How socialism turned oil-rich Venezuela into a basket case


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Do you have a note from her that makes you her keeper with authority to challenge the way my reply to her is going. I said it would be long and start at about 1950.
I figured the Jewish version of the place would be universally accepted here as being accurate and you have to make it an anti-semetic issue rather than a short history of their involvement in the area. You can understand why I would see you just as another retarded troll Right?

You are already confusing the LIMA group with a small Jewish community in Lima, and that the pact is being controlled by the Jooos so what else their to read into your post?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Oh, MHz - I would have preferred a more concise answer - couldn't be bothered to read your "rant". So thanks anyway for (not) responding to my question.
Just sayin'.....
Perfectly justified, I just don't move questions from the bottom of the pile to the top, even trolls get equal time and they were the cause of the big delay. Sorry if that craps on your timeline at least I have a time that I better reply in before your patience wears to the bone.

If you hated my 'gut reaction' post the detailed one will leave you livid, when I post it and not before, that would be cheating in any language, Right?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You are already confusing the LIMA group with a small Jewish community in Lima, and that the pact is being controlled by the Jooos so what else their to read into your post?
You probably overdid it again. What do the words mean when I said I would start my post with the 'Death Squads', if the timelines overlap are you going to say I was 'selective'?? When the courts come up is when Canada's relationship to the ICC. As far as I am aware the one in the EU is the court in question. If you want to do a few posts before then feel free, otherwise wait, patiently. I;ll be sure to spend extra time on your troll posts.

Peru is one of the countries that is with Canada, that is why I am covering the country of Peru. I already did Canada, we are totally owned and have been for some time. Are you thinking we and the other ones named are 'independent thinkers', that seems to be something you are confused about. I cover the topic at my speed and path rather than you set the pace. Being stupid only slows you down, I will just comment on that aspect of you personality as well.

By using the term 'small' are you trying to say they have little power or that is all it takes for Jews to totally run a country of that size?? 1 Jew for 50 Gentiles is the ownership paper I saw that was being drafted, that work for you?? Should I do that one on your special thread??


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
[Volume 20
Cooperation (“WHINSEC”).
In 2002, Amnesty International USA (“Amnesty”) directly
condemned WHINSEC and its documented history of human rights
In its report,
Unmatched Power, Unmet Principles: The Human
Rights Dimensions of US Training of Foreign Military and Police
, Amnesty accused the school of perpetuating troubling human
rights problems in the United States
Amnesty stated:
Throughout the decade of the 1990s, the record of one U.S. military
training institution, in particular, attracted public scrutiny in the United
States. The U.S. Army’s School of the Americas offered training and
education to Latin American soldiers, some of whom went on to
commit human rights violations, including the 1989 murder in El
Salvador of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter. Then,
in 1996, it came to light that, in the 1980s and early 1990s, the School
of the Americas had used manuals that advocated practices such as
torture, extortion, kidnapping and execution.
The report further described many of the human rights abuses committed
by the school’s graduates –abuses which are detailed later in this article –
and pointed out that no one has accepted responsibility, or been held
accountable, for the alleged widespread
illegal actions of the school and
its graduates.
Amnesty concluded their report with several strong
recommendations to the U.S. government to remedy the human rights
violations occurring at WHINSEC,
including the following
(in part)
The School of the Americas (SOA) has been given other names -- "School for Dictators", "School of Assassins", and "Nursery of Death Squads". And, countries with the worst human rights records send the most soldiers to the School.
Countries / Graduates (since 1946)
Argentina / 931
Bolivia / 4,049
Brazil / 355
Chile / 2,405
Colombia / 8,679
Costa Rica / 2,376
Dominican Republic / 2,330
Ecuador / 2,356
El Salvador / 6,776
Guatemala / 1,676
Honduras / 3,691
Nicaragua / 4,693
Panama / 4,235
Paraguay / 1,084
Peru / 3,997
Uruguay / 931
Venezuela / 3,250

When they return to their home countries, graduates of the SOA hold a rather unique and peculiar view of their countrymen. They look upon priests, social workers, journalists, and liberal intellectuals, not as assets to their societies, but as dangerous subversives, working to undermine the system that keeps these soldiers, army officers, and their sponsors in power.

