Brexit 2019: the Good, Bad and could-turn-Ugly options

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Clearly you weren’t paying attention to the message. Preston was a democrat and a fiscal conservative. The downfall of the Reform Party was that the Liberals stole their fiscally conservative agenda and Canadians haven’t really been keen on democracy as a means to an end....probably because of Kweebeck referendum nonsense that’s never ending. As a card carrying Reformer, I wasn’t at all interested in the Triple E senate that they were pushing nor did I find it uncomfortable (as an atheist) being in the party. Once I felt fiscal responsibility was taken seriously by other parties, I was comfortable leaving Reform. I still wish some of Preston’s concerns were addressed...things like the increasing use of enabling legislation. Like I said though, Canadians don’t really have a soft spot for democracy.
I was a PC watching Preston guarantee yet another decade of Liberal rule after splitting the right vote into regional rumps that can never/will never gain power in Ottawa on their own.

What a disaster.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I was a PC watching Preston guarantee yet another decade of Liberal rule after splitting the right vote into regional rumps that can never/will never gain power in Ottawa on their own.
What a disaster.

Wouldn’t have happened if the Conservatives acted like conservatives.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
On the contrary, the reform party brought the issue of fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets to the fore. The popularity of the Reform Party is what drove Klein and Chrétien to balance the budgets.

Well honesty.................................

LIE-beral Chretien was FORCED to balance his budget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chretien LIE-berals HIT THE DEBT WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And were CUT OFF FROM MORE BORROWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Chretien LIE-berals made a virtue of necessity and dumped their fiscal problems on the provinces and Mike Harris Ontari-owe was ESPECIALLY HARD HIT by that LIE-beral HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are about to have an even BIGGER debt wall mess than the Chretien version dropped onto THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chretien was getting steady oil tax revenue from Alberta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Chretien did not have a DELUGE of illegals and potential criminals and possible terrorists to tend to for the rest of their lives in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is IGNORING the warnings and is at huge risk of throwing the Cdn economy into Greek style CHAOS once we reach the debt wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdn debt is rising out of control yet again under LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the debt wall is looming large over all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And is it not IRONIC that one way Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals COULD GET more tax revenue easily is by allowing Alberta to export oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Our idiot Boy has shot himself in both feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He wants to KILL the Cdn oil patch.........................which means doing himself OUT of critical new revenue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND he is forcing Alberta into BANKRUPTCY while killing the oil patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And BAD Alberta DEBT WILL COST US ALL IN EXTRA TAXES AND PENALTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE ONLY WAY LIE-berals could make their current energy policy look any DUMBER is if they started sneaking out at night and DYNAMITING oil wells!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
He certainly wasn’t a pretend conservative like all the Trumpites

The problem with free trade is that traders then interact with ferriners, git all kaindza aidieas, makes friends with illegal ailienz and then even marry and spawn puppies with furrinaz. Itsa daingeris thinkg that frii traid.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The problem with free trade is that traders then interact with ferriners, git all kaindza aidieas, makes friends with illegal ailienz and then even marry and spawn puppies with furrinaz. Itsa daingeris thinkg that frii traid.

The problem with "free trade" is that LIE-berals lack the business acumen to run a chip truck at a profit........................................

not even if you gave them the potatoes for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus there are a FEW BUGS in free trade that LIE-berals HAVE NOT even noticed yet.....................................

much less figured out how to REPAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The issue of exchange rates would be one item..................................

LIE-berals have NO IDEA how to compensate economically for Chinese Dictators employing slave labour and pegging the Yuan at

some BULLSH+T exchange rate while Chinese also limit western access to Chinese markets except on terms HIGHLY ADVANTAGEOUS to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course since China is a dictatorship- we have NO IDEA what manner of subsidies Chinese govt may offer to companies competing with the west!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course LIE-berals are ABSOLUTELY BLIND to the Yankee insistence that free trade can ONLY FLOURISH when the border can be wide open with NO RISK of letting terrorists and Soviet Spies enter United States from careless Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Nobody knows what might happen with Brexit next week. So all forecasts for 2019 should be taken with a kilo of salt (if the Remainiac survivalists haven’t stockpiled all of the white stuff already).
That said, here are three possible outcomes anyway: a best-case scenario, worst-case scenario and maybe-not-as-bad-as-it-seems case scenario. AKA the Good, Bad, and could-turn-Ugly options.

