The road map to the global peace

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The truth cannot be selected by democracy but by guidance

To explain this: the truth is only one way.. the truthful follow this single way of the truth.
Which is the 'devotion to God alone' .. so it is demanded: even if all people say this is wrong, the believer does not waver on his belief: that God is One God to Whom the obedience and servitude is due.

In one correct tradition of Prophet Mohammed - salam to him - he said:

"Jews had divided into 71 sects
Christians into 72 sects
While my nation will divide into 73 sects
One and only one of these sects will be the 'saved sect' ... while the rest will go to Hell.

Therefore, when we study this prophetic tradition, unanimously agreed upon by all sects:

The number 70 indicates the large number of sects: which in fact is far more numerous ... but it is said like one tells his son: for thousand of times I told you to do so and so .. the father does not mean he said it exactly 1000 times, but he said it so many times.

Second: Out of Jews there was a sect who followed the 'exclusive devotion to God alone' and these were the followers of every prophet and messenger at his time and later on.
Then when the Christ came: the saved sect was the followers of the Christ at his time devoting themselves to worship God alone and obeying the messenger Jesus Christ.

Then when Mohammed came: the 'saved sect' was and still those who devote themselves to God alone, and obey the messenger.

Therefore, all the sects of Jews and Christians are in extreme error of the idolatry and denying the messenger of God.. and all the sects of Muslims are erring away from the correct program .. except the monotheist Muslims the devoted to God alone who do not glorify anyone but only God Almighty.

And this is very obvious in the Quran 6: 153, which means:
(Surely, this [religion of the Islam q] is My 'standard and straight' way; therefore do you [men] follow it, but [in the future] follow not other ways [of falsehood], lest you should be parted from His way [because of the plighting and designing of the associaters of the other ways.] s

This [warning] He t has commanded you with; haply you will ward off [their plights and wickedness.])

53 q With which I have commanded you, and to which I have guided you.

153 s It means: In the future, the Muslim nation will divide and deviate from the 'standard and straight' way; because the ways and programs of the falsehood [of your enemies] will work for dividing you, so their propaganda will influence you and their plights will inflict you; so it will lead to your dispersion away from His way.

153 t i.e. God – be glorified.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
My comment about the previous Prophetic tradition:

Jews divided into 70 erring + 1 correctbefore the coming of Jesus Christ: monotheists devoted to God alone which was the 'saved sect' that will go to Paradise or heaven.

Then when the Christ came, and Jews denied him keeping to their idolatry .. all the 71 sects were misguided.
Christians divided into these 71 erring sects + 1 correctly guided who followed the Prophet Jesus in his time and kept to the 'devotion to God alone' and that Jesus Christ was His servant.

Then when Prophet Mohammed came all the 72 sects were idolaters following the glorification of Jesus Christ and the saints and denying Prophet Mohammed + 1 correctly guided: those who glorify God alone and follow His servant Mohammed.

Therefore, Muslims now have fallen in the idolatry of the past nations of Jews and Christians, with the exception of Muslims who devote themselves to God alone and do not take any patron apart from God Most Gracious .. and these are the only saved in the Next Life and will go to Paradise in heaven, while all the others will go to hell because of their idolatry and denying God's messengers and His heavenly books.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The truth cannot be selected by democracy but by guidance
To explain this: the truth is only one way.. the truthful follow this single way of the truth.
Which is the 'devotion to God alone' .. so it is demanded: even if all people say this is wrong, the believer does not waver on his belief: that God is One God to Whom the obedience and servitude is due.
In one correct tradition of Prophet Mohammed - salam to him - he said:
"Jews had divided into 71 sects
Christians into 72 sects
While my nation will divide into 73 sects
One and only one of these sects will be the 'saved sect' ... while the rest will go to Hell.
Therefore, when we study this prophetic tradition, unanimously agreed upon by all sects:
The number 70 indicates the large number of sects: which in fact is far more numerous ... but it is said like one tells his son: for thousand of times I told you to do so and so .. the father does not mean he said it exactly 1000 times, but he said it so many times.
Second: Out of Jews there was a sect who followed the 'exclusive devotion to God alone' and these were the followers of every prophet and messenger at his time and later on.
Then when the Christ came: the saved sect was the followers of the Christ at his time devoting themselves to worship God alone and obeying the messenger Jesus Christ.
Then when Mohammed came: the 'saved sect' was and still those who devote themselves to God alone, and obey the messenger.
Therefore, all the sects of Jews and Christians are in extreme error of the idolatry and denying the messenger of God.. and all the sects of Muslims are erring away from the correct program .. except the monotheist Muslims the devoted to God alone who do not glorify anyone but only God Almighty.
And this is very obvious in the Quran 6: 153, which means:
(Surely, this [religion of the Islam q] is My 'standard and straight' way; therefore do you [men] follow it, but [in the future] follow not other ways [of falsehood], lest you should be parted from His way [because of the plighting and designing of the associaters of the other ways.] s
This [warning] He t has commanded you with; haply you will ward off [their plights and wickedness.])
53 q With which I have commanded you, and to which I have guided you.
153 s It means: In the future, the Muslim nation will divide and deviate from the 'standard and straight' way; because the ways and programs of the falsehood [of your enemies] will work for dividing you, so their propaganda will influence you and their plights will inflict you; so it will lead to your dispersion away from His way.
153 t i.e. God – be glorified.
You keep reading that book of lies and al you will ever know if what a goats ass tastes like.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Why hasn't this happened already? What outside force or group will this not happening already be blamed on? Does this make the Shea Infidels?

