Coronavirus afflicts the idolaters

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
These two Zionists are like the drunken.. very nice indeed.. a free cinema amusement for every body :laughing6:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Comment about the Coronavirus outbreak (as they call it)

It has true reasons, and apparent factors; here I speak about the apparent factors

This is a very good website about this Coronavirus:

I think the virus is weakened or may be killed by the hot weather, so when we study the data given and the countries afflicted, we notice:

>> countries like India, with its large number people (more than one billion), and it has a relatively very low incidence of this disease.
India generally is a hot region, although some of its parts are cold.

>> New cases in China have receded to be about 50 / day, while it had been more than 1000/day. This is while the temperature has generally risen higher than in the winter days.

>> New cases also have receded in South Korea, maybe for the same reason (in addition to the strict medical and protective measures.)

>> While new cases in Europe and America started to increase rapidly.

>> The region in the USA of more numerous new cases is the State of Washington in the most northern part of the USA, and may be a relatively colder region.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Oh for Christ sake stuff it already!
You're the forum Joke! and you write like a dummy!

So.......................more WHINE for you??????????????????????????


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Insha Allah by God's will, from now on, I will start updating the translated books of the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Insha Allah by God's will, from now on, I will start updating the translated books of the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.


we are really excited to hear what Al Hillbilly will tell us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
God - be glorified - has made lawful to us the wholesome and pure food, and forbids us the bad food.

So the lawful meat is wholesome and delicious in addition to being lawful.

The lawful meat: the mutton (meat of sheep), the meat of goat, the beef (the meat of the cow), the meat of the camel .. all are delicious, wholesome, pure and beneficial to man.
Birds that eat seeds and plants are lawful, like the chicken, the duck, the pigeon and dove, are lawful and pure and wholesome.
Wild animals that are similar to the cattle are also lawful by hunting or otherwise: like the ibex which is like the goat, and the gazelle which is like the sheep, etc.
The fish is also lawful and delicious.

The unlawful meat: the meat of dead animals even the cattle, the meat of swine, the blood, and that cattle sacrificed to idols and to those other than God Most Gracious. The meat of animals of prey: the animals that devour other animals like the wolf, the lion, the tiger ..etc is also unlawful.
The meat of the crow and every bird eating the carrion of dead animals is also unlawful.

Quran 2: 172-173, which mean:
(172. Believers, eat of the 'good and wholesome' [foods] wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to God if you do worship Him alone.

173. [God] only prohibits for you the eating of the carrion, the blood, the meat of pigs, and the [cattle] dedicated to other than God.)

Moreover, the birds that eat the carrion of dead animals are unlawful to eat.

[A Muslim came to the Prophet – salam to him – and said: "Is the meat of the raven lawful?
The prophet said: "It is abhorrent (disliked or undesirable or detested or reprehensible.)"
The man said: "It is available in large numbers; so had it been lawful, we would have filled our stomachs with it!"
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

(Quran 5: 100. Say [Mohammed to this man]: "The bad and the good [kinds of meat] are not equal, though the abundance of the bad [bird] attracts you [man]; so ward off [the punishment of] God, O intelligent men; haply so you will prosper [in all your affairs.])

See the explanation of this aya by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly here:

Therefore, such customs of eating the bad animal meat like of the bat, the dog, etc are very bad customs and way of living, because eating such bad meats will certainly cause many diseases and illnesses.

And what does Mohamed have to say about the eating of BOILED BAT???????????????????

From such flesh the Chinese obtain the Wuhan Virus??????????????????????

Would the Prophet consume the flesh of Bat???????????????????????????????

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are stubborn and arrogant: don't you read? Do Muslims eat the bat meat according to your education?

Read the explanation of the aya 5: 100, cited in the post #14


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You are stubborn and arrogant: don't you read? Do Muslims eat the bat meat according to your education?

Read the explanation of the aya 5: 100, cited in the post #14

POOR STUPID TORCH LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He does not understand that one does not need to eat the boiled bat..........................

to catch Wuhan Virus from somebody who has it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently Torch Light has NO UNDERSTANDING................................

if how disease is transmitted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a related theme - maybe we should ask if bad dates carry a virus that causes INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How else to explain so much Middle Eastern INSANITY????????????????????????????????????????

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
My personal points about COVID-19 Coronavirus:

1- Hot weather (sun heat) may kill the virus.

2- Sun rays (in addition to sun heat) may also kill this virus.