Brexit 2019: the Good, Bad and could-turn-Ugly options

Mick Hume
1st January 2019

Nobody knows what might happen with Brexit next week. So all forecasts for 2019 should be taken with a kilo of salt (if the Remainiac survivalists haven’t stockpiled all of the white stuff already).
That said, here are three possible outcomes anyway: a best-case scenario, worst-case scenario and maybe-not-as-bad-as-it-seems case scenario. AKA the Good, Bad, and could-turn-Ugly options.
Best case scenario: a No Deal Brexit
We’d love a good exit deal, where the UK frees itself from the anti-democratic grip of the EU, regains its sovereignty, and retains close economic links with EU member states.
But there is no such deal on the table. The EU bureaucracy wants to punish the UK, to teach a lesson to upstart Leave voters who think democracy means the people taking control – and show other European proles what happens when they dare to defy their betters in Brussels.
Which means a No Deal, clean-break Brexit is the only available option which comes close to fulfilling the demand of 17.4million Leave voters. That makes it the Good option for 2019.
We are bombarded with Remain propaganda disguised as reportage, about how No Deal will mean planes falling from the skies and food disappearing from the shelves, amid plagues of frogs, locusts and Russian fake-news bloggers. No doubt there would be some short-term uncertainty. But that is better than the certainty of being stitched up by the EU and UK elites.
Our Remainer government and parliament will do anything possible to stop a No Deal Brexit. But let’s start the New Year with the hopeful view that it could – and should – still happen, if only by default. Laws passed in parliament mean the UK is currently committed to leave the EU on 29 March 2019 – deal or no deal. That can only be altered if parliament manages to pass another law to stop it. Will the divided, incoherent and cowardly bulk of MPs be able to get their act together in time?
There is talk of Remainer Tory MPs joining Labour to stop No Deal, bringing parliamentary politics closer to chaos. But a bit more political chaos may also be our best hope of getting a clean-break Brexit. The trouble is that few are pushing for this. Leave has always been a popular mood more than a political movement. The lack of organised support for No Deal leaves plenty of scope for the conniving elites to get their way. But it’s now no deal, or no democracy.
Worst case scenario: May’s deal, or some other variant of Remain-by-another-name
The deal Remainer prime minister Theresa May has done would potentially leave the UK in a neocolonial relationship to the EU, still under the sway of Euro rules and courts. It is a form of Remain-by-another-name. This is the Bad option for 2019.
It seems certain that the prime minister’s deal will be rejected by MPs, which is why she has postponed the vote. But it seems equally certain that Her May-jesty and her court will keep trying to get some version of it through. They are already ramping up warnings about the only alternative being No Deal, to try to frighten MPs into submission. In this they have the support of powerful lobbies from the media to big business.
Things may look bleak for May. But the Labour Party are only proposing an alternative version of Remain by another name. The only other ‘alternative’ gaining elite support is to try to reimpose a full-blooded Remain, via another vote. Which brings us to…
Maybe-not-as-bad-as-it-seems scenario: another referendum
The ‘People’s Vote’ campaign is Newspeak nonsense. The people pushing for it are embittered Remainer elitists. They care nothing about the demos – the people – and everything about taking back the other part of democracy, kratos: power or control.
Thus as soon as the European Court of Justice ruled that the UK parliament could simply reverse Brexit, many decided that their precious ‘people’s vote’ might not be necessary after all. Professor AC Grayling, the Remainiac’s Remainiac, tweeted triumphantly that, ‘We can cancel Brexit without cost. Control over the nation’s destiny rests in the hands of our MPs.’ And not, apparently, in the hands of the people whose destiny is to be decided for them.
At the same time, Remainer support is growing for a second referendum, from the Tory cabinet to the Corbynite left lobby Momentum, to break the parliamentary impasse and prevent No Deal. As Brendan O’Neill has argued on spiked, we need to get ready to fight the referendum battle again. Leading Remainers from all parties want a referendum choice between May’s deal and Remain. Brexit, and 17.4million Leave voters, would be erased from the ballot paper and history altogether. Others favour a choice between May’s deal and No deal, fancying they could deploy the fear factor to win.
Another referendum is the could-turn-Ugly option. It would be a dirty fight to the finish with all sorts of muck and bullets flying. But it is also the maybe-not-as-bad-as-it-seems scenario. It could be won, against all the fixed odds and in face of the scaremongering – just as the first one was.
If a second referendum offered a phoney choice between Remain and Remain-by-another-name, we’d need a ‘boycott the bogus vote’ campaign. A lower turnout would sink the referendum, whatever the result. If the second referendum offered a more genuine choice – Leave v Remain again, or May’s deal v No deal – then another win for the Brexiteers would be a hammer blow to the elites. Which is why many remain reluctant to risk another public vote and want to keep it a private matter for MPs.
The only certainty for 2019 is that the political class will do anything in its power to thwart the popular Brexit revolt. As I wrote on spiked in June 2016, a week before the referendum, ‘Nobody should be complacent about the willingness of the political elites to respect the will of the people. Even if the Leave campaign was to win the vote, it is already clear that many in both Brussels and Whitehall are planning how they could get around that inconvenient fact.’ That is one Brexit prediction that has proved undeniably true.
Mick Hume is spiked’s editor-at-large. His latest book, Revolting! How the Establishment is Undermining Democracy – and what they’re afraid of, is published by William Collins.

