Coronavirus afflicts the idolaters


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
All these peoples of major religions and others: they follow their tradition, not the true God's religion which is to worship and glorify God alone, in addition to their wrong-doing.

Are you following Jesus Christ? Certainly not.
Are you following Moses? Certainly not.

The same for the millions of Muslims: most of them follow the traditions, not the true Quran teachings, in addition to falling in the idolatry and their much wronging of each other.. like other religion followers

With the exception of that Jews and Christians have denied the last prophet: the noble Prophet Mohammed - salam to him - and they deny the Quran the great word of God... in addtion to following the atheism and the enthusiasm about Jesus and others + their wrong-doing and transgression especially on Muslims everywhere and on others.

ON THE PLUS SIDE!! If Torch light is killed by the Wuhan Virus - it will END HIS INSANITY PROBLEM!

On the DOWN SIDE - after he dies - he will get ALL HIS RELIGIOUS QUESTIONS ANSWERED!!

BUT HOW SAD - that when Torch light shows up in Paradise and starts asking where his 72 Virgins are located

WE WILL NOT be getting any photos of the LOOK ON GODS FACE when he figures out that Torch light WANTS GOD


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 34: 24-25, which mean:
(24. Say: "Who provides for you from the [gaseous] heavens [with the rain] and the earth [with the plant and fruit?]"

Say: "God [it is Who provides for you],
and [you will see whether] I or you are on guidance or in obvious error."

25. Say [to the disbelievers]: "You will not be judged concerning what [guilt] we have committed, nor shall we be judged concerning what [guilt] you do.")

See more explanation of these great ayat:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Quran 34: 24-25, which mean:
(24. Say: "Who provides for you from the [gaseous] heavens [with the rain] and the earth [with the plant and fruit?]"

Say: "God [it is Who provides for you],
and [you will see whether] I or you are on guidance or in obvious error."

25. Say [to the disbelievers]: "You will not be judged concerning what [guilt] we have committed, nor shall we be judged concerning what [guilt] you do.")

See more explanation of these great ayat:

WHO provides your electro-shock therapy?

And WHY dont they turn UP THE VOLTAGE?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have no electric shock or insanity as you imagine; this is what Satan suggests to people that those who exhort them are insane so as to bar them from accepting their words.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I have no electric shock or insanity as you imagine; this is what Satan suggests to people that those who exhort them are insane so as to bar them from accepting their words.

How would you know?

You are crazy enough to be a figment of one of your other nutty personalities!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
People have different opinions regarding this Coronavirus

>> Some think it is a play and there isn't any real serious infection.. it is only a play exaggerated by the media.
Like this respectable man:

The answer: It can't be merely a play: will all the world the east and the west agree altogether to participate in this play? This is not logical.

>> Such doubting people say also: there had been flu and pneumonia in the previous years, while this year no such pneumonia death and no other kind of flu.
The answer: the protective measures undertaken might, by the way, have prevented the other kinds of flu and the other pneumonia.

>> the other objection of such doubting people: they say: why all of a sudden, the Coronavirus has weakened or may disappear suddenly?
The answer: This apparently may be due to the warming of the environment and the increased weather temperature.

God is the All-Knowing.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
People have different opinions regarding this Coronavirus

>> Some think it is a play and there isn't any real serious infection.. it is only a play exaggerated by the media.
Like this respectable man:

The answer: It can't be merely a play: will all the world the east and the west agree altogether to participate in this play? This is not logical.

>> Such doubting people say also: there had been flu and pneumonia in the previous years, while this year no such pneumonia death and no other kind of flu.
The answer: the protective measures undertaken might, by the way, have prevented the other kinds of flu and the other pneumonia.

>> the other objection of such doubting people: they say: why all of a sudden, the Coronavirus has weakened or may disappear suddenly?
The answer: This apparently may be due to the warming of the environment and the increased weather temperature.

God is the All-Knowing.

Yes...........God is the all knowing and you are the knowing nothing!

Perhaps you will weaken and disappear in the heat as well and take Wuhan Pestilence with you?