So I'm assuming that you are not Shea, and that to attain 'peace & harmony' it's the Shea sects that will have to change being assimilated or eliminated then? They aren't what you believe so they must be the ones that are incorrect and must adopt your beliefs in the road map to peace? Correct?

Torchlight has a mind made of SHEA BUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Facts and ideas just SLIDE RIGHT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is really FUNNY that LOONS like Torchlight still believe that an intellectual drivel..................

composed of one part wishful thinking..........................

one part religious mania..................................


is actually going to persuade Cdns to join the World Wide Caliphate that exists

only in a few delusional Muslim minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently they do not have tv news in most ARAB LANDS and thus the dorks have NO CLUE

how westerners LAUGH at Muslim crude propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
spilled the beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
It seems the beer has taken its effect. :laughing6:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You keep reading that book of lies and al you will ever know if what a goats ass tastes like.

Your mind is narrow; you cannot consider any idea: for the fear of discovering the truth not like what you deem.

Anyhow, fear not.. neither you nor anyone else can believe unless it is God Himself to guide him.

So keep strolling in the rural.. although I am certain you are fixed in crowded alleys.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Is this good for Peace?
3.8 billion per year is 750 bucks in military aid per minute, every hour of the day, 365 days per year.
"Israel–United States relations refers to the bilateral relationship between Israel and the United States. Since the 1960s the United States has been very strong supporter of Israel, and promoted good relations between Israel and Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt, while holding off the hostility from other Middle Eastern nations, especially Syria and Iran. The relations are a very important factor in the United States government's overall policy in the Middle East, and Congress has placed considerable importance on the maintenance of a close and supportive relationship.
Since 1985, the United States has provided nearly US$3 billion in grants annually to Israel, with Israel being the largest annual recipient of American aid from 1976 to 2004 and the largest cumulative recipient of aid ($142.3 billion, not inflation-adjusted) since World War II. Seventy-four percent of these funds must be spent purchasing US goods and services.[3] More recently, in fiscal year 2019, the US provided $3.8 billion in foreign military aid to Israel. Israel also benefits from about $8 billion of loan guarantees. Almost all US aid to Israel is now in the form of military assistance, while in the past it also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to other countries.[2]
In addition to financial and military aid, the United States also provides political support to Israel, having used its United Nations Security Council veto power 42 times with respect to resolutions relating to Israel, out of a total 83 times in which its veto has ever been used. Between 1991 and 2011, 15 vetos were used to protect Israel out of 24 in total.
Bilateral relations have evolved from an initial US policy of sympathy and support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in 1948 to an unusual partnership that links a small but militarily powerful Israel, dependent on the United States for its economic and military strength, with the American superpower trying to balance other competing interests in the region, including Russia's intentions. Others maintain that Israel is a strategic ally, and that US relations with Israel strengthen the US presence in the Middle East. Israel is one of the United States' two original major non-NATO allies in the Middle East. Late Republican Senator Jesse Helms used to call Israel "America's aircraft carrier in the Middle East", when explaining why the United States viewed Israel as such a strategic ally, saying that the military foothold in the region offered by the Jewish State alone justified the military aid that the United States grants Israel every year. Currently, there are seven major non-NATO allies in the Greater Middle East."–United_States_relations