Sould it be a repeat of the last referendum or a referendum offering two leave options?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Sould it be a repeat of the last referendum or a referendum offering two leave options?
Option 1: "Feck off maudit Anglais and bother us no more!"

Option 2: "Take that Johnny Foreigner and that will teach you to have truck and trade with John Bull, by Jingo!"


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Opsiwn 1: "Cael gwared ar anudis maudit a thrafferthu ni ddim mwy!"
Opsiwn 2: "Ewch â hynny i Johnny Foreigner a bydd hynny'n eich dysgu i gael lori a masnach gyda John Bull, gan Jingo!"

Just to really have fun with Blackleaf, I hope the referendum gives him a choice between a Finnish-style agreement and a Swiss-style one. Never mind that they're quite similar and still require them to abide by EU rules but without getting a vote.

Watch Blackleaf blow a fuse in that referendum :)
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Just to really have fun with Blackleaf, I hope the referendum gives him a choice between a Finnish-style agreement and a Swiss-style one. Never mind that they're quite similar and still require them to abide by EU rules but without getting a vote.

Watch Blackleaf blow a fuse in that referendum :)

I hoping a second referendum - which the Commons recently voted against, twice - simply has "Leave the EU" on it, so as not to disenfranchise millions of Britons.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

It's certainly not dead. Brexit - a full on, No Deal Brexit that the people voted for - will still be victorious, and may even occur on 12th April.

Labour MP Yvette Cooper's bill to delay Brexit even further one by one vote - 313 to 312 - earlier this week.

The circumstances surrounding the Cooper bill are disgraceful to say the least:

1) Yvetter Cooper is the Labour MP for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford - the constituency voted overwhelmingly (69.3%) to leave the EU. Cooper promised her constituents that she would respect the result of the referendum. Now she's doing her best to delay and overturn it by passing her bill. For that reason, she will, along with the vast majority of other Remainer MPs, pay the price at the next election.

2) The one vote which secured victory for the Cooper bill was that of Labour Remainer MP Fiona Onasanya, who is a convicted criminal who wears a tag. She shouldn't even be an MP.

But despite the disgusting Cooper bill passing through the Commons thanks to the vote of a convicted criminal, it seems unlikely that there will be a further delay to Brexit. All 27 leaders of the EU member states must agree to it - but it seems that France's Macron, at least, doesn't want an extension. For that reason alone, the EU will effectively order Britain to leave with No Deal, probably on 12th April but maybe on 22nd May.

And who's fault will it be if there's a No Deal? It'll be the fault of the mainly Remainer House of Commons who have continually voted against May's deal. So, laughablyy, in their attempts to overturn Brexit, the Remainers may inadvertently give us a No Deeal Brexit.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Parliament ain’t just bad - it’s criminal: RICHARD LITTLEJOHN on jailbird MP Fiona Onasanya casting the deciding vote on the latest Stop Brexit manoeuvre

By Richard Littlejohn for the Daily Mail
5 April 2019

Just when you thought Parliament couldn’t sink any lower, along comes jailbird MP Fiona Onasanya to cast the deciding vote in favour of the latest Stop Brexit manoeuvre.

Onasanya walked through the voting lobby wearing the electronic ankle tag with which she was fitted after being released early from HMP Bronzefield in Surrey.

Her participation ensured that the Bill to change the law so that Britain can’t leave the EU without a ‘deal’ passed by the narrowest of margins, 313 to 312.

