Canada – Fast Becoming a Third-World Country


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So your excuse is for Canada being 3rd world is we don't have the population to build the infrastructure.

I mean Trudeau can forgive a 2.6 billion dollar loan to (which makes you wonder why a Union Auto workers jobs is more important than mine), but we can't afford better highways.

Norway has better infrastructure than Canada.. what is their population.

Liberals write off $6.3 billion in loans, including $2.6 billion to automaker


Face it- Bar Silly Sister- who aint nearly as SINISTER as he THINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WANTS Canada to be dead broke and mired in Venezuela style chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The more chaos- the more likely it is the LIE-beral/socialist dictatorship will succeed in its takeover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The New World Order IS COMING.....................................

and when it arrives- it will make Orwell`s Brave New World LOOK GOOD by comparison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider this LIE-beral CRAP:

Here is an article illustrating the delusional crap that LIE-berals think they can sell us in order to save their cosy places on the govt gravy train! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Municipal budgets challenged by infrastructure needs and climate change, not overall labour costs

By Lynne Fernandez. Published: September 8, 2018. Updated: September 8, 2018 7:37 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

Lynne Fernandez presented an Alternative Budget at City Hall, in Winnipeg today. The budget was presented by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Chris Procaylo/Winnipeg Sun

(So some left wing think tank wants to defend civil service union Hogs, their LIE-beral allies and the illegals that will be bankrupting us while LIE-berals scream”Racist” at their critics”!)

In response to Jonathan Alward’s piece on municipal overspending, small business owners are not the only ones paying attention to municipal election platforms this fall. Those community members who participated in the 2018 Alternative Municipal Budget bring a very different perspective from the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses’ (CFIB).

Mr. Alward complains of unsustainable spending growth, but provides few details. He refers to a CFIB report that found the main culprit to be municipal employees. Simply stating that labour costs take up 59% of any budget doesn’t really tell us anything. Workers are a crucial part of any municipality’s activities, so we should expect the wage bill to be substantial.

(OH dear! So many leftie LIES in one little statement! Firtly- most Cdn govts actually spend something around 75 percent of a typical budget on salaries and pensions for their civil service union Hogs!!!! The difference between the alleged 59 percent and 75 percent is made up by TRANSFER PAYMENTS from other levels of govt! Hogs like to act as if that transfer money simply fell from heaven- with NO COST to tax payers!)

(IN addition, Hogs RELUCTANTLY ADMIT that they are actually getting at least one third MORE PAY than workers in the private sector! And this VERY RELUCTANT ADMISSION is usually stated WITHOUT factoring in the solid gold pensions that Hogs get! The truth is that Hogs are getting about 33 percent of their pre tax wage invested in pension funds- while an ordinary Cdn is NOT ALLOWED to invest more than 18 percent!)

(AS an example of the disparity between Hog life and that of ordinary Cdns- virtually all Hogs max out their pension contributions while FEW ordinary Cdns can say the same! WE starve and Hogs GORGE- thanks to having sold their votes to LIE-berals in what ought to be regarded as a GROSS AND CRIMINAL conflict of interest! If a corporate CEO told his workers they would get a raise in pay in exchange for voting Conservative- there would be HOWLS of LIE-beral outrage- and demands for jail time for the CEO!)

(But just so long as LIE-berals and Hogs benefit from their shameless conflict of interest there will be no problems! A citizen CAN COMPLAIN but the complaint will be heard by a Hog or a LIE-beral- and then DISMISSED!)

The real crux of the matter is an antipathy towards unionized workers. That workers should have benefits and make decent wages is a constant irritant for the CFIB, despite the fact that these wages are spent in CFIB member businesses. But if we take a closer look at where Winnipeg’s budget line is the highest, we’ll see that it is with the one group of workers business owners are reluctant to criticize: the police.

(The definition of “decent wage” is open to MAJOR DEBATE!!!!!!!!!)

Between 2000 and 2016, the police budget increased from $115 million to $280 million – a 145% increase, compared to a 40% increase for public works. As the largest and fastest growing budget line in the Winnipeg’s operating budget, it may well be time for the Winnipeg to examine the cost of policing, especially when money for para-military equipment could be spent dealing with the root causes of crime. Departments that work to decrease social marginalization saw increases of only 13% in the same time period.

