What should Canada give up in new NAFTA


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Canada prepared to play deadline spoiler in NAFTA talks: source

In the face of mounting pressure to wrap up NAFTA negotiations by the end of the month, a senior source suggests Canada is comfortable with missing that deadline.
The source who spoke to CBC News on background, due to the sensitivity of the talks, said the external political pressure "is not a good enough reason," for Canada to be forced into a fast finish.
Mexican negotiators are pushing for an agreement to be formally signed by the leaders of all three countries before Dec.1, the day Mexico's new president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, takes office.
If outgoing president Enrique Pena Nieto signs the agreement, it will, among other things, give AMLO some domestic political cover for unpopular aspects of the pact.
In order for that Dec. 1 deadline to be met, a series of legal hurdles in the U.S. must be cleared first.
The next step in that process is getting American lawmakers the text of a proposed agreement before Oct. 1, to begin a formal review.
The source said Canada is willing to try to accommodate the timeline, but is prepared to keep talking past the end of this month.
U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to morph NAFTA into a bilateral agreement between the U.S. and Mexico, if Canada is unwilling to sign on to a deal on his terms.
Last month, Trump announced the U.S. and Mexico had reached an agreement in principle.

A bilateral deal?

Trump plans to rename the agreement USM, which stands for United States and Mexico, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. Trump reportedly said he would add a 'C' for Canada depending on what happens at the negotiating table.
On Thursday, Mexico's chief NAFTA negotiator, Kenneth Smith Ramos, added his voice to the pressure campaign.
"Mexico stated from the beginning of the negotiation that the ideal scenario is for NAFTA to remain trilateral," Smith Ramos wrote on twitter.
"We hope the U.S. and Canada will conclude their bilateral negotiation shortly. If that is not possible we are ready to advance bilaterally with the U.S ... the agreement in principle that we closed with the U.S. is positive for Mexico because it preserves free trade and modernizes our trade agreement ..."
Despite the threats of leaving Canada behind, there are significant questions about whether NAFTA can even be changed into a bilateral agreement.
U.S. members of congress granted the Trump administration the authority to re-negotiate a trilateral agreement, and it is unclear whether the White House has the power to turn NAFTA into a two-way pact.
Members of congress from both parties have also said they would not support a new NAFTA without Canada's inclusion.
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland is expected to return to Washington sometime next week for more high level negotiations with her U.S. counterparts.
A second source tells CBC News there is still a lot of technical work that negotiators need to grind through, adding talks are "slow."

I think there is little doubt that the Libs. are trying to make political hay with this, standing up to the evil Trump narrative, with Freeland openly taking shots at Trump in different Canadian rallies

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Canada prepared to play deadline spoiler in NAFTA talks: source
I think there is little doubt that the Libs. are trying to make political hay with this, standing up to the evil Trump narrative, with Freeland openly taking shots at Trump in different Canadian rallies
Sounds like a good idea. Why cave in to a blowhard bully who has no juristiction over trade in the first place? They'd be incompetent if they did.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Liberals to face 'louder' criticism at home over NAFTA, Conservatives vow