3- Rain will cause this virus washing off from the environment.
Quran 25: 48, which means:
(And it is [God] Who looses the winds, with glad tidings, coming just before [the rain which is] His mercy [to people], and We send down [by the wind] from the sky [rain] water ‘pure and purifying’.)

4- Dust (from dust storms) may cause killing of the virus also. In fact, the dust of the dust storm kills a large number of insects and many germs.

5- It will disappear as it appeared at a certain time.. this if we think it is a natural virus .. not human-modified.

In other words, China government (were they stupid when they said such words!??) may think (as many others have the same notion) that it may be a military virus which leaked in one way or another and infected people ... and this is the great danger: because if it is true that it is human modified (by the USA), then it will be very dangerous .. because then it might have been modified to be very virulent and to attack humans.

This is only guessing... and another hint: the prime minister of UK (these politicians may know many facts), so he said: the automobile companies have to synthesize some respirators: how did he know this for certain and he affirmed his point, that the disease will progress in such way and not fade away?

God is the All-Knowing.

Another point: if this COVID-19 keeps progressing in this way, it may cause much catastrophe by killing many people and by corrupting regimens and governments .. and may have future consequences .. and may precede the coming of the Awaited Mahdi.

In addition, how could the USA in this relatively short period of time, make a vaccine or something against it, unless they know it and know its structure!?

Again, this is only the guessing ..

God is the All-Knowing.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If you think that praying facing mecca hitting your forhead on the ground will help you,?

Yes, I believe certainly that praying God facing Mecca, putting my forehead on the ground in adoration to God Most Merciful will help me and other people...

and that the blasphemy, idolatry and disbelief will cause destruction of the disbeliever sooner or later.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Most people are atheists and idolaters: losers

Very weird, very weird indeed! of such people the Wicked Zionists, atheists and Satanists..
Whatever God afflicts them, they don't consider until they perish and lose completely.

I just talked with one of my friends, and we surprised from such stubbornness and foolishness of blasphemers..

I said: "Wouldn't the people in America and the West (and other countries) pray God to save them!?"

He said: "Don't surprise, these people in America and the West have crossed the line and boundary: if some people here in our country associate Hussein with God, the Western have even denied God.. and for this reason this fatal disease have been sent by God against them."

I said: "True, and in addition, most of them may believe in God, but associate Jesus and the saints with God Almighty in their worship and prayers, so that their prayers will not be pure and exclusive to God alone."

God - be glorified - said in the Quran 54: 50-51, that mean:
(50. And Our commandment [to anything We want to destroy] is but one [word b], as the twinkle of an eye [in its speed.]

51. We even have destroyed the likes of you c; is there then any that will be admonished [with this?])

50 b That is to say to it: Be destroyed! And it will immediately be as We want.

51 c i.e. the past generations who were like you in disbelief.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Words of Jesus - salam to him - about the end of time days:
Jesus Christ said in the Gospel by Luke 21: 10-11
“10- Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven."
Also I find some traditions about the coming of the Mahdi, that before his coming there will be wars and pestilences and the locust
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Egads, another Fakebook nutbar!


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Factors of the virus activity:

Many viruses appear in different seasons, then disappear; so where do such viruses go?

There are many factors governing the activity and the disappearance of such viruses:

Heat: seasonal factor: some viruses prefer the cold while others are influenced by the hot temperature. Some viruses require the temperate temperature.

A good advantageous point is that the virus usually has a complex protein structure .. which certainly is liable to decaying, breaking up and changing of its structure: like the change of the egg by heat.

Usually as much as its structure is complex, as much it is liable to breaking up and disintegrating.

Among other factors may be the sun rays, the rain, the wind, the dust ..

The wind may carry the virus and other germs and scatter them away to die in the wilderness.

Some winds may have ionizing feature, like what we have in Iraq:
We have two main kinds of winds: the north-western wind which is refreshing;coming from the direction of the Mediterranean; it is colder and more healthier: having a positive influence on man's mood. It is the main kind of winds.

While the other kind of winds is the south-eastern wind, coming from the direction of the Gulf: it is usually warmer, with more humidity and having the ionizing feature and this kind of wind has also a negative influence on the mood.

this is what we know, while with God is the Absolute Knowledge and Wisdom.

On the other hand: if God intends to harm any people, there will be none to oppose His might whatever these atheists and blasphemers are advanced and civilized.

E.g. today, NASA ordered its employee to work at home!
So where is the might and arrogance of these disbelievers and idolaters; let them save themselves if they can unless God may show them mercy .. and they do not supplicate Him and do not humble themselves to His majesty while He is Most Powerful.
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