(Oh GOSH! Cops cost lots of money! And is not Winnipeg the MURDER CAPITOL of Canada? For many years LIE-berals have FUDGED crime numbers and told us we don’t need more cops! And now we have LIE-berals with their Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women dog and pony show- and people asking why cops cannot find missing drug addicts and prostitutes whose dangerous lifestyle keeps them in the shadows!)

(And what wage is fair for cops who will be expected to RUN FORWARD when Muslim jihadists attack- ordinary Cdns FLEE- while cops rush in!!!!!!!! What pay is FAIR for people charge with CONFRONTING people who may be carrying guns or BOMBS?)

(If LIE-berals do not like the cost of policing then maybe they should take a harder line with thugs and drug dealers- to discourage them more? And do a better job of selecting immigrants as well!)

(And in related news- maybe LIE-berals should consider getting tougher on organized crime as well? After all, a bunch of CBC reporters have just told us how easy it is to LAUNDER money in Cdn casinos! And yet LIE-berals WONDER WHY Yankees persist in viewing Canada as a security risk and why Yankees have slapped tariffs on us so that Yankees can afford to police the border that we REFUSE to deal with!)

In the latest round of bargaining for CUPE 500 City of Winnipeg workers, increases were 0%. So when inflation is factored in (something the CFIB agrees should be), these workers’ salaries decreased 1.6%.

(OH there is LIE-beral MATH! It is LIE-beral govt Hogs driving inflation and it is Hogs who are electing LIE-berals! Hogs apparently lack the capacity to judge their own actions! And it is the LIE-beral carbon tax that is the BIGGEST driver of inflation! With Hogs demanding new heaps of gravy that makes them IMMUNE to the LIE-beral GREED the rest of us suffer and pay for!)

Wage increases in 2017 for other CUPE members working for Manitoba municipalities ranged between 1.0 and 2.5%, with the average being 1.89% – close to Manitoba’s 1.6% rate of inflation for 2017.

(Manitoba is just as broke as the rest of Canada! With the added bonus that Manitoba is struggling to deal with the rail damage on the route to Churchill Falls! Having that line out means higher shipping costs for some Manitoba products such as wheat!)

It is true that many cities in Western Canada do not have a business tax per se, but this is compensated for with higher rates on non-residential property taxes. When the business tax as a category was eliminated in Calgary and Edmonton, the non-residential commercial property tax was increased to ensure no loss in revenue. Businesses pay a similar total amount of tax in those cities as they do in Winnipeg. Furthermore, Winnipeg’s business tax has decreased every year from 9.75% in 2002 to 5.14% in 2018.

(Yeah- more circular LIE-beral logic- just look at the gravy LIE-berals hand out to companies willing to set up in Canada! There is NO justification for giving bankrupt car companies loans they cannot repay- as witness the nearly $2 billion dollars LIE-berals just wrote off for Chrysler!!! Or the hundreds of millions LIE-berals gave Honda in early 2018!)

(And LIE-berals cried bitter tears when Ontari-owe premier Ford- newly elected to lead the most bankrupt sub-national political entity on the planet- killed Tesla car subsidies as a desperately needed cost saver!)

A 2016 KPMG report found that Winnipeg had the lowest business costs of a sample of major North American cities. The Alternative Municipal Budget agrees that budgets have to be sustainable, but we are referring to the need to deal with climate change and environmental degradation. These are the most pressing problems of our day and they require a heroical response that all sectors of society, including business, must be part of.

(Oh dear- LIE-berals DO ENJOY picking through numbers to find ones they like! The ugly fact is that Cdns pay the HIGHEST AGGREGATE TOTAL of taxes in the western world- courtesy of math challenged and gravy greedy LIE-berals! LIE-berals act as if there was a whole pack of tax payers out there that are paying NOTHING!)

(And LIE-berals slip SO GLIBLY from wage talk to climate issues! Air planes are by far the biggest source of global warming and we can thank well paid Hogs for earning those frequent flier miles! LIE-berals are shameless hypocrites who fret over global warming in one sentence and then whine about their lack of gravy- that they intend to use to BUY their big carbon footprint and MAINTAIN THEIR GLOBAL WARMING efforts!)

(And in related news- McGinty LIE- berals established the Ontari-owe health levy supposedly to save our health care- and then promptly EXEMPTED ALL civil service union Hogs from having to pay it! And with one employed Cdn in three working for govt- that adds up to a LOT of lost levies- which hypocrite LIE-berals will NOT DISCUSS!)

