Trump at 700 days plus


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
58% say U.S. rates very or somewhat favorably in world's eyes
45% satisfied with U.S. position in the world
Most say Trump not respected by foreign leaders

MAGA (by comparison)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

There seems to be a growing dissatisfaction with Trump giving the rich more than they deserve.
They got more on their paycheques and spent it.

Must not be very honest people if they didn't run to HR to find out why their cheque was bigger.

Prepared to steal from their boss but cry when their tax return is reduced.

Typical Lefties.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
They got more on their paycheques and spent it.

Must not be very honest people if they didn't run to HR to find out why their cheque was bigger.

Prepared to steal from their boss but cry when their tax return is reduced.

Typical Lefties.
I guess you missed the "same withholding as last year" part


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I guess you missed the "same withholding as last year" part

Here's the reason why you may see a lower tax refund in 2019

You've actually had more of that money in your own bank account this whole time. Here's why.
Under President Trump's new tax plan, the IRS withholding tables changed.
These tables tell your job how much money to take out your paycheck each week in income tax. You only get a refund if they take out too much, which is less likely to happen under this new law.
But if the IRS didn't take out enough, you'll have to write Uncle Sam a check.
The problem is a lot of us budget on getting a refund and don't necessarily plan on owing money, which may happen this year.
There are a few that may see their average return may the same.
“The circuit breakers, we haven’t seen many change in their tax refund. Those have been pretty consistent," said LaTaunia Kenner, the Accounting Manager for the City of St. Louis.
Circuit Breakers is a Missouri program that gives a property tax refund for senior citizens or individuals on disability.
Those are expected to stay similar to last year.
Your refund check may also be delayed because of the previous government shutdown.
The IRS is still catching up from all that time away from the office and it may get worse if there's another shutdown.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Pelosi as President would be able to use the national emergency powers newly discovered by Trump in order to make everyone have a sex change.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I guess you missed the point that said that was fake news withholding was less giving more in take home, if not enough was withheld they could get a bill instead of a refund.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
nobody is disputing your ability to invent facts,

I understand with your mental deficiency it is hard to comprehend what you read, here let's try again

You've actually had more of that money in your own bank account this whole time. Here's why.
Under President Trump's new tax plan, the IRS withholding tables changed.
These tables tell your job how much money to take out your paycheck each week in income tax. You only get a refund if they take out too much, which is less likely to happen under this new law.
But if the IRS didn't take out enough, you'll have to write Uncle Sam a check.
The problem is a lot of us budget on getting a refund and don't necessarily plan on owing money, which may happen this year.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The guy said "same with holding as last year".

Many other people have said the same.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Here is a WaPo article hope it helps you Lol

Many Americans may confuse their meager refunds as a sign that they paid more in taxes as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Generally, that is not true.
According to the Tax Policy Center, 80 percent of filers received a tax cut, and about 5 percent wound up paying more in federal income taxes. The tax cuts showed up in fatter weekly or biweekly paychecks for most Americans, but few people noticed, according to polling.
“There’s a difference between taxes and your refund,” said Joseph Rosenberg, a senior research associate at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute. “People generally got a piece of their tax cut last year gradually in the form of lower withholding on their paychecks.”
Many families received a tax cut, but their refunds are smaller this year because the IRS made major changes to the “withholding tables” — the amount the federal government recommends taking out of your paycheck for federal income taxes — in the new tax law.
The IRS attempted to set withholding levels so that more people would pay correct taxes, meaning they neither owe anything to the IRS at the end of the year nor receive a refund.
“Getting a tax refund means that you gave the government an interest-free loan because you overpaid your taxes,” said Nicole Kaeding, director of federal projects at the Tax Foundation, a right-leaning think tank.
Many Americans prefer refunds, even though personal finance experts say it’s not a wise idea to get one.
“It’s a mystery why taxpayers seem to be comfortable — and even happy — with getting refund checks,” Rosenberg said.
The IRS encouraged Americans to review their withholding level last year, but few did. About 75 percent of filers received refunds in recent years. Many Americans appear to like getting a refund because they feel that if they received an extra $20 to $40 a week, they would spend it. But when they get a one-time refund of $1,000 to $2,000, they put it toward paying off credit card debt, paying down a mortgage or saving for retirement.
“I am really frustrated with my refund this year. I was expecting good chunk of change. I was going to put it toward buying a car,” said Sal Ramirez, a 20-year-old packaging designer in San Gabriel Valley, Calif. He earns $45,000 and said he received a refund last year of more than $1,200 because he puts zero withholding on his W-4 form at work.
Ramirez just got his refund from the IRS, and it’s only $900 this year, almost certainly because of changes to the withholding tables. He figures he’ll need to save a few more months for a car.
The refund situation marks the latest potential trouble for Republicans over their tax bill. They argued it would be a political victory, but it has consistently polled poorly.
Ramirez, who did not vote for Trump, couldn’t remember whether his total tax bill went up or down. He was just focused on his refund.
In New Jersey, Prugh appeared to be hit by both factors affecting refunds this year: His overall tax bill is higher, and his withholding looks to be a little lower. His family was affected by the new law’s $10,000 cap on state and local taxes (i.e. property taxes and state and local income taxes). He said in the past he normally deducted about twice that amount. He also was hurt by the elimination of the option to deduct mileage for work. The higher standard deduction under the new law did not counterbalance losing other deductions.
“I did not vote for Trump,” Prugh said. “As active as I got in the last election cycle and as active as I plan to be in 2020, this put more urgency behind it than almost any other thing that has happened.”

Does it help?
Didn't think so Lol


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Does fake news help?

Well, it helps you to believe the ridiculous shit you need to believe.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I guess you missed the point that said that was fake news withholding was less giving more in take home, if not enough was withheld they could get a bill instead of a refund.
Guess you missed the point that even the Trump administration admits that some people's taxes went up under the new tax bill.

I hope they use his higher taxes to build a wall across 1100km of trackless, impassable desert where nobody crosses.


Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
So you are going by a guy on a facebook meme posted by Cliffy as evidence?

-Twin Moose

I think I've got this straight. So a fake intellectual is basing facts on a fake internet persona posted by a fake native Indian? ;)

Yep...that's Hoid in spades alright.