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is about to become the target of sharp criticism at home over his government's handling of NAFTA negotiations.
The Conservatives say they are "frustrated" with the way the Liberals have managed the talks to date and will be more vocal in highlighting their concerns going forward.
"You're going to hear the Conservatives be louder," said Erin O'Toole, the Conservative foreign affairs critic.
"It is a crisis. Canada's backed into a corner. So we are worried the Trudeau plan has not worked."
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland is expected to return to Washington this week for another round of high level talks with her American counterparts.
The U.S. and Mexico already have reached an agreement in principle and are threatening to move on without Canada if Ottawa isn't ready to sign by October 1.
CBC News has reported previously that Canada is prepared to play the role of deadline spoiler, as Canadian negotiators work toward a deal they are comfortable signing.
While no Canadian officials have said talks are in crisis mode, sources say progress is "slow."
O'Toole has been careful to make the point that he still hopes Canada can get a good deal, and that when speaking about NAFTA in the United States or abroad, the Conservatives will still be a part of the 'team Canada' approach.
"We don't go to Washington to have our political discussions for Canada," O'Toole said.
He added the Conservatives are willing to help when called upon, even though they disagree with the approach the government has taken so far.
O'Toole said Ottawa should not have tried to add new "progressive" elements to NAFTA.
When Canada announced its negotiation goals last year, it included a push for provisions on gender, Indigenous rights, and the environment.
"The so-called Trudeau agenda was inserted, and went over very poorly in the United States," said O'Toole. "So we squandered the early six months of negotiations and I think we're paying for it now."
NAFTA talks, for the most part, have not been subject to partisan political attacks in Canada.
"I think it's been very difficult under the Donald Trump administration to negotiate. We recognize that," said NDP trade critic Tracey Ramsey.
She said the NDP will be questioning the Liberals about NAFTA in the fall session of Parliament and that it will "factor hugely" into the 2019 federal election campaign.
There are points where we are going to push on the government to do better," Ramsey said during an interview with CBC News.
"We are vehemently opposed to opening up supply management any further than it has been already ... it seems to be a favourite kind of concession of the Liberal government and the Conservatives before us. We want that to end."
Sources have told CBC News that Canada is willing to make concessions on dairy supply management which would allow American farmers to sell more products north of the border.
A senior source with direct knowledge of the situation said negotiators are still working out what new regulations would look like.
Concessions wouldn't necessarily be a domestic political death blow for the Liberals, said Shachi Kurl, executive director of the non-profit polling foundation Angus Reid Institute.
"If we get to an agreement, it's not as though Canadians are going to be reading it line by line clause by clause and making decisions based on the substance of the deal, as much as they will be listening to the narrative," Kurl said during an interview with CBC News in Montreal.
"For Justin Trudeau, that narrative has to be, 'I stood up to Donald Trump, I stood up to the Americans and I got the best deal that I could.'
"For Andrew Scheer, that narrative is Justin Trudeau failed. He went to the fair, he sold the cow for a handful of beans and it was a really really bad deal."


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Liberals to face 'louder' criticism at home over NAFTA, Conservatives vow




WE should immediately DUMP our LIE-beral overlords who are making such a deliberate and costly mess of national security issues!!!!!

Dump LIE-berals for unilaterally DISARMING Canada even as the world grows more dangerous- not just for Canada- think North Korean missiles in our air space- but for our allies and friends as well!!!!!!!!!!!

Dump LIE-berals for EMASCULATING ALL Cdn spy agencies!!!!!!!!!!

It was Pierre Trudeau who dismantled the old RCMP Security Service whose job it had been to catch foreign spies operating in Canada and RCMP KNEW many govts have regarded Cdn citizenship as a handy back door entry to United States and kept a proper watch !!!!!!!!

Pierre Trudeau dismantled RCMP Security Service because it was too cooperative with Yankees- so he created CSIS as a LEFT WING ALTERNATIVE- to be controlled and guided by LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!

And of course Our idiot Boy Justin Trudeau has decided that even CSIS is too right wing for his Soviet tastes and so LIE-berals have tied the hands of CSIS- now they are limited in how much information they can hold on Cdn citizens- even highly suspect and newly arrived citizens from rabidly radical Islamic countries have LIE-beral protection!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition- LIE-berals have limited CSIS to a WATCHING ROLE ONLY- CSIS agents now CANNOT take overt action against enemy agents and Muslim terrorists UNLESS a cabal of LIE-berals approves that action IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!!!

WE should also Dump LIE-berals for their shameless catch and release legal system that excuses all manner of criminal activity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral plea bargaining turns major crimes into minor crimes and makes minor crimes disappear!!!!!!!!!!!

How are criminals to be deterred from committing more crimes if LIE-berals continue letting them off the hook?

How can Yankees trust LIE-beral Canada in any way if LIE-berals are willing to open up all of Canada to illegals of unknown origin?