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Your mind is narrow; you cannot consider any idea: for the fear of discovering the truth not like what you deem.
Anyhow, fear not.. neither you nor anyone else can believe unless it is God Himself to guide him.
So keep strolling in the rural.. although I am certain you are fixed in crowded alleys.
Yours is a fake gawd and your priests are all pedophiles.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
spilled the beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
It seems the beer has taken its effect. :laughing6:

IN VINO VERITAS............................

or Latin to the effect that those who have had a drink are more likely to speak their truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As opposed to the mindless Muslim belief in vicious lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslims are SO DELUDED regarding the values of westerners that Muslims really believe THEY ARE MAKING PROGRESS

by invading western lands as refugees and making irrational demands for the destruction..............................

of LONG ESTABLISHED WESTERN CIVIL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslims ARE SO DELUDED that they DO NOT REALIZE that only a SMALL NUMBER of Cdns respect or support

the Muslim Cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The majority of Cdns RESPECT the Trump view that Muslims are DANGEROUS AND MUST BE DENIED ENTRY

to ANY PLACE IN NORTH AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over 80 percent of Cdns WANT the NUMBER OF ILLEGALS entering Canada to be GREATLY REDUCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is thanks to news reports like that below that are the reason why Muslims are NOT WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is yet another article illustrating how badly LIE-berals have messed with our immigration system! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Freed homegrown jihadist remains 'high risk to public safety'

By Michele Mandel

Published: February 22, 2019, Updated: February 22, 2019 7:28 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN, News, Toronto & GTA

It’s clearly a bad sign when the Parole Board had labels you a “high risk to public safety” but must release you nonetheless.

(WE really should ask what selfish LIE-beral imbeciles think it is a good idea to set up a parole system that refuses to protect us from “high risks”! This is just another in a long list of examples of how lax LIE-berals are about public safety and crime generally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Kevin Omar Mohamed will soon be out of prison, freed on mandatory release after serving two-thirds of his four-and-a half-year sentence for participating in the activities of a terror group.

(So he got off lightly because the terror group didnt actually attack anything! But how CAN the damage and all the pain and suffering and death be repaired AFTER the terrorists strike? LIE-berals are VERY WEAK on those details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

According to a parole board decision obtained this week by Global News’ Stewart Bell and Andrew Russell, the panel worries the Whitby man still harbours “dangerous radical religious beliefs” and “may continue to commit terrorist related offences.”

So how concerned should we be about this wannabe jihadi?

“Absolutely concerned,” says Phil Gurski, a former Canadian Security Intelligence Service analyst and author of The Threat from Within: Recognizing Al Qaeda-Inspired Radicalization and Terrorism in the West.

“He clearly showed that he was radicalized, had made an effort to travel, got caught, got tried and he essentially got a slap on the wrist. My understanding is that he hasn’t gone to any counselling or any deradicalization, meaning he’s being released with no indication that his ideology is any less concerning today than it was two years ago.”

(LIE-beral interest in pushing treatment onto any sort of crazy people is ZERO -as it simply costs more than they are willing to pay since they have other GROSSLY SELFISH spending priorities for OUR MONEY! LIE-berals are no more interested in treating jihadists than they are in treating schizophrenics- who they let wander the streets till they get into major trouble and end up being shot by cops! LIE-berals consider that a bullet is cheaper than treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Mohamed has been in custody since his arrest in March 2016 by the RCMP.

The former University of Waterloo engineering student had flown to Turkey and crossed into Syria in 2014 with the intention of joining Jabhat Al-Nusrah, an affiliate of al-Qaida.

According to the agreed statement of facts, “his purpose was to enhance the ability of that group to commit terrorist activity.”

(Under mental health legislation - doctors are allowed to hold a nut indefinitely if he is deemed a danger to himself or others so why not hold this jihadist indefinitely on that long standing LAW??????????????????)