For example, we recommend implementing Mobility Pricing which would shift the unsustainable cost of road maintenance to drivers and investing in public transportation so that commuters have a viable, affordable option to single-occupancy vehicle use. Doing so would also lower greenhouse gases.

(VERY FUNNY! Mobility funding is ALREADY IN PLACE- except it is called gas tax and auto licence fees! Its just too bad that greedy LIE-berals are diverting our gas taxes into general revenue- meaning Hog salaries and PENSIONS!!)

The CFIB does not consider the $1.4 billion that is needed to upgrade Winnipeg’s North End Water Pollution Control Centre, the lack of an organic diversion program in Winnipeg, its outdated and inadequate transit system, or offer any solutions for the infrastructure deficits all municipalities face.

(There would not be so many infrastructure deficits if LIE-berals had not happily handed out so much gravy to Hogs! LIE-berals and Hogs chose gravy over repairs- FOR DECADES!)

It is not clear how Winnipeg will deal with a $6.9 billion infrastructure deficit when its yearly capital budget hovers around $430 million. The sixteen-year tax freeze imposed on Winnipeg by previous administrations made it impossible to borrow the money required to keep up with repairs.

(Oh yes- LIE-berals see borrowing as the solution to ALL our problems- while IGNORING the reality that it was LIE-beral deficit financing- and endless borrowing -for the purpose of BUYING VOTES from special interest groups so LIE-berals could cling to power at any price- that is the heart of all our troubles!)


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
We never stopped being one apparently, it was all just a PR stunt. Who would do that?
Our core identity cannot be made public. Imagine what MBS of the KSA would do if he had any dirty laundry on Canada that JT has helped cover up. Would he get the military equipment at wholesale price?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
We never stopped being one apparently, it was all just a PR stunt. Who would do that?
Our core identity cannot be made public. Imagine what MBS of the KSA would do if he had any dirty laundry on Canada that JT has helped cover up. Would he get the military equipment at wholesale price?

Shut the fukk up ya geriatric retard, stick your head up your ass and fight for air.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I guess that means 'not so well'.

Hopefully the same will happen to some creeps in Canada who like to torture Indians once they are being held down.

HTHell could that happen in a freedom loving country? Very strange, Yes??

This eliminates any launches from the Med. Sea I would think.
Russia’s New Maritime Doctrine And Issues With The Surface Fleet

NEWS DESK | Hamas and Islamic Jihad are at odds, but Hamas is fighting to maintain order while negotiations with Egypt are underway. On the other hand, electricity has been restored to Gaza for more hours per day. Activist and Gaza resident Rami Aman discusses with host Nurit Ben.

That is ISIS right?? (sharp intake of breath)

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Yes, Canada is becoming a 3rd world country, because it gives a lot of free stuff and imports people from 3rd world countries. There are also policies discouraging people who want Canada to stay Canadian. Justin Trudeau said that there is no such thing as a “core Canadian identity”. This is of course false, Canada used to have a strong national identity.

Trudeau says Canada has no ‘core identity’

Exactly what was that core identity outside of a love of hockey? It certainly wasn't evident in Quebec or the Prairies, or BC, or Ontario and the Atlantic provinces. Since the middle of the 19th Century Canada has always been an ethnic mix with each new immigrant group accepting the customs of the mainstream population while adding a few of their own. The process is called integration and it continues to the present day. What you are talking about is assimilation or segregation; something that was attempted with the First Nations, but which has never succeeded with most immigrant groups.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Exactly what was that core identity outside of a love of hockey? It certainly wasn't evident in Quebec or the Prairies, or BC, or Ontario and the Atlantic provinces. Since the middle of the 19th Century Canada has always been an ethnic mix with each new immigrant group accepting the customs of the mainstream population while adding a few of their own. The process is called integration and it continues to the present day. What you are talking about is assimilation or segregation; something that was attempted with the First Nations, but which has never succeeded with most immigrant groups.


Canadian identity refers to the unique culture, characteristics and condition of being Canadian, as well as the many symbols and expressions that set Canada and Canadians apart from other peoples and cultures of the world.

Primary influences on the Canadian identity trace back to the arrival, beginning in the early seventeenth century, of French settlers in Acadia and the St. Lawrence River Valley and English, Scottish and other settlers in Newfoundland, the British conquest of New France in 1759, and the ensuing dominance of French and British culture in the gradual development of both an imperial and a national identity.