Graduates of the SOA have been among the most repressive tyrants in Latin America, and their actions have been some of the most cruel and violent. In El Salvador, in 1989, a Salvadoran army patrol executed six Jesuit priests as they lay face-down on the ground at Central America University. According to the United Nation's Truth Commission Report on El Salvador in 1993, 19 of the 27 officers who took part in the executions were trained at the SOA.

In 1990, in El Salvador, populist Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated. Three-quarters of the Salvadoran officers implicated in the killing were trained at the SOA. Roberto D'Aubuison, the late leader of El Salvador's Death Squad, was implicated in the plot to assassinate Archbishop Romero. He also participated in numerous murders, including a massacre in the village of El Mazote, where more than 900 men, women, and children were killed. He graduated from SOA as well.

The U.N. Truth Commission's statistics reveal the extent of the School's murderous role in El Salvador .

Romero assassination 3 officers cited --- 2 were SOA graduates
Murder of US nuns 5 officers cited --- 3 were SOA graduates
Union leader murders 3 officers cited --- 3 were SOA graduates
El Junquillo massacre 3 officers cited --- 2 were SOA graduates
El Mazote massacre 12 officers cited --- 10 were SOA graduates
Dutch journalist murders 1 officer cited --- he was an SOA graduate
Las Hojas massacre 6 officers cited --- 3 were SOA graduates
San Sebastian massacre 7 officers cited --- 6 were SOA graduates
Jesuit massacre 26 officers cited --- 19 were SOA graduates

In other Latin American countries, graduates of the SOA have been equally prominent enemies of human rights. Former dictators Omar Torrijos of Panama, Guillermo Rodriguez of Ecuador, and Juan Velasco Alvarado of Peru, all overthrew constitutionally elected governments in their countries. Leopoldo Galtieri, the former head of the Argentina junta defeated in the Falklands War, was responsible for thousands of "disappeared" citizens who supported freedom and democracy in Argentina, and paid the ultimate price with their lives. He was an SOA graduate.

In Honduras, General Humberto Ragalado Hernandez, was trained at the SOA at the same time that he was linked to Columbian drug cartels, and the highest ranking officers in the Honduran Death Squad were trained at SOA as well.

In Peru, the most senior officers convicted of the February 1994 murder of nine university students and a professor, were graduates of the SOA. In Columbia, a 1992 human rights tribunal cited 246 officers for crimes against the people of Columbia. 105 of the officers were trained at the SOA. In Panama, ex-dictator Manuel Noriega, formerly on the CIA payroll, graduated from the SOA. He is now in a US prison, convicted of trafficking in drugs.

In Guatemala, a country of 10 million, the indigenous Mayan population of 6 million have endured the greatest suffering in Latin America. During more than 30 years of civil war, tens-of-thousands have been slaughtered, with the total killed estimated to exceed 200,000. Most of the ranking generals involved in the numerous coups and acts of terror and murder during this period were trained at the SOA.

Global Witness: “Honduras, the most dangerous country per capita to be an environmental activist for the last five years, with 101 deaths between 2010 and 2014”
March 2017: The infamous US Army School of the Americas (also nicknamed “School of Coups” and “School of the Assassins”) in Fort Benning, Georgia (rebranded as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation [WHINSEC] since 2001) once again rears its ugly head one year past the cold-blooded assassination of Honduran indigenous and environmental activist Berta Isabel Cáceres, who was gunned down just before midnight March 2, 2016, after months of threats on her life and despite the obligation on the Honduran state to provide her with protection. Her shooting was the culmination of an extended campaign by the indigenous Lenca people (the largest indigenous group in Honduras) against the vested interests linked to the Honduran company Desarrollos Energéticos, S.A. (also known as DESA) and their plans to construct four hydroelectric dams on the Gualcarque River. In this regard Berta Cáceres joins a long list of environmental activists and protesters murdered for standing up for local people’s rights in the face of the large corporations and their friends and relatives in both the military and other ‘high places’: “a powerful nexus of corporate and state interests”, international NGO Global Witness says, in a country: “Honduras, the most dangerous country per capita to be an environmental activist for the last five years, with 101 deaths between 2010 and 2014.”

