Its ironic that Man is the only one of Gods creatures to make up stories about God to unify its cause.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
man is the only one of gods creatures that can speak. 👨 ;)

I think Bigfoot are able to speak. I believe they have a language or languages - some of their language actually sounds Chinese. But maybe they don't count because I reckon they may be humans but just another species of human.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
When did Neanderathal man gain a soul?

They're quite fascinating, the Neanderthals.

The Neanderthals only lived in Europe, central Asia and the Middle East, with their remains having been found from Britain to Kazakhstan

It seems that if they could speak, they would have struggled with many vowel sounds and the "k" and "hard g" sounds, so their language would have sounded quite "consonanty."

They even had music. A 43,000-year-old flute was found in Slovenia which is believed to be Neanderthal.

When it comes to religion, Neanderthals seemed to have a thing for black feathers. They seem to have worn black feathers on their heads, and it could have been part of their religion, maybe used in religious ceremonies.

They also buried their dead with flowers - again, it could have been part of their religion.

So it seems as though Neanderthals thought of themselves as possessing souls.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
One can accomplish most of what one needs to communicate with about 300 words in any language. Crows have 250 different vocalizations.

Women, take note. They can't half jabber on.

English has more words than any other language, so it may be a very wasteful language.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Women, take note. They can't half jabber on.

English has more words than any other language, so it may be a very wasteful language.
English is far and away the most powerful, flexible language on the planet. That and the dominance of English-speaking countries in commerce, international trade, finance, science, technology, and winning the war, is why it replaced French as the international language, and is the obvious second-language choice for anybody who don't speak it as their first language.

It is the language of ICAO, and all cockpit crew must speak it to fly internationally. Which leads to the old joke. . .

A British Airways plane was flying into Frankfurt, where the controllers are known for their precision and for their impatience. The pilot of the BA radioed for landing instructions, and was told "Land on 040 and take Ramp 44." He asked "Where would I find Ramp 44, Frankfurt?" and the controller snapped "Have you never flown to Frankfurt before?" The pilot calmly responded "Yes, I have. Twice in 1944. But I didn't land."

You can tell it's an old joke because nowadays that pilot'd have to be crowding a century.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
By the way, I was thinking earlier when playing on Borderlands that maybe the North American Indians got their penchant for wearing feathers on their head from the Neanderthals. Even though there were no Neanderthals in North America maybe it's a relic of when their ancient ancestors may have met Neanderthals in central Asia before they crossed the Bering Strait landbridge.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
By the way, I was thinking earlier when playing on Borderlands that maybe the North American Indians got their penchant for wearing feathers on their head from the Neanderthals. Even though there were no Neanderthals in North America maybe it's a relic of when their ancient ancestors may have met Neanderthals in central Asia before they crossed the Bering Strait landbridge.
Ya never know, but I would rather suspect the idea of wearing feathers as decoration arises spontaneously in most cultures.

Seems kinda obvious.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
English is far and away the most powerful, flexible language on the planet. That and the dominance of English-speaking countries in commerce, international trade, finance, science, technology, and winning the war, is why it replaced French as the international language, and is the obvious second-language choice for anybody who don't speak it as their first language.

English has the advantage of being the main language of two of the last three global superpowers (Britain, USA and USSR being the three).

It's only the third most spoken language after Chinese and Spanish, but it's the most widespread.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
I think Bigfoot are able to speak. I believe they have a language or languages - some of their language actually sounds Chinese. But maybe they don't count because I reckon they may be humans but just another species of human.
One can accomplish most of what one needs to communicate with about 300 words in any language. Crows have 250 different vocalizations.
You sure about that. Maybe gawd communicates i whale .
yes but i cant picture animals having philosophical discussions about god. ;)
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