What's Trump Done Now?


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah about that Walt....

"The draft order also requires the Attorney General to establish a working group including state attorneys general that will...monitor or create watch-lists of users based on their interactions with content or other users."

Does that sound American?

YES! It does sound very American to seek out rabble rousers, trouble makers. propaganda peddlers, fraud artists

and all manner of others who seek to harm the Great Republic!

The biggest beef that LIE-berals have with Trump and with Conservatives generally and with Israel

is that LIE-berals OBJECT when such people DEFEND themselves!

And when ANTI LIE-berals go on the attack - LIE-berals melt down into SLIMY QUIVERING APOPLECTIC BALLS OF RAGE!

How PATHETIC YOU ARE - laying there in your puddle of melted outrage tainted with miss-appropriated entitlements!


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
YES! It does sound very American to seek out rabble rousers, trouble makers. propaganda peddlers, fraud artists
and all manner of others who seek to harm the Great Republic!
The biggest beef that LIE-berals have with Trump and with Conservatives generally and with Israel
is that LIE-berals OBJECT when such people DEFEND themselves!
And when ANTI LIE-berals go on the attack - LIE-berals melt down into SLIMY QUIVERING APOPLECTIC BALLS OF RAGE!
How PATHETIC YOU ARE - laying there in your puddle of melted outrage tainted with miss-appropriated entitlements!


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Trump isn’t joking though and he’s the President.

Bootlicker approved.
Trump does not joke. He has no sense of humor. Let alone to be able to laugh at himself How often has anyone seen him laugh....... ?? Like really laugh?? He tries to cover his cruel comments about others as "joking".......when he gets confronted. It is a serious character deficit. *of which he has many)


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Trump does not joke. He has no sense of humor. Let alone to be able to laugh at himself How often has anyone seen him laugh....... ?? Like really laugh?? He tries to cover his cruel comments about others as "joking".......when he gets confronted. It is a serious character deficit. *of which he has many)

Narcissists don't laugh.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
While the country is in disarray, President Simpering Mook wants you to know he’s the real victim here because Twitter fact checked two of his tweets
indeed. His revenge on Twitter is the basis of this exec order. Petulant , childish, and non presidential. ........But legally he is already being contested.....and many are reacting negatively to this. As they should.
Twitter did nothing wrong. In fact they should have been correcting his tweets long ago......but did not out of courtesy due to his role as POTUS.......but enough is enough. Blatant lies about the coming election is just going too far. Twitter is right. Keep up the fact checking now. People have believed his lies because he has not been justly corrected. (and because they are Gullible.)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Up next.

Trump orders CNN to never challenge what says as being false.

Bootlickers rejoice.
and that could be one of the final nails on DEMOCRACY......and freedom of the media/press. He HATES CNN......because they really try to stick to the facts and are not afraid to criticize him He HATES that. Now he is getting his revenge. and trying to control the press to only say what he approves of. Fox News is not enough for him. I guess "america" wants a dictator. as that is what they have. Dictatorship via a lunatic.

\He is attacking freedom of speach, and now freedom of the press. and putting Trump controls on them both.

America, what did you allow to happen??

We see regularly via video what their Law and order means .......

This is getting very serious.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
and that could be one of the final nails on DEMOCRACY......and freedom of the media/press. He HATES CNN......because they really try to stick to the facts and are not afraid to criticize him He HATES that. Now he is getting his revenge. and trying to control the press to only say what he approves of. Fox News is not enough for him. I guess "america" wants a dictator. as that is what they have. Dictatorship via a lunatic.
\He is attacking freedom of speach, and now freedom of the press. and putting Trump controls on them both.
America, what did you allow to happen??
We see regularly via video what their Law and order means .......
This is getting very serious.
So much TDS.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Twitter claims 'no evidence' of mail-in voter fraud despite numerous convictions since 2016
Around three dozen criminal convictions for absentee ballot fraud over past four years tallied in Heritage Foundation database

Nothing to see here, move along.

From Snopes the site you trust.

Do Mail-In Ballots Increase Risk of Voter Fraud?


Poor Walt, owned by his own source....lol.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I don’t need to defend Trump , he is what he is , and that is the President of the UnitedStates of America . Maga .
I marvel at you avid Trumpians. are you enamored by the man or the position of POTUS or both?? Would you be as enamored if it were Biden??

Such devotion to a con man is astonishing....... in its fervor.

Does he represent YOUR values?? Fascinating..

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
From Snopes the site you trust.

Do Mail-In Ballots Increase Risk of Voter Fraud?


Poor Walt, owned by his own source....lol.
He is also owned by Trumps psychopathology.

Wanna bet Trumpians like Wally et al refuse to wear masks because their dear hero refuses to ?? That is how little they care about others ......and themselves in the arena of health. Science and facts don't matter.......... as Trump dismisses those elements too. He rely s on his gut ...

This pandemic has revealed his true character in blazing technicolor.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Breaking precedent, White House won’t release formal economic projections this summer that would forecast extent of downturn.

I bet, but it’s just a hunch, the news is very bad.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He is also owned by Trumps psychopathology.

Wanna bet Trumpians like Wally et al refuse to wear masks because their dear hero refuses to ?? That is how little they care about others ......and themselves in the arena of health. Science and facts don't matter.......... as Trump dismisses those elements too. He rely s on his gut ...

This pandemic has revealed his true character in blazing technicolor.

Right on O.B. I'm beginning to wonder who is the stupidest! Trump or Walter?