Throughout the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, First Nations played a critical part in the development of European colonies in Canada, from their role in assisting exploration of the continent, the fur trade and inter-European power struggles to the creation of the Métis people. Carrying through the 20th century and to the present day, Canadian aboriginal art and culture continues to exert a marked influence on Canadian identity.

The question of Canadian identity was traditionally dominated by two fundamental themes: first, the often conflicted relations between English Canadians and French Canadians stemming from the French Canadian imperative for cultural and linguistic survival; secondly, the generally close ties between English Canadians and the British Empire, resulting in a gradual political process towards complete independence from the imperial power. With the gradual loosening of political and cultural ties to Britain in the twentieth century, immigrants from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean have reshaped the Canadian identity, a process that continues today with the continuing arrival of large numbers of immigrants from non British or French backgrounds, adding the theme of multiculturalism to the debate.[1][2][3] Today, Canada has a diverse makeup of nationalities and cultures (see Canadian culture) and constitutional protection for policies that promote multiculturalism rather than a single national myth.[4]


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
secondly, the generally close ties between English Canadians and the British Empire, resulting in a gradual political process towards complete independence from the imperial power.
We have to be at war with whoever the UK is at war with. We do not even have the right to drinking straws if the motherland needs our support in banning them.
If you need some articles that point to us being about as controlled as it gets say so, the net is full of some very detailed ones. Text or vids?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
We have to be at war with whoever the UK is at war with. We do not even have the right to drinking straws if the motherland needs our support in banning them.
If you need some articles that point to us being about as controlled as it gets say so, the net is full of some very detailed ones. Text or vids?
We did not participate in the British Argentinian war .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
We have to be at war with whoever the UK is at war with. We do not even have the right to drinking straws if the motherland needs our support in banning them.
If you need some articles that point to us being about as controlled as it gets say so, the net is full of some very detailed ones. Text or vids?


POOR MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mental Health zapped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He LIES so fluently about history though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

POOR MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mental Health zapped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He LIES so fluently about history though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Curious cdn is another white hating bigot who is also working- just like MHz- to harm Cdns in any way he can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This intended harm includes deliberate muddling of national security issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Curious Cdn has told us some assorted crap about ships the Royal Cdn Navy might someday buy- IF we dump LIE-berals and then elect a govt that thinks warships are necessary for protecting sovereignty! LIE-berals have never given up the Pierre Trudeau dream of unilaterally disarming Canada and of abandoning our allies in times of need! And this is a sample of Curious Cdn crap:

It's a basic Danish design modified for the RCN by Canadian Naval Architects.

We are going to do that again with the new, about-to-be-chosen "Surface Combattant" replacements for our old 280 Destroyers and current 330 Frigates. Designing warships is an exitremely complex task, these days and we build them so infeprequently now that we literally have to relearn it, perhaps at the cost of mamy billions $$ more and the risk of producing done thing that is not cutting edge enough. I'm betting that we end up with the jnew British Type 26 design but it's not in the bag, yet

Even the Americans are considering buying a foreign design to replace that part of their really aging surface fleet. Specialist designers may do a better job. The Americans always have sturdy vessels of that sort but they are never cutting edge, exactly. The big experiment that they have going now is with the "littoral" classes of warships being launched right now but the jury is still out as to whether they are sea dogs or just plain dogs.

I say: poor Curiou Cdn- he is so clever in small ways and so stupid in the larger picture! His occasional spelling mistakes and sometimes fractured English grammar suggests he is NOT CDN born and that English is not his first language! Coupled with his idiot political views we may guess that he may perhaps be a radical Muslim or other third world type promoting the anti white agenda!

He talks about ship design as if it was something complicated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The true difficulty is fitting all the electronic gear into a metal hulled ship!!!!!!!!

One does not want static electricity to damage costly gear that the ship depends on for defense!

And one does not want condensation to damage the gear either! And metal hulled ships often have some condensation rolling about thanks to warm living quarters reacting with cold seas!

And there has to be room for the crew to live and eat etc- without catching pneumonia from bad ventilation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then the various electronic connections MUST BE shielded from both waves and military attacks- and yet they must also be easy to access for quick combat reapirs!

