None of these are really values, more like particular policies you support. Anyways, it isn’t religion that prevents people from getting vaccines, it’s the fear that malicious governments use vaccines as cover to sterilize people or other kind of biological engineering and experimentation. If you think that’s paranoid and conspiratorial, then you should study the issue more in depth to see how various vaccine programs in the third world, I think Philippines is the most famous example, were actually used to experiment on sterilization. Otherwise here in Canada I don’t think anybody really has a problem with mandatory vaccines.
It’s a matter of weighing priorities and determining if the benefit outweighs the harm or not. If there ends up being an epidemic of turbanned Sikhs getting head injuries then the policy can easily be scrapped and will be understanable to everyone. At present, the only real reason such exemptions are being refused to Sikhs is out of negative feelings and deeply ingrained sentiments of White racism and prejudice.
I’m definitely in favor of scrapping govt. funding for Catholic schools, especially since that funding comes from our tax dollars. At the same time, parents who choose to send their children to any private religious school should get a tax credit for not using the public school system. Also, the government shouldn't interfere in the curriculum or policies of private religious schools.
These are one of those artificial issues that are created to whip up hatred and negative feelings towards Muslims. Muslim ladies who veil their face with the niqab all without exception remove that veil for passport photos and other essential government ID. The only request we made was that Muslim ladies who veil their face should be granted a concession to uncover their face before a female officer with no other males present during the citizenship ceremony or police investigation, etc., a very reasonable and rational demand which was refused, again, purely out of negative feelings and bigotry.