Strong evidence suggests a Peruvian police 'death squad' set up and killed criminal suspects
A source within a special investigative committee formed by recently inaugurated President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski told the Los Angeles Times late Tuesday that investigators believe corrupt police using intermediaries persuaded delinquents to carry out robberies and then killed them during the heists to gain performance points.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, said the special committee's report was given to the interior ministry's special prosecutor for organized crime Tuesday night, but it still has not been made public.

I'm not sure any of the local nations are able to even have 'free elections', most due to the dumber of the dead in the opposition parties.

Alrighty, top of the list my impatient patient.

So if that's the case, why was Venezuela doing ok BEFORE Chavez came to power?
To have that view already you have been exposed to some data that shows the good times for everybody was before 'the change'.
Army Uprising Starting In Venezuela – Expected To Go Down This Wednesday During A Massive Protest Against Maduro’s Regime
Pro-Con: Is U.S. foreign policy largely responsible for Venezuela’s crumbling economy?
Pro: U.S. policy chief culprit in Venezuela’s collapse
In 1998, when the late Hugo Chavez was first elected, Venezuela had a poverty rate of about 50 percent — despite having been among the world’s top oil exporters since the 1930s — and had governments that consistently had good relations with the United States.
In the late 1970s, at one of its most prosperous points ever as measured by per capita GDP, Venezuela’s child mortality rate was about double that of Cuba’s and Costa Rica’s.

Pick a starting year for when the 'good times' started or the 15% of the elite and a date for the other 85%. If it fits my dates we will include it for special attention. It will include the same material posted for Peru as well as the parts that were not posted.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

Graduates of the School of the Americas

The U.S. Army School of the Americas is a school that has run more dictators than any other school in the history of the world.
A number of graduates of the SOA and WHINSEC have been accused and sentenced for human rights violations and criminal activity in their home countries.[43] In response to public debate and in order to promote transparency, the Freedom of Information Act released records that tracked trainees of the school.[4] In August 2007, according to an Associated Press report, Colonel Alberto Quijano of the Colombian Army's Special Forces was arrested for providing security and mobilizing troops for Diego León Montoya Sánchez (aka "Don Diego"), the leader of the Norte del Valle Cartel and one of the FBI's 10 most-wanted criminals. School of the Americas Watch said in a statement that it matched the names of those in the scandal with its database of attendees at the institute. Alberto Quijano attended courses and was an instructor who taught classes on peacekeeping operations and democratic sustainment at the school from 2003 to 2004.[44]
Other former students include Salvadoran Colonel and Atlacatl Battalion leader Domingo Monterrosa and other members of his group who were responsible for the El Mozote massacre,[45][3] and Franck Romain, former leader of the Tonton Macoute, who was responsible for the St Jean Bosco massacre.[46] Honduran General Luis Alonso Discua was also a graduate of the school who later on commanded Battalion 3-16, a military death squad.[3]
Critics of SOA Watch argue the connection between school attendees and violent activity is often misleading. According to Paul Mulshine, Roberto D'Aubuisson's sole link to the SOA is that he had taken a course in radio operations long before El Salvador's civil war began.[47] Further, others assert that training statistics show that Argentina, a country that engaged in much anti-Communist sentiment and violence during the Cold War era, had a relatively small number of military personnel educated at the school.[5]
In 2018, two of the highest officers of the Venezuelan Army, Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino Lopez and SEBIN director Gustavo Gonzalez Lopez were sanctioned by the United States for human rights abuses against opposition protesters and dissidents, corruption leading to the economic collapse of the country, and Drug Trafficking charges. Both of them were found to have been students of "Psychological Operations" courses at SOA in 1995 and 1991 respectively.[48]

