These two Zionists are like the drunken.. very nice indeed.. a free cinema amusement for every body :laughing6:
Oh for Christ sake stuff it already!
You're the forum Joke! and you write like a dummy!
Insha Allah by God's will, from now on, I will start updating the translated books of the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.
God - be glorified - has made lawful to us the wholesome and pure food, and forbids us the bad food.
So the lawful meat is wholesome and delicious in addition to being lawful.
The lawful meat: the mutton (meat of sheep), the meat of goat, the beef (the meat of the cow), the meat of the camel .. all are delicious, wholesome, pure and beneficial to man.
Birds that eat seeds and plants are lawful, like the chicken, the duck, the pigeon and dove, are lawful and pure and wholesome.
Wild animals that are similar to the cattle are also lawful by hunting or otherwise: like the ibex which is like the goat, and the gazelle which is like the sheep, etc.
The fish is also lawful and delicious.
The unlawful meat: the meat of dead animals even the cattle, the meat of swine, the blood, and that cattle sacrificed to idols and to those other than God Most Gracious. The meat of animals of prey: the animals that devour other animals like the wolf, the lion, the tiger ..etc is also unlawful.
The meat of the crow and every bird eating the carrion of dead animals is also unlawful.
Quran 2: 172-173, which mean:
(172. Believers, eat of the 'good and wholesome' [foods] wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to God if you do worship Him alone.
173. [God] only prohibits for you the eating of the carrion, the blood, the meat of pigs, and the [cattle] dedicated to other than God.)
Moreover, the birds that eat the carrion of dead animals are unlawful to eat.
[A Muslim came to the Prophet – salam to him – and said: "Is the meat of the raven lawful?
The prophet said: "It is abhorrent (disliked or undesirable or detested or reprehensible.)"
The man said: "It is available in large numbers; so had it been lawful, we would have filled our stomachs with it!"
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]
(Quran 5: 100. Say [Mohammed to this man]: "The bad and the good [kinds of meat] are not equal, though the abundance of the bad [bird] attracts you [man]; so ward off [the punishment of] God, O intelligent men; haply so you will prosper [in all your affairs.])
See the explanation of this aya by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly here:
Therefore, such customs of eating the bad animal meat like of the bat, the dog, etc are very bad customs and way of living, because eating such bad meats will certainly cause many diseases and illnesses.
You are stubborn and arrogant: don't you read? Do Muslims eat the bat meat according to your education?
Read the explanation of the aya 5: 100, cited in the post #14
If you think that praying facing mecca hitting your forhead on the ground will help you,?