Trump's self recovery plan


Electoral Member
Sep 2, 2014
: The Corona Virus was created by the Americans to wipe out the Chinese. China was becoming a huge economic power in the market place and becoming a world power with over 5 billion in military spending. America was feeling threatened so instead of all out war, Or corporate espionage why not introduce a virus to wipe out a lot of the 2 billion population then have their economy collapse through fear of the virus and closing of airports, Millions lost in tourism and a complete collapse of the culture including cancelling of Olympics and mass fear.
: The Corona Virus was a biological weapon used by the Americans on the Chinese

But there is a twist to the story.

The virus was created in America and used in China. But when America discovered China was able to deal with the biological weapon used by Americans on the Chinese they released a small amount in America so they could blame the Chinese.
But it backfired because the virus got out of control in America and mutated and the CDC test kits failed to detect it causing a delay in test kits.

Trump made the situation worse when diplomats from Brazil were infected at Mara Lago with the virus. It alerted the world Trump was behind this global biological war. So it was Tump who was infecting the world through his diplomat channels . That is why he declared himself a wartime president. He was waging a biological war on the world.

Unfortunately the assurances Trump gave the American people that America was safe turned out to be a lie. Trump had hoped to find an antidote or cure for the virus to cash in on the demand for a vaccine.
But the Chinese did not give Ivanka a trademark or copyright for the viral drugs and released the details to the world so the race to find a cure is now on an even playing field.

Trump's backup plan was to shutdown his businesses and declare huge losses as tax write offs with an eye on government business reliefs. He claimed huge losses during 9/11 even though his properties never suffered any damage. He was hoping to use the same tax templates.

It is only a matter of time before he fires the Federal chairman and take over the printing of money under the national emergency act.

Be prepared to see Trump's face on the US dollar.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
: The Corona Virus was created by the Americans to wipe out the Chinese. China was becoming a huge economic power in the market place and becoming a world power with over 5 billion in military spending. America was feeling threatened so instead of all out war, Or corporate espionage why not introduce a virus to wipe out a lot of the 2 billion population then have their economy collapse through fear of the virus and closing of airports, Millions lost in tourism and a complete collapse of the culture including cancelling of Olympics and mass fear.
: The Corona Virus was a biological weapon used by the Americans on the Chinese
But there is a twist to the story.
The virus was created in America and used in China. But when America discovered China was able to deal with the biological weapon used by Americans on the Chinese they released a small amount in America so they could blame the Chinese.
But it backfired because the virus got out of control in America and mutated and the CDC test kits failed to detect it causing a delay in test kits.
Trump made the situation worse when diplomats from Brazil were infected at Mara Lago with the virus. It alerted the world Trump was behind this global biological war. So it was Tump who was infecting the world through his diplomat channels . That is why he declared himself a wartime president. He was waging a biological war on the world.
Unfortunately the assurances Trump gave the American people that America was safe turned out to be a lie. Trump had hoped to find an antidote or cure for the virus to cash in on the demand for a vaccine.
But the Chinese did not give Ivanka a trademark or copyright for the viral drugs and released the details to the world so the race to find a cure is now on an even playing field.
Trump's backup plan was to shutdown his businesses and declare huge losses as tax write offs with an eye on government business reliefs. He claimed huge losses during 9/11 even though his properties never suffered any damage. He was hoping to use the same tax templates.
It is only a matter of time before he fires the Federal chairman and take over the printing of money under the national emergency act.
Be prepared to see Trump's face on the US dollar.

Take your pills.


Electoral Member
Sep 2, 2014
Harikrish is waiting to hear from Detroit State Representative Karen Whitsett if she recommends hydroxychloroquine as a low cost solution for black ailments. It appears to have helped her with several of her ailments including the dreaded CoronaVirus.
Because of the social distancing the free headslapping offered by Harikrish had to be put on hold. Maybe hydroxychloroquine might serve as a substitute.

You can read my letter to Karen Whitsett below.

Detroit State Representative Karen WhitSett.
Hello Karen Whitsett

I read about your bout with CoronaVirus and was happy to hear you recovered from the virus attack.
Did your doctors actually credit hydroxychloroquine for your recovery? There is so much debate about these untested drugs that a credible source like you adds credibility to Trump's claims. Trump's gut feeling about casinos may not be so reliable, but medicine might be a stronger asset. He has managed to keep his balding head covered with hair longer than his peers.
If you are convinced hydroxychloroquine was responsible for your recovery from CoVid 19. Would you recommend it as a treatment for blacks as an inexpensive way to treat the virus? There is so much concern about the loss of health insurance and healthcare among blacks especially with the loss of jobs and business shutdowns. Self medicating with a known drug like hydroxychloroquine and a strong recommendation from the president and a black woman might go a long was to help the black community. Like Trump repeatedly says, What do they have to lose?



Electoral Member
Sep 2, 2014
Take your pills.
Hello Karen Whitsett,
Are Trump's policies actually hurting America?
Since Trump imposed a travel ban on China. It has only helped China recover from the CoronaVirus pandemic because all the CoVid 19 cases remained trapped in America. We now lead the world in both number of CoronaVirus cases and deaths from Covid 19.
Before the travel ban most of the coronavirus cases were showing up in Italy and Iran. Trump even declared the few cases in America would go away like a miracle.
One can only surmise before the travel ban most of the CoronaVirus cases were leaving America. Americans travel overseas in the millions. But the travel ban in effect kept the CoronaVirus cases in America. The surging numbers is proof the travel ban worked against America. Other countries are seeing a flattening of their CoVid 19 cases after the travel ban was imposed by America but the virus continues to surge in America. Would you recommend reversing his travel ban?
Now that we know you recovered from CoronaVirus immediately after taking hydroxychloroquine. Should blacks be automatically given hydroxychloroquine since blacks are 3 times more likely to be infected and 6 times more likely to die from covid 19 than whites. Why put them in ICU and ventilators when we know what works for black. Will you stand by your words hydroxychloroquine and Trump saved your life?
Should it be illegal for blacks to sell hydroxychloroquine to blacks knowing it works better than the current drugs they are pushing which are less promising.