Fiona Onasanya cast the deciding vote in favour of the latest Stop Brexit manoeuvre

Onasanya, MP for Peterborough, served just 28 days of a three-month sentence for perverting the course of justice, after repeatedly lying to police to avoid a speeding fine.

If she had been forced to complete her full term she would still have been in prison and, therefore, unable to vote.

Such is the desperation of those determined to defy the democratic will of the British people that they are prepared to rely on the help of a convicted criminal to get their way.

We now live in a country where the vote of a single, disgraced MP outweighs the votes of 17.4 million people in a referendum.

If the division had been held any earlier in the day, Onasanya may not have been able to take part. She rushed to Westminster from an industrial tribunal, where she is accused of discriminating against a disabled employee who was told to use the men’s toilet because she couldn’t climb the stairs. You couldn’t make it up, especially as Onasanya isn’t shy when it comes to using the discrimination card to air her own grievances.

Over the years, we’ve seen sick MPs stretchered in to the House to take part in crucial votes. As recently as last summer, the Labour MP Naz Shah was pushed through the lobby in a wheelchair, dosed up on morphine, and with a bucket on her lap, just in case she threw up while casting her vote.

But Onasanya is the first MP who has turned up to vote wearing an ankle tag, while technically still serving a custodial sentence.
She had previously voted against Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement. This is regardless of the fact that more than 60 per cent of her constituents in Peterborough voted Leave.

She’s currently fighting a recall petition aimed at forcing her to stand down and face a by-election. She can’t be kicked out automatically because her sentence was less than 12 months. Despite her conviction, and her appeal being turned down by three judges, Onasanya continues to protest her innocence both in public and on social media.

She recently appeared in a bizarre YouTube video with the New York skyline in the background. It looked as if she was auditioning for the old David Letterman show. The current king of late-night TV in America, Britain’s James Corden, might have to look to his laurels.
Heeeere’s Fiona!

It can only be a matter of time before she features on Car Pool Karaoke, singing I Fought The Law (And The Law Won)!

The MP for Peterborough recently appeared in a bizarre YouTube video with the New York skyline in the background

The Labour Party withdrew the whip after she was convicted, but we’re told nothing could be done to stop her voting in the Commons.

Really? I’m sure Speaker Bercow could have come up with some arcane rule which would have prevented her casting a vote.

After all, he’s already reached back to the 1600s in his apparent determination to Stop Brexit. And he continues to tear up the rule book and override precedent.

The Bill to extend Article 50 was rammed through in just four hours. Bercow’s behaviour has been described as a ‘constitutional outrage’ by Brexiteers.

Outside the Westminster Bubble, most people would think that allowing a convicted criminal wearing an ankle tag to cast the deciding vote on a crucial Bill affecting Britain’s future was also a constitutional outrage.

Yet the Speaker and the other 312 MPs who voted in favour of the motion, put forward by Oliver Leftwing and Pixie Balls-Cooper, could see nothing wrong with Onasanya helping their cause. They would have been screaming blue murder if she’d voted the other way. You can bet your life that Bercow would have come up with something, anything, to stop that happening.

You might also have hoped that one, just one, ‘honourable’ member planning to vote in favour would have been seized by a pang of conscience and abstained, to cancel out Onasanya’s vote.

But no. As far as the Remain headbangers are concerned, Brexit must be derailed at any cost, even if that means the last vestiges of decency being thrown out of the window.

To make matters worse, Onasanya wasn’t the only crooked MP allowed to vote this week.

Tory Chris Davies, member for Brecon and Radnorshire, trooped through the lobby while awaiting sentencing for fraud.

Tory Chris Davies, member for Brecon and Radnorshire, trooped through the lobby while awaiting sentencing for fraud

He pleaded guilty in March to two counts of forgery and one count of providing false and misleading claims, relating to his election expenses. He, too, faces a recall petition.

Davies actually voted against the motion, so his vote did cancel out Onasanya’s. But that’s not the point. Neither of them should have been taking part.

One is still serving her sentence, even if she’s not behind bars where she belongs. The other has admitted his crimes and is awaiting his fate. Both have forfeited their right to sit as MPs.

I don’t know much about Davies, but Onasanya is beyond shame. She even claimed her MP’s salary while doing her porridge.

It’s a pity technology has advanced to allow prisoners to be monitored electronically while effectively on parole.