LIE-berals do not care how many crimes illegals commit against Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals do not care if Russian and Iranian and Chinese agents masquerading as Cdns STEAL all manner of Yankee secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE should also be hugely worried about the incredible deficits and debts LIE-berals are running up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yankees worry we will become a northern version of Venezuela and Argentina- and Yankee worries over this stuff ARE VALID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So......ultimately what should we give up in exchange for a good NAFTA deal??????????

And of course Yankees are annoyed at the overt anti Yankee hate displayed by our LIE-beral overlords!!!!!!!!!!

Having our chief negotiator Chrystia Freeland attending a political event where Trump is compared to various third world dictators IS NOT HELPING!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor is it helping that LIE-berals are pushing a gender feminazi and native bigot agenda that is an INSULT both to Yankees and to many Cdns!!!!!!!!!!!

WE SHOULD DO THE EASY THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE should give up LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then get back to WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Canada prepared to play deadline spoiler in NAFTA talks: source

I think there is little doubt that the Libs. are trying to make political hay with this, standing up to the evil Trump narrative, with Freeland openly taking shots at Trump in different Canadian rallies

I saw, let the talks drag on such that Trump interprets it as a tactic to impact the US midterms... maybe Donnie will get so furious that he tries in earnest to get tater tot ousted from office


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I saw, let the talks drag on such that Trump interprets it as a tactic to impact the US midterms... maybe Donnie will get so furious that he tries in earnest to get tater tot ousted from office
Tell you what. Give us BC and AB, and we'll oust Trudeaubama for you.

You can keep SK and MB. We pay enough farm welfare as it is.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Hmmm, you drive a hard bargain.
How about this; We give you Trudeau, take back Celine Dion and also promise to refrain from pronouncing about as "a-boot"
You are clearly dodging the Justin Bieber issue.

Take him and Nickelback, and send us Gord Downie's remains for re-interment here, and we're done and dusted!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Tell you what. Give us BC and AB, and we'll oust Trudeaubama for you.

You can keep SK and MB. We pay enough farm welfare as it is.
B.C. and Alberta are no good to you if Yukon is not included . Honour my pensions and I will vote for that split .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
BC? Do you really want another state more left wing than California?


Poor LIE-berals.......they dream of castles in the air but have NO CLUE how to build the foundations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anybody considered what the effect will be if all those Yankees get a good look at public/govt health care???????????

All Yankees in the lower half of the economic spectrum would RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns will not abandon their health care for Yankee style pay plans and Washington has demonstrated disdain for Cdn style health care-

there is just NO common ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
U.S. congressman issues dire warning to Canada's NAFTA team

WASHINGTON - Republicans in the U.S. Congress are ratcheting up the pressure on Canada to get a deal done on the North American Free Trade Agreement.
In a statement released by the U.S. website Politico, House majority whip Steve Scalise delivers a stern warning about "growing frustration" in Congress with what he calls Canada's "negotiating tactics."
Scalise, who represents the state of Louisiana, says the Canadian government does not appear to be either ready or willing to "make the concessions" necessary to reach what the statement describes as a fair and high-standard agreement.
And he suggests that time is running out for Canada to join the agreement already reached in principle between the U.S. and Mexico.
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, who is expected to resume talks with U.S. counterpart Robert Lighthizer on Wednesday, had not seen the statement when asked about it prior to question period.
But she says Canada has been negotiating in good faith throughout the 13-month process and remains committed to nothing short of a deal that's in the best interest of Canadians.

Writing is on the wall Are You In or Are You Out


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The best choice now is to get out, JT and Freeland screwed it up in the beginning, by being resistant after they found out Trump was serious.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Note that the Congressman making the threat is a Republican from Jerkwater, Louisiana and if Trump doesn't demonstrate his "leadership" by extracting a screw-you deal from Canada, his seat and a whole lot more of his buddy's GOP seats in the Congress are in peril.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
its the senators and congressmen who get to explain to those 9 million voters why all their livelihoods are threatened.
I'm sure that's going to be big fun.