")

g It means: You in fact sinned against Joseph, so if he is pleased with you, then I will ask of God forgiveness for you, and that will be after we go to Egypt, in order that the asking of forgiveness will be in his presence, so that he will say: Amen.

More explanation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The repentance of Moses following the killing of the Copt:

Quran 28: 15-16, which mean:
(15. So Moses struck him [on the heart] with his fist, and dispatched him,
and [then he] said: "This [incident] is [some] of Satan's doing; he is surely a manifest enemy [of the Children of Adam.]"

16. [At that time], he said: "My Lord, I have wronged myself [by killing this Copt]; forgive me [my fault!]"
So [His Lord] forgave him; for He is the Most Forgiving [for the repenting], the Most Merciful [to the regretting.]

The interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The repentance of Prophet Moses after the thunderbolt struck him and the hypocrites of his people:
They insisted to see God manifestly by their own eyes, Moses said: God cannot be seen neither by the eye nor by the eye-sight (of the soul); but they did not agree. So he went together with them to the Horeb Mountain, and asked God to show him Himself, and that was an extreme error.
God said: You cannot see Me, but I will show you My might with what I will do the the mountain, which started to shake until it was crushed, Moses lost consciousness, and his people: the 70 men died.
When he regained consciousness, he saw his people dead, and he prayed God and repented from his request.

Quran 7: 143, which means:
([Moses] said: "My Lord, show me [Yourself], so that I may look at You."
[God – be glorified] said: "You will not see Me, but look at the mountain! If it remained steady in its place, then you would see Me [so wait and see!]"
And when his Lord manifested [His might] to the mountain He crushed it [to the ground], and Moses fell down unconscious, seized by the thunderbolt [while the seventy men, of the Children of Israel who were with him on the mountain, died by the thunderbolt.]

Then when he recovered [from his fainting] he said: "Glory be to You! I repent to You [from saying such words] and I am the first to believe [that You cannot be seen by the eye.]")

See the details of this marvelous story of Moses the messenger of God here:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The repentance of Noah after he interceded for his grandson Canaan:

Quran 11: 45-46, which mean:
(45. And Noah called unto his Lord, and said:
"My Lord, my son is one of my family members [whom You promised me to save from the drowning],
and Your promise [concerning their saving from the drowning] is surely true [that will not be broken.]

You are the Most Wise among rulers [with your words and work.]

46. [God – be glorified –] said:
"Noah, he is not one of your family members [whom I promised you to save];
this [your request to save your son Canaan] is unrighteous deed; so ask Me not concerning that [of his deeds about] which you have no knowledge

I admonish you that you should not be [one] of the ignorant."

47. [Noah] said: "My Lord, I take refuge with Thee, lest I should ask Thee for that of which I have no knowledge, and unless Thou forgive me and have mercy on me, I should indeed be of those who lose [in the Next Life.]")

This story is detailed here:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The repentance of Noah after he interceded for his grandson Canaan:

Quran 11: 45-46, which mean:
(45. And Noah called unto his Lord, and said:
"My Lord, my son is one of my family members [whom You promised me to save from the drowning],
and Your promise [concerning their saving from the drowning] is surely true [that will not be broken.]
You are the Most Wise among rulers [with your words and work.]

46. [God – be glorified –] said:
"Noah, he is not one of your family members [whom I promised you to save];
this [your request to save your son Canaan] is unrighteous deed; so ask Me not concerning that [of his deeds about] which you have no knowledge
I admonish you that you should not be [one] of the ignorant."

47. [Noah] said: "My Lord, I take refuge with Thee, lest I should ask Thee for that of which I have no knowledge, and unless Thou forgive me and have mercy on me, I should indeed be of those who lose [in the Next Life.]")

This story is detailed here:1648557149825.png

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The repentance of Prophet David:

Quran 38: 24-25
, which means:
(25. ...And David became certain that We had tried him [with his act], so he asked forgiveness of his Lord [concerning his guilt], and fell down bowing [in prayers] and turned [to God] repentant.

25. So We forgave him that [sin], and there is for him a high position before Us [in the Next Life] and a fair resort [in Paradise.])

See the story of Prophet David's fault and his repentance here:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The repentance of Prophet David:
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There you go and quietly I hope!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You do now what your ancestors did in the past to the revealed word of God: distorting and altering God's words from their context and changing their meaning.

Quran 4: 46, which means:
(Among those who are Jewish, some distort the words from their context.)

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful:

[God – be glorified – explained the way to repent from their disobedience:]
Quran 4: 110-112 which mean:
(110. Yet anyone who does evil [to people] or wrongs his own soul, then implores God for forgiveness, will find God Most Forgiving and Most Merciful.

Whoever earns sin, earns it only against his own soul; for God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.

[Then God – be glorified – explained that anyone commits any sin, then accuses another one with it; then how great his punishment will be:]
112. And anyone who perpetrates a 'sin by mistake' [unintentionally] or a guilt [intentionally], then ascribes it to an innocent [person], he [indeed] bears the burden of a calumny and a flagrant sin.)


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God alone is the One that forgive's the sins:
Revealing of the Book [: the Quran, including wisdom and admonition] from God, the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. a
3. The Forgiver of sins [of the obedient], the Accepter of repentance [of those who repent], the Severe at punishing [of the associaters], Who shows favor [on believers] ; and the Generous.)


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The name of God that He is Most Forgiving or Most Pardoning is repeated in the Quran so many times may be more than a hundred times ... to persuade man to seek God's forgiveness, and many other times that He accepts the repentance of the sinner when he asks forgiveness then refrain from his sin and repents.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
My dream during sleep many years ago:
I saw in a dream that Abdul-Kareem Al-Kamil who was the director of the hospital where I trained.. I saw him angry and resenting: for that I was late..
I said: "I am sorry."
At once, his expression changed and was delighted, and said to me: (He addressed me with my first name) I am different from others: just you say to me: I am sorry.
Then I saw the veins of a patient became conspicuous like a large tube to which I could so easily give the intravenous injection.

The interpretation of this dream:
Abdul-Kareem means: the servant of the Most Generous, which is a symbol of God - be glorified. Also the title of the doctor Al-Kamil means: the Perfect.
God - be glorified - likes that His servant apologizes and is ready to accept their regret and repentance. And then will support them.
This is a precious dream to me, which I remember till now and since many years ago.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 40: 2-3, which mean:
(2. Revealing of the Book [: the Quran, including wisdom and admonition] from God, the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.

3. The Forgiver of sins [of the obedient], the Accepter of repentance [of those who repent], the Severe at punishing [of the associaters], Who shows favor [on believers] ; and the Generous.
There is no god [in the universe] except Him.
To Him will be the resorting [after your death.])

See the interpretation of these glorious ayat by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful
Had not God been Forgiving and Merciful, He would have destroyed and killed every mobile being: like man and animal.. this is according to their disbelief and their sins. And hadn't He been Clement, He would immediately punish every sinner; but He gives respite to man till his our of death, then will deal with him according to his work and belief.

But God's forgiveness and mercy for believers who ask forgiveness is more than His punishment for the stubborn disbeliever who insists on his disbelief and on his sins and wrong-doing.

The expression God is "Most Forgiving, Most Merciful' is the most repeated phrase in the entire Quran: 56 times. In addition to other expressions which indicate the same meaning.

Quran 15: 49-50, which mean:
(9. Announce [O Mohammed] to My servants [about Me] that surely I am the Most Forgiving [to those who repent], the Most Merciful [to those who regret.]
50. And that My punishment is a most painful one [to anyone who disobeys Me.])

The explanation of these ayat of the Quran by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly: