Trickle of Illegal Immigrants into Canada Could Become Deluge in the Spring


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
POOR STUPID Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eagle points out the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Curious tries to bury it like a sick cat hiding its waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He says he lives ina gated community with the hoi poloi .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It looks like the United States is going to shatter into pieces after a bit more Trump and Canada is going to be their lifeboat.

Maybe even YOU will have to come here for asylum.
What Ontario is going to save America . You are funny . Understand Canada is at the closest it has ever been to breaking apart at the seams . It is the fault of closed minded bigots like yourself . Great legacy to leave the grandkids . We had the greatest richest country in the world and pissed it away because of regional differences.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

But it would be so easy to do so. Canada is completely unable to stop the DELUGE as it is.
Canada has been neutered. We used to produce men capable of taming the wilderness. Now we produce the likes of George and hemorrhoid.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Canada has been neutered. We used to produce men capable of taming the wilderness. Now we produce the likes of George and hemorrhoid.

Curious Canadian is weak. Is it any wonder why he had to create fake war stories and pretend to be a combat veteran. I think he is trying to make up for his shortcomings.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
He says he lives ina gated community with the hoi poloi .

Curious Cdn lives in a gated community??????????????????


That EXPLAINS A GREAT DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


POOR oblivious Curious has been locked into his privileged little Hog heaven for so long he is unaware of why LIE-beral policies are failing so very badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he is completely BEWILDERED as to why the likes of Joe Clark and Ernie Eaves cannot make a political come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article illustrating what is wrong with BOTH LIE-beral economic policy and LIE-beral environmental policy as well! With some comments of my own in brackets):

A bailout? That's not what Alberta's energy sector wants

By Lorne Gunter.

Published: December 18, 2018, Updated: December 18, 2018 4:33 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


LILLEY: Ford government right to cut out the extras
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s carbon tax isn't about the climate
FUREY: Expect populism in Canada to ramp up

Did you ask the feds for $1.6 billion to “help” the oil and gas industry? Did anyone?

(Alberta oil biz wants to SELL PRODUCT! And for philosophical reasons that are UNSOUND - LIE-berals are BLOCKING THE SALE by blocking pipelines!)

(There are people around the world who would prefer to buy Cdn oil rather than buy oil from Russian mobsters and Iranian Ayatollahs because Cdns will use their oil revenue for health care- rather than buying weapons to threaten people as Russian and Iranian dictators want to do!)

A bailout is not what Alberta’s energy sector needs or wants.

(Especially when the bailout is nothing but a tiny band aid put over a gaping wound! With the added disgrace that LIE-berals are heavily taxing other businesses so they can offer that useless band aid to Alberta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Our province is losing around $40 billion a year in oil and gas investment, not to mention the spinoffs like housing starts, retail sales and vehicle purchases that come with a booming energy sector. And we are losing that money because we have no pipelines to take our oil and bitumen to ports and because the “green” taxes and regulations of the federal Liberals and provincial NDP are scaring away investors.

(In addition- Ottawa is losing BILLIONS of dollars in income taxes and assorted sales tax revenue by killing the Alberta oil patch!! We are being run desperately into debt by LIE-berals playing stupid Socialist Ideological GAMES!!!!!!!!!!)

What we need is for the Trudeau Liberals and the Notley NDP to end their growth-killing policies. We don’t need some handout that amounts to four per cent of the investment we will lose this year alone.

(LIE-beral style environmental activism can be summed up by the behaviour of my brother in law- the one who hates cities and crowds and shopping malls so much that he moved out into the woods in a cabin he built for himself- and now he BEGRUDGES all the new houses being built around him!)

(He has HIS PIECE OF country HEAVEN- and he is WHINING because others want a piece as well! Of course brother in law emerges from the woods once in a while -driving his SUV to the airport - to fly off to British Columbia to ski- while telling us that climate change is ENTIRELY the fault of the Chinese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(This is ULTIMATE LIE-beral selfishness graphically displayed on the LIE-beral gravy train - that ugly sense of “I have mine but we cannot afford to let you have yours!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But did Liberal Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi and International Trade Diversification Minister Jim Carr announce what we truly need during their event at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology on Tuesday morning? Not on your life.

Did Sohi and Carr promise the feds would not impose their carbon tax on Jan. 1 after all? Did they announce Bills C-69 and C-48 would be scrapped – the pair of Liberal bills currently before the Senate that are designed to make future pipelines next to impossible?

No. That’s what Alberta needs, but the feds won’t do any of that.

(Our idiot Boy Justin Trudeau says many things.........and once in a while he says something TRUTHFUL! Our idiot Boy told us he wants to KILL the Cdn oil patch and make Canada carbon free! This is one statement he has made THAT HE IS TRUTHFUL ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Alberta also needs the feds to put their constitutional weight behind the Trans Mountain pipeline, which is something else the Trudeau-ites refuse to do.

(Next (October we will get a chance to vote for a more logical and less wasteful govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So, just what do the Liberals hope to accomplish with your $1.6 billion?

They might be trying to buy Albertans’ gratitude -and some votes.

(LIE-berals consider “bait and switch” to be a classic political solution to many of THEIR problems! Robbing Peter to pay Paul and buy Paul1s vote then making Paul pay the resulting debt is classic LIE-beral value!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The $1.6 billion they pledged for retraining laid-off oil workers, “green” technology for oil companies and foreign marketing of our petroleum products might be an attempt to quiet the recent anti-Ottawa protests in the province. That might help Sohi get re-elected in Edmonton Mill Woods and Liberal MP Randy Boissonnault win again in Edmonton Centre. The two Liberals elected in Calgary in 2015 – one evicted from caucus, the other suspended from cabinet – are beyond saving.