Oil was discovered in the early 20th century, and today, Venezuela has the world's largest known oil reserves and has been one of the world's leading exporters of oil. Previously, the country was an underdeveloped exporter of agricultural commodities such as coffee and cocoa, but oil quickly came to dominate exports and government revenues. The 1980s oil glut led to an external debt crisis and a long-running economic crisis. Inflation peaked at 100% in 1996 and poverty rates rose to 66% in 1995[12] as (by 1998) per capita GDP fell to the same level as 1963, down a third from its 1978 peak.[13] The recovery of oil prices in the early 2000s gave Venezuela oil funds not seen since the 1980s.[14] The Venezuelan government under Hugo Chavez then established populist social welfare policies that initially boosted the Venezuelan economy and increased social spending, temporarily[15] reducing economic inequality and poverty in the early years of the regime.[19] However, such populist policies[20] later became inadequate, causing the nation's collapse as their excesses—including a uniquely extreme fossil fuel subsidy[21]—are widely blamed for destabilizing the nation's economy. The destabilized economy led to a crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela, resulting in hyperinflation, an economic depression,[22] shortages of basic goods[23] and drastic increases in unemployment,[24] poverty,[25] disease, child mortality, malnutrition and crime. By 2017, Venezuela was declared to be in default regarding debt payments by credit rating agencies.[26][27] In 2018, the country's economic policies led to extreme hyperinflation, with estimates expecting an inflation rate of 1,370,000% by the end of the year.[28] Venezuela is a charter member of the UN, OAS, UNASUR, ALBA, Mercosur, LAIA and OEI.ópez

Military career

On 5 July 1984, Padrino graduated from Military Academy of Venezuela.[1] He commanded mortar personnel of the Antonio Ricaurte Infantry Battalion in Rubio, Táchira State. Between February and May 1995, Padrino was sent to the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia for a "Psychological Operations" and "Advanced Officer training" course by the US Army.[2] During the 2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt, he was a colonel of the Simon Bolivar Infantry Battalion in Fuerte Tiuna,[1] remaining loyal to the government of Hugo Chávez. He was later appointed Chief of Joint Staff of the Strategic Defense Central Region Integral by President Chavez.
In 2013, Padrino became the commander in chief of the Venezuelan Armed forces.[1] On 24 October 2014, Padrino was named by President Nicolas Maduro to be the successor of Carmen Melendez as the Minister of Defense. Currently Padrino and the Minister of People's Power for Defense hold the positions of Strategic Operational commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.

Remember the military coup headline just posted??ález_López
Gustavo Enrique González López was the Venezuelan Minister of Popular Power for Interior, Justice and Peace (MPPRIJP) in 2015-2016 and is the current head of the National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).[1] of Venezuela.[2][3][4]. General-in-chief[5].


Gustavo González López graduated from the Military Academy in 1982, with prominent classmates including Bolivar state governor, Francisco Rangel Gómez. López González joined the Venezuelan cabinet in 2006 where he served as president of Metro de Caracas and Los Teques Metro. Between January and May 1991, Lopez Gonzalez was sent to the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, in Georgia for a "Psychological Operations" and Advanced Officer Traning course by the US Army.[6] In December 2008, President Hugo Chávez appointed him commander of the 5th. Jungle Infantry Division, Operation Theatre No. 5 and Garrison Ciudad Bolivar. He was made the commanding general of the Bolivarian Militia in July 30, 2011. In recent months he served as secretary of the Security and Intelligence Unit Electric System.


United States

Since February 17, 2014, after the controversial shooting during the 2014–2017 Venezuelan protests in Candelaria which left Bassil Da Costa shot dead, he was appointed Managing Director of Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) and president of Strategic Centre for Security and Protection Patria. González López was one of 7 officials that received targeted sanctions by the government of Barack Obama for alleged human rights abuses. Following the announcement of sanctions, González López was promoted Minister of Popular Power for Interior, Justice and Peace by President Nicolás Maduro, who stated "I have decided to appoint Major General González López Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace to go with his award of the American empire to secure peace in the country, citizen and national security".[7][8][9][10]

The next phase will be about sanctions so a few other nations will need to be included as they are documented quite well to show they do punish a nation as much as possible with military action in open warfare. Vile people also cheer about the results. Vladimir Padrino López, Gustavo González López


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
You probably overdid it again. What do the words mean when I said I would start my post with the 'Death Squads', if the timelines overlap are you going to say I was 'selective'?? When the courts come up is when Canada's relationship to the ICC. As far as I am aware the one in the EU is the court in question. If you want to do a few posts before then feel free, otherwise wait, patiently. I;ll be sure to spend extra time on your troll posts.
Peru is one of the countries that is with Canada, that is why I am covering the country of Peru. I already did Canada, we are totally owned and have been for some time. Are you thinking we and the other ones named are 'independent thinkers', that seems to be something you are confused about. I cover the topic at my speed and path rather than you set the pace. Being stupid only slows you down, I will just comment on that aspect of you personality as well.
By using the term 'small' are you trying to say they have little power or that is all it takes for Jews to totally run a country of that size?? 1 Jew for 50 Gentiles is the ownership paper I saw that was being drafted, that work for you?? Should I do that one on your special thread??

