The largest oil refinery in North America is shutting down because of Arctic conditions that have disrupted power, water and fuel supplies across Texas.
Motiva Enterprises LLC is halting operations at its refinery in the Port Arthur, Texas, according to an email from the company. South of Houston near Galveston Bay, Marathon Petroleum Corp. shut its refinery in response to the chill, Reuters reported.
Meanwhile, oil pipelines, electricity generators and wind farms have been paralyzed by record-setting cold in the nation’s top crude-producing state.
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Yep, it's a real shame that all that "green" energy is so worthless in the winter it can't even provide power to energy suppliers. Happened last year in Minnesota and the Dakotas too. Shit got so cold all that f*cking useless "green" energy couldn't produce enough power to keep people warm. As a result, a shortage of natgas got so bad the energy companies couldn't guarantee supply to everyone so they were putting people up in motels and hotels they knew they could keep powered.
And that's the problem with "green" energy. When traditional power supply goes down it's usually a result of a glitch or weather. But when it's the weather that causes the problem it doesn't f*ck up generation, just the transmission and/or distribution. With "green" energy, the glitch is built right into the system because it is entirely weather dependent.
Meanwhile in Germany a cold snap paralyzed their "green" energy generation forcing them to rely on other countries for power. The true irony is the monuments to the green madness need to draw current from the remains of the gutted fossil fuel power supply to keep from freezing solid.
Everybody with a functioning brain predicted exactly that it would happen. The group think sheep OTOH, just kept repeating the leftist mantra. Ironic innit? The whole "green" energy thing in its current state can't exist without that which you hate. It's as dependent on fossil fuels to survive as we are on water for our survival. On top of that, until we find a non-weather dependent form of green energy generation that provides flexibility, fossil fuels will always be around.
Unfortunately, until greentards begin to remotely understand concepts like base-load generation and grid flexibility, we're just gonna keep getting dumber and dumber ideas from them. Like the latest move by several leftarded city councils to petition the Ontario govt to remove natgas from the energy mix and for home heating.
You can tell all the leftards that think like that live in southern Ontario because clearly not a one of them has actually experienced a real winter. Southern Ontario winters are a f*cking joke, especially when I hear the Toronto news tell us that 5 cm of snow is a major snowstorm. Hell, I've lived in places where 5 cm of snow was a pleasant day in late April/early May. Although I do remember quite a few years ago up north a pretty decent little mini-snowstorm in July. It didn't really stick to the ground but holy shit did it ever snow for about 5 minutes or so.