Not so long ago, the only way Onasanya could have voted would have been if she was escorted from jail to Westminster. It would have been marvellous if she’d been forced to walk through the division lobbies handcuffed to a couple of prison warders, like the Kray Twins at their mother Violet’s funeral.

The demeaning sight of an MP voting while manacled to a screw would have served as a perfect illustration of the murky depths to which the Mother of Parliaments has now sunk.

Speaking of Pixie Balls-Cooper (see above), I wonder if she’s taken in her Syrian refugee family yet? Just curious, that’s all.

Here’s one of life’s mysteries. Why is Project Fear still bothering? They’ve won. The game’s over. Brexit, in any meaningful sense, is dead as a door nail.

Yet they keep on pumping out scare stories. The Chief Constable of Hertfordshire was at it yesterday, warning that his men were on standby to deal with any riots which might arise because of No Deal, or No Brexit, or whatever.

As someone who lives on North London’s border with Hertfordshire, I somehow don’t see mass rioting breaking out on the streets of Potters Bar. Not until after the pubs shut, anyway.

Welwyn Garden City is hardly a walk on the wild side. I can’t imagine anyone lobbing Molotov cocktails through the windows of John Lewis in protest at the extension of Article 50.

The latest Project Fear scare story suggest Eurostar passengers will have their sandwiches confiscated by customs officials

Still, as far as Project Fear is concerned, the facts should never get in the way of a good scare story.

One TV channel went even further, warning that the Army had been put on alert. This ‘news’ was accompanied by library footage of soldiers marching in Downing Street. All you can do to stay sane is laugh out loud.

The daftest scare yet was the idea Eurostar passengers will have their ham sandwiches, pork pies and cheddar cheese rolls confiscated by customs officers before they travel through the Channel Tunnel.

At gunpoint, presumably. This ‘story’ was delivered in all seriousness by TV reporters standing on the concourse at St Pancras.

Do you honestly think French TV reporters are lining up at the Gare du Nord to warn that all baguettes jambon and rillettes will have to be surrendered unless President Macron softens his approach to Brexit?

I can only assume that so many scare stories have been launched that Project Fear has lost radio contact with some of its agents.

Like Japanese kamikaze pilots, they’re running out of fuel and they’re coming down to earth regardless, Brexit or No Brexit. Hide the ham sarnies!

For some reason, watching the shenanigans at Westminster, I keep hearing the theme tune from Stingray, the Sixties adventure series from puppeteer Gerry Anderson.

Stingray was the underwater companion show to the better-known Thunderbirds and began with the irresistible promise: ‘Anything can happen in the next half hour!’ That’s where British politics is now. You don’t know what madness is coming next.

Yesterday, there was divine intervention in the form of a water leak which led to the Commons being evacuated.

I’m looking forward to the plague of frogs, if it hasn’t occurred already by the time you read this. That’ll be a job for Stingray. Anything can happen in the next half hour!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Piers Morgan: why, as a former Remainer, I’d now back Leave

Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan
6 April 2019
The Spectator

I voted Remain, and still don’t think Brexit is a good idea. However, if there were to be a second EU referendum, I would vote Leave. Not because I’ve experienced some Damascene conversion to the Brexit cause — I haven’t met anyone who has changed their mind about it and suspect these people don’t exist outside Alastair Campbell’s hysterical Remoaner mind — but because I would be so furious at a second referendum happening at all. What’s going on now is a disgrace: a House of Commons packed with Remainer MPs trying everything in its power to reverse the 2016 result or dilute Brexit so much that it ceases to resemble anything that Leavers voted for. I find this assault on our democracy far more sinister than anything that might befall us in the event of a no-deal departure from Europe, not least because those shouting loudest about what a disaster no deal would be — like Campbell and Tony Blair — all once assured me that if Britain didn’t join the euro, it would also be a disaster, and in fact it was the best thing we never did. Also, let’s not forget these were the same people who dragged us into the calamitous war with Iraq — without even contemplating the notion of a ‘People’s Vote’. As for the patronising idea that no Leavers knew what they were voting for, I simply say this: they all assumed voting Leave meant ‘leaving the European Union’, as stated on the ballot paper, not partly staying in it. So the much-scorned ‘crashing out with no deal’ option is most in line with what people probably thought they were getting.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Pierce Morgan probably also backs Trump, Henry the 8th, Vladimir Putin, Ghengis Khan and Caligula.