(Another fine example would be Dughmosh the female Muslim Cdn Tire attacker who tried using a golf club and knife to attack Cdns a couple of years back! LIE-berals know that she had left Canada and travelled to Turkey- with that same urge to join Al Qaida- and got stopped and shipped back to Canada- where she was promptly released without penalty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thwarted in her desire to join Al Qaida -Dughmosh chose to attack Cdn Tire store customers in Toronto! At trial it was revealed that LIE-berals had NO CLUE on her status- did not know if she was born in Canada though her need for an interpreter at trial suggests she is an immigrant! But LIE-berals have NO record of her ever being processed by Immigration so cannot say if she is a landed immigrant! LIE-berals cannot say if she might have entered the country either legally or otherwise! She just popped up on the govt radar from nowhere after being deported from Turkey after trying to join Al Qaida and claiming to be Cdn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(All this means it will be virtually IMPOSSIBLE to deport this woman since we have NO CLUE where she was born or came from! Not that it matters since LIE-berals have NO intention of deporting Muslim terrorists anyway as Our idiot Boy Justin has TOLD US SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Even worse- at the trial for attempted murder Dughmosh freely admitted she wanted to kill Cdns and told the judge that if he freed her then she would attack again! She then insisted on pleading guilty in order to get the trial over and one! And the judge told her not to be so hasty and to think it over!)

(This in the same legal system that is so over loaded that in summer 2017 they released SEVEN accused killers without the bother of a trial- AND LIE-berals also released 4 accused men who had fraudulently STOLEN a total of $44 million dollars- and no need for a trial for this gang either! With LIE-berals whining they did not have the resources to give the men a fair trial in a timely manner so the only “fair” thing was to let them go without any trial! But LIE-beral judges will screw around with terrorist Dughmosh till the cows come home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mohamed met with members of the terror group but abandoned his plans when his mother and brother followed him to Turkey and convinced him to return to Canada.

Back home, he continued as an armchair instigator on social media. As Justice Bruce Durno would later determine, “His Tweets encouraged and counseled others to commit hate.”

Under several pseudonyms, Mohamed called attacks against Western targets “beautiful” and identified himself in his profile as a “supporter of international terrorism.”

He encouraged radicalized Muslims who couldn’t travel to do their part at home.

“Maybe you shouldn’t live in the lands waging war on islam unless your (sic) planning attacks against them, perhaps either get out or attack,” he wrote in one tweet.

“If someone wants to attack the west, and is scared of large-scale attacks he could start small, like burning cars and kufar [non-believers] in parking lots,” he wrote in another.

Days after the 2016 terror attacks in Belgium, a post on his Twitter account showed an image of travellers being gunned down and he asked: “Where can I get the Brussels airport MOD (modification)” for the violent video game Call of Duty?”

Two days later, Mohamed was under arrest.

(So rather clearly SOMETHING must be done about this guy but what? LIE-berals OPPOSE either deportation or jail or mental health treatment for the clown! Maybe our BIGGEST problem here is LIE-berals and not Muslims????????????????)

(In other news about LIE-beral security failings we hear this):

FUREY: Toronto ISIS returnee is laughing at us – something must be done
MANDEL: Mentally ill stabber in army recruiting centre attack to be allowed into community

When he was tracked down hiding on the Waterloo campus, investigators found a large hunting knife in his black computer bag and in a university locker, “handwritten notes taken from Al-Qaida publications which outlined targets, how to generate a plan, discussed firearms and grenades, and preparing then executing the operation.”

Mohamed faced up to 10 years in prison, but in a sweetheart deal the Crown and defence agreed at his sentencing hearing in October 2017 that he should serve only four-and-a-half years due to his early guilty plea and agreement to enter a de-radicalization program.

(The Quran tells us that Allah favours the compassionate and merciful- but radical Muslims scorn us as SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But now it seems the aspiring jihadist has refused to participate in anything like that program — and yet he’s being released anyway.

(So LIE-berals shrug in the face of terrorist defiance? And then LIE-berals tell us NOT to worry about national security issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Gurski worries Mohamed may now emerge from prison as a “rock star” to his followers. “And he could say, ‘If you think I was pissed off before…”

Fear not, however. The parole board has imposed conditions on his release, including staying away from Internet and taking “religious counselling” — the same counselling he’s eschewed before.

(Yes- it does appear that the greatest threat to peace, order and good govt in Canada marches under the LIE-beral banner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)