One has only to think of the Cdn sailor who DIED on the sub while fighting a fire! The subs had been entirely REWIRED so that penny pinching LIE-berals could use 24 volt Yankee electronics in the subs - instead of the more costly 18 volt British gear the boats had been DESIGNED FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But a sub is CRAMMED with stuff needed to safely and efficiently operate the boat- there are all sorts of tiny little compartments and nooks and crannies that are all but impossible to reach!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oh dear- crews re-wiring the sub under LIE-beral orders did NOT manage to seal some electrical connections fully! And LIE-berals had NOT bothered to get the main hatch properly sealed before ordering the ship to sail for Canada- to get it away from its former Brit owners that LIE-berals considered were price gouging them on those rewiring jobs!

So, in mid Atlantic- at the roughest time of the year- a wave entered the leaking main hatch and shorted out the weak electrical seal- and started a fire that KILLED a sailor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So FITTING equipment and sealing it VERY WELL is vital to modern warship survival!!

LIE-berals know this of course- and they also know they can FIDDLE with the design till the cows come home!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals DO NOT WANT to waste their gravy on our military- LIE-berals want us utterly DISARMED and hiding behind Yankees! And yet LIE-berals also DEMAND that Yankees and others respect our sovereignty and independence!

AS for Curious Cdn fretting about Canada not producing “something cutting edge” - he is just messing with us!!!!!!!!!!!! Curious sincerely HOPES that if LIE-berals ever get pressured into action -then whatever weapons they buy should be shoddy, poor quality, ineffective and costly ones that will fit into the LIE-beral disarmament goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has only to think of the First Gulf War- in which Cdn destroyers were sent off to join NATO forces patrolling Persian Gulf- and those Cdn ships first SPENT SIX MONTHS IN DRY DOCK! THEN LIE-berals were forced to buy a wide range of NEW ANTI AIRCRAFT WEAPONS for these supposedly modern and effective ships that were supposed to be abkle to sail at a moments notice to confront Russians!

Yes- thanks to LIE-berals, the flag ship of the Cdn fleet NEEDED MAJOR UPGRADING in order to go to Persian Gulf to deal with possible raids from Iraqi motorboats that might try to kidnap NATO pilots who got shot down into the water!

And Chretien LIE-berals got stuck with that same “NATO Slacker” label as Our idiot Boy Justin! Chretien offered Cdn soldiers and was REBUFFED!! Cdn militayr of the day was so badly equipped and with such worn out gear they would have needed a NATO body guard on any battlefield!

The Chretien LIE-beral assertion that “we are NOT NATO Slackers” took an additional hit when Transport Canada ordered the military to STOP hauling their rusted out artillery on public roads! The wheels and axles were so corroded with age they were an accident looking for a place to happen!

Curious has no more interest in defending Cdn sovereignty than his LIE-beral overlords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Curious really goes off the rails when talking about Yankee ships being made in other countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS I have pointed out before- the ship itself is nothing but a FANCY RAFT for carrying the weapons!!!!!

So why not let third world workers do the heavy lifting of cutting plates and welding? It will save tax payers money and enable the U.S. navy to HAVE MORE SHIPS AT LOWER COST!!!!!!

Of course IT WILL STILL BE Yankee workers with suitable security clearance who do the key work of fitting the electronics and weapons!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
We did not participate in the British Argentinian war .
How many Muslims has 'your kind' helped kill since 1991?
How many countries have been sanctioned by us when they did us no harm but we willing to starve then in support of the US or Israel? Collective punishment is a war crime, if all NATO countries must support NATO then all those Nations should have a single vote rather than the 20 votes or whatever they have now.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Curious cdn is another white hating bigot who is also working- just like MHz- to harm Cdns in any way he can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This intended harm includes deliberate muddling of national security issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure why you would commit treason against the Canadian people to favor a foreign business entity on an open forum but so be it. Too bad I have something else on the front burner at the moment but I will be sure to give your post the attention it deserves in the near future.

Processing . . . .


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Canada buys what NATO needs rather than what the Canadian people need when keeping an eye on who is coming and going the the remote locations.
Is that all you have??


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
How many Muslims has 'your kind' helped kill since 1991?
How many countries have been sanctioned by us when they did us no harm but we willing to starve then in support of the US or Israel? Collective punishment is a war crime, if all NATO countries must support NATO then all those Nations should have a single vote rather than the 20 votes or whatever they have now.


CLUELESS MUSLIM FASCIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I KNOW very little real history is taught now in Cdn schools.........................