I thought you weren't responding to me one on one anymore? I thanked you and everything for that, so now what?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I thought you weren't responding to me one on one anymore? I thanked you and everything for that, so now what?
Go do whatever trolls do after they fall on their face.
I'll be sure to spend extra time on your troll posts
Last edited:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
He has whole threads where he posts by himself.
Only the ones that require a moral answer or a scientific answer or a truthful answer.

Like you and sanctions and parents giving their children away. Is that a goal being achieved as it seems to happen after the capitalists are asked to leave.
I could up the number of threads I have going but trolls don't need to be whacked all the time after a certain point, know what I mean Walnut? Be happy to show you just how easy that would be.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Yeah haha I know that is where I really enjoy his posts, can't get enough of them actually, I wish he would spend all his time there to create his master piece posts for all to enjoy his wit ;)
You must be referencing the ones in the Christian section. Why would anybody from here reply to any them, they don't have a clue what is being said. There were there for the troll that keep thinking I'm a Muslim. You are over-thinking how much the members here mean to me, by a wide margin. I assure you the 2nd decade will be a lot different than the first one was. The collective already has the record for being the most clueless for the most centuries. Not my fault that the memos you swept under the run are starting to haunt you. There is a cure, like all medicine you will not like the taste, that is not why you need it.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Go do whatever trolls do after they fall on their face.
I'll be sure to spend extra time on your troll posts
You must be referencing the ones in the Christian section. Why would anybody from here reply to any them, they don't have a clue what is being said. There were there for the troll that keep thinking I'm a Muslim. You are over-thinking how much the members here mean to me, by a wide margin. I assure you the 2nd decade will be a lot different than the first one was. The collective already has the record for being the most clueless for the most centuries. Not my fault that the memos you swept under the run are starting to haunt you. There is a cure, like all medicine you will not like the taste, that is not why you need it.

You should spend more time in those threads and really perfect your posts for all your alter's to enjoy


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You should spend more time in those threads and really perfect your posts for all your alter's to enjoy
Your post reeks of defeat, go practice in front of the mirror and try again. The threads about the Bible are as perfect as I can make them, out of respect for God, the same that hears your every thought.

How does that make you feel?
You are mentally unbalanced, has anybody still living mentioned that at anytime in your past??


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You 'probably' don't know for sure. The snowball gif and the stitches part in the John Wayne clip were such moments, I still laugh. That's about it around here, befits a place teeming with true fuktards, a new term of endearment just for 'your kind'. Bloomer like to laugh when the body count in Gaza includes more women and kids than male adults. Shame none of the collective corrected him, he is still pissed that I mentioned it being a war crime as the family was killed to punish the husband, he made a point of putting that in as a private thought.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This is us if we ever revolted, . . . only colder, much colder.
Those of you that think I am exaggerating, you have no clue about how people really are when they are faced with hunger and poverty and surrounded by wealthy (to their eyes) people while their own families are struggling.
About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country.

The Bank of England did not immediately respond to a request for comment. When queried about Venezuela issues in the past, it has said it does not comment on customer operations.
The Bank of England is facing political pressure from Venezuela’s opposition and from members of British parliament to not assist Maduro, whose just-begun second term has been widely described as illegitimate.
Losing the gold would be a significant blow to the country’s finances by undermining Venezuela’s ability to obtain hard currency crucial to importing items ranging from food and medicine to auto parts and consumer electronics.
But refusing to hand over the gold, which belongs to Venezuela’s central bank, could cause alarm among countries that store their own bullion in the Bank of England’s coffers.
(in part)