(This latest LIE-beral initiative is simply a bigger and more costly replay of the Dalton McGinty LIE-beral Ontari-owe “OFFER” to CAW car workers in 2008- in which McGinty infamously offered up one hundred million dollars for “retraining” and then put so many strings on it that only five percent of the money was ever used! Our idiot Boy is offering up the same kind of useless band aid solutions as McGinty did!!!!!!!!!!)

Or the Trudeau government might be trying to clear the path for a bailout of auto plants in Ontario, which is where they truly want to buy votes. It would be easier politically to pay General Motors -or some third party- to keep open the plant in Oshawa that GM announced would close next year if the Liberals have already given $1.6 billion to Alberta.

(Federal LIE-berals have just written off $2.8 billion dollars in loans that were given to General Motors and Chrysler back in 2008! LIE-berals KNOW there is NO HOPE of any govt bribing GM into re-opening its Oshawa plant- and they are simply praying that Chrysler stays in Streetsville! Public appetite for more car maker bailouts is NON EXISTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

(The current campaign in which auto workers tell us that GM should make cars here if they want to sell cars here seems much more effective than any govt bail out- and we can hope that Chrysler and Ford are listening to the public ANGER at GM!!!!!!!)

(After all- Honda, Ford and Chrysler make good products and THEY have plants in Ontari-owe! So screw GM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Liberals might also be thinking the $1.6 billion for us will help calm the uproar over the extra $1.4 billion in equalization they gave Quebec earlier this month, even though Quebec doesn’t need the money because its economy is one of the strongest in Canada.

(Is it not remarkable how many billions that LIE-berals will throw around without ANY thought for the future? And how is it that Alberta and Quebec BOTH are not in a rage at the over $2 billion dollars per year Our idiot LIE-berals have been shipping to Viet Nam to buy “carbon credits” - in spite of the fact those costly credits are USELESS for influencing the environment???)

(The only reason LIE-berals have for taxing Cdns to raise money to buy carbon credits is to ensure that we are so POOR that we cannot afford to drive a car! This is a DELIBERATE LIE-beral effort to screw with our quality of life! And of course LIE-berals are using the carbon tax scam cash as a giant slush fund to buy votes so they can cling to power at any price!)

(TOO BAD there aint enough gravy left over to build any new transit - in spite of the fact that new and improved transit is THE BEST WAY to persuade Cdns to park their cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Or, finally, Tuesday’s bribe to Alberta might simply be an attempt to reassure Liberal voters elsewhere – such as Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver – that the Trudeau government is doing something about the economy.

(Yes- it is all smoke and mirrors designed to placate the radicals such as airhead David Suzuki who has publicly lambasted Our idiot LIE-berals for not working fast enough to destroy our economy with Socialist Policy GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It doesn’t matter in all those Liberal-friendly cities that the measures announced Tuesday will be largely useless. That only matters here where the pain is being felt. But if the Liberals’ true goal is to assuage fears over the economy of voters elsewhere, then throwing $1.6 billion in Albertans’ Christmas kettle might accomplish that.

Frankly, I find the $1.6-billion gift insulting.

(Yes......but dedicated environmentalist whose votes LIE-berals are trying to catch, believe that the $1.6 billion gift is MORE than oil workers - being judged as environmental criminals - DESERVE! Socialist policy dictates that oil must be leveraged out of our economy -at ANY PRICE! This is Environmental FASCISM AT WORK! The Fascists want to destroy our economy WITHOUT having any practical alternatives in place!!!!!!)

The Trudeau government has done everything it can to impede our oil industry. It has even admitted it wants to “phase out” our energy sector. Although I’m pretty sure not even they expected to kill it this early.

(No doubt LIE-berals did not anticipate the huge drop in oil prices.......but they have NO SHAME about exploiting that situation for their benefit!!!!!!!!!!)

Now they think we’re dumb enough to be bought off with chump change. No thanks.

(Oh but ordinary people that LIE-berals do not need -get that token chump change- because that is what arrogant LIE-berals THINK we deserve! The REAL GRAVY is reserved for civil service union Hogs and other staunch LIE-beral PALS!! In that equation- Alberta is OUT due to its long hostility to LIE-beral govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Eagle Snack is a trolling Russian fiction writer.

Oh Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have Yankee relatives in your family???????????????????????????

You seem OBSESSED with unproven Russian influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like LIE-beral minded Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it does seem to be proven that Curious is WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Certainly weak minded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How else to explain his DELUSION that Joe Clark..................WHO?????????????????????????

Will soon stage a major come back in politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How many of those poor misunderstood line jumpers are allowed into your gated community?
There are no gated community around where I live ... none. They don't "do" those around here. The crime rate he ere in Halton is often the very lowest on the continent. This is not like one of your ultra-violent Western Canadian cities. Those top the crime rates in Canada year after year.

Note:We're #7 on the "safest cities" list.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
There are no gated community around where I live ... none. They don't "do" those around here. The crime rate he ere in Halton is often the very lowest on the continent. This is not like one of your ultra-violent Western Canadian cities. Those top the crime rates in Canada year after year.

Note:We're #7 on the "safest cities" list.
Import a bunch of those mussalmen and see how long that lasts .