But the kids still get enough information to recognize the value of your CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is why the best Our idiot Boy Justin can hope for in the 2019 federal election is a minority govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy HAS A FULL YEAR in which to demonstrate FULLY WHAT A LIAR HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nobody believes in his FAKE NEWS about how we will all get those WONDERFUL LIE-beral carbon crap and trade scam REBATES!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Our idiot Boy really intended to give all the money back- then WHY NOT KILL THE TAX COMPLETELY????????????????

Its just ANOTHER LIE-beral LIE designed to put a bunch more Hogs to work so they will vote LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if Our idiot Boy actually WINS a majority in the next election- he can then bomb us with new prices for carbon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as we all know- the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax was designed to clean cash from wallets and leave the dirt IN THE AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
CLUELESS MUSLIM FASCIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW very little real history is taught now in Cdn schools.........................
You make it sound like the programming is created by Canadians, we are handed the material that is written by others. When you avoid things like that in you 'revealing posts' it shows you are a Jewish tool. Half the maps of North America probably only has the US in it still and Canada is 'still missing'. You cling to them as tight as you like, I'm going to take a step back as it appears to something that is akin to an eventual wreck, one not entirely acting on its own.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You make it sound like the programming is created by Canadians, we are handed the material that is written by others. When you avoid things like that in you 'revealing posts' it shows you are a Jewish tool. Half the maps of North America probably only has the US in it still and Canada is 'still missing'. You cling to them as tight as you like, I'm going to take a step back as it appears to something that is akin to an eventual wreck, one not entirely acting on its own.


POOR MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is SO LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He thinks we buy military hardware according to what NATO DEMANDS WE BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy has his tin foil hat on too tight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Canada did what NATO WANTED - then we would open the borders to Muslim invaders just like the poor, lost Europeans!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fortunately- although we Cdns defy NATO in various ways- we are not so stupid as to allow unrestricted immigration by foreigners

carrying poisoned radical Muslim values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We DO KNOW that Our idiot Boy Justin and his loser LIE-berals see no threat from radical Muslims generally nor even from returning

Isis fighters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not a fine thing that ever growing numbers of Cdns are deciding that Our idiot Boy and his gang of wasteful LOSERS SHOULD

NOT be allowed to form another govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
At the Cold War's close, Canada was NATO's ‘odd man out’, contributing relatively little to western defence. Today, Canada is the third-largest contributor of combat forces to NATO's efforts in Afghanistan. Canada got into Afghanistan partly as an alternative to getting into Iraq. But fighting the Taliban also serves the Canadian national interest in combating terrorism and has dovetailed well with recent efforts to ‘transform’ the Canadian military and use it more effectively in overseas development efforts. However, the Canadian commitment to Afghanistan beyond the current February 2009 deadline is in doubt. Public support for the combat dimension of the Afghanistan operations remains weak.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010

Canadian identity refers to the unique culture, characteristics and condition of being Canadian, as well as the many symbols and expressions that set Canada and Canadians apart from other peoples and cultures of the world.

Primary influences on the Canadian identity trace back to the arrival, beginning in the early seventeenth century, of French settlers in Acadia and the St. Lawrence River Valley and English, Scottish and other settlers in Newfoundland, the British conquest of New France in 1759, and the ensuing dominance of French and British culture in the gradual development of both an imperial and a national identity.

Throughout the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, First Nations played a critical part in the development of European colonies in Canada, from their role in assisting exploration of the continent, the fur trade and inter-European power struggles to the creation of the Métis people. Carrying through the 20th century and to the present day, Canadian aboriginal art and culture continues to exert a marked influence on Canadian identity.

The question of Canadian identity was traditionally dominated by two fundamental themes: first, the often conflicted relations between English Canadians and French Canadians stemming from the French Canadian imperative for cultural and linguistic survival; secondly, the generally close ties between English Canadians and the British Empire, resulting in a gradual political process towards complete independence from the imperial power. With the gradual loosening of political and cultural ties to Britain in the twentieth century, immigrants from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean have reshaped the Canadian identity, a process that continues today with the continuing arrival of large numbers of immigrants from non British or French backgrounds, adding the theme of multiculturalism to the debate.[1][2][3] Today, Canada has a diverse makeup of nationalities and cultures (see Canadian culture) and constitutional protection for policies that promote multiculturalism rather than a single national myth.[4]

So what you have just posted agrees with me exactly.