Saskatchewan: Land of living skies and a racial divide


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Many, many years ago, my neighbour living one floor down from me and I became friends. Not close friends, but we were still on friendly terms. I soon discovered that she was a drug addict. I'm not sure where she got her money from though, whether she was employed or if she was on social assistance. Like I said, we still weren't the closest friends so I didn't know her comings and goings.

Though I was a teetotaller even then (perhaps the least likely person to tolerate a drug user in the building), I still figured that she was still quiet and didn't bother me. I didn't agree with her lifestyle, but she did not bother me. The only time she bothered me was when I'd pass by her front door and smell pot. I figured the least she could do was keep that stench inside her flat.

However, that still did not warrant vilifying her. So I figure if a teetotaller like myself could befriend a drug user, however superficially, I don't see why youd couldn't befriend an Injun.

I have tonnes of Injun friends and they don't like what they see either.


Council Member
May 19, 2017
Yes I have, and that is why I support open borders. The larger the tax base, the easier it will be to pay off the debt.

Just for comparison, Japan, one of the least tolerant of immigration, has a massive debt.

The EU has open borders, and their debt is even worse.
One does not solve the other.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
In other words, you say nothing in the bars. Coward.:lol:

Pretty brave statement for someone who knows he'll never meet me face to face. That is gutlessness personified. But then again that is what you are all about isn't it? Acting brave on a social forum because you have nothing intelligent to offer. BTW I don't drink so going to a bar would be pointless.

There is no racism where i live so, I really don't know what you're talking about. Truth be told i get along better with Muslims then Canadians. You're obviously just upset and saying anything incoherently out of emotional Stress.

Calm down little feminist. Multiculturalism is alive and well.

Id be watching yourself with the racism and bigotry if i were you. Only bigotry and racism in our conversation is committed by you.

What are you saying? All Russians and southerners are all the same? You got a filthy racist mouth don't you? And you're bigoted too.

Talking about Russian like that is pure racism . What did the southern states ever did to you you bigot?
Carful when you point fingers at people Three is pointing right back at you

Lets be clear. Being bigoted and racist is not how multiculturalism works Bar Sinister so ship up or ship out

Start by controlling with your own racism and bigotry before you start getting off on how racist and bigoted others are. ;)

Your usual poorly thought out answer. Did it ever occur to you that the Muslims you claim you like better than Canadians might actually be Canadians? I'm guessing not since you can't see past skin colour or religion. And try to back up your commentary with actual knowledge. There have been numerous racist attack in Russia despite the fact that there are almost no visible minorities. The problem with attempting to have an intelligent discussion with you is that you are so poorly informed that ignorance spouts from almost every post. And my racism and bigotry is finely controlled - it is morons like you I have problems with.
African migrants in Russia describe 'hell on Earth'

Why Russia Is Growing More Xenophobic

I didn't say they don't boost it. I just question how big of a boost considering the number who come in that will never be qualified to work here.

Nope, it's not. Having inside information beats your Globe & Mail report hands down. Maybe if the various federal and provincial govts made things more attractive for living wage jobs we wouldn't need to keep bringing in immigrants to fill shit jobs that quite frankly are destroying the climate you're so concerned about. I'm talking about the fast food industry of which Timmies has become a part of. You can't keep an economy running on minimum rage jobs either.

Oh my. I didn't realize that Canada wouldn't have become such a great country without a parade, jerk sauce, curry and falafel.

So it's better to alienate those who are already living there. Yep, worked great for the Native people over here.

Yeah, it was. The comparison is quite apt considering the federal govt has been lying to immigrants for years and now they're lying to refugees. There have been more than a few stories of Syrians who were convinced to come here despite NOT being in a refugee camp. You see, the govt lied to you as well. The majority of the Syrians who were brought over were not in refugee camps. Many already had a place to live in a host country and several of them had jobs they could support their families with. Why do you think the vetting process was practically non-existent. The assumption was since these people found somewhere else to live in the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey for example) they didn't need proper vetting. What Trudeau wanted was more voters. Interesting isn't it, that he also wants to fast track their citizenship just in time for the next election. The purpose of taking in refugees is to give them a safe place to live until it's safe for them to go back to their home countries. It's not supposed to be an opportunity for the govt to start virtue signalling by rushing them into citizenship.
Add that to the fact that they live in hotels and motels while they struggle to find work that will allow them to actually support a family is not really helping them when they already had a home and a job.

Of course I do like how you deftly avoided the subject of religious and ethnic discrimination in public housing. Yeah, I guess it's okay for a muslim to reject a disabled applicant for public housing because he wasn't a muslim. Just like it's okay for Armenian Orthodox Christians to discriminate against anyone who isn't an Armenian Orthodox Christian when it comes to public housing. All of which is sanctioned by govts that constantly espouse the virtues of equality, non-discrimination and multiculturalism.

It is enormously difficult to have an intelligent discussion with someone who obviously gets all of his news from Alt-right sources, or perhaps you do it the easy way and just make it up. Until you come up with some evidence regarding Syrians refugees in Canada I am going to assume that your position is just poorly thought out BS. Inside information? What a laugh. And I am sorry you cannot appreciate the thousands of contributions to Canadian culture that immigration has brought. I guess your innate xenophobia just gets in the way.


Council Member
May 19, 2017
Pretty brave statement for someone who knows he'll never meet me face to face. That is gutlessness personified. But then again that is what you are all about isn't it? Acting brave on a social forum because you have nothing intelligent to offer. BTW I don't drink so going to a bar would be pointless.

I'm not the on running around calling the military this and that on a forum, yet too cowardly to say it in the street.

That's you being a gutless coward.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
It is enormously difficult to have an intelligent discussion with someone who obviously gets all of his news from Alt-right sources, or perhaps you do it the easy way and just make it up. Until you come up with some evidence regarding Syrians refugees in Canada I am going to assume that your position is just poorly thought out BS. Inside information? What a laugh. And I am sorry you cannot appreciate the thousands of contributions to Canadian culture that immigration has brought. I guess your innate xenophobia just gets in the way.
Man are you ever f*cking clueless, and pathetic for that matter. You obviously didn't comprehend what I wrote very well if you think I'm xenophobic. And yes, inside information. How many family members did you have working for Immigration? Personally, I had no idea that Immigration Canada was an ALT-Right source of info. But I'm sure you'd know better since you read a Globe & Fail article.
As for the lies the immigrants and Syrians were told, all you have to do is open those dead eyes and ears of yours and listen to them.
It's pretty f*cking sad when people like you are stupid enough to believe that facts and reality are somehow "ALT-Right" just because they don't align with your naive personal beliefs.
Oh, and guess what sport? The lying to immigrants in particular started long before Trudeau. This isn't something that just the Liberals have done but in your desperate effort to defend your shiny pony's policies you utterly failed to grasp that this isn't a partisan issue.
It is ENORMOUSLY difficult to have an intelligent discussion with someone who obviously a one dimensional partisan hack.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Oh and BS, no to to put too fine a point on your utterly ridiculous assertion that I'm xenophobic, I have no problem with immigration, never have. I DO have a problem with mass immigration just for the sake of having mass immigration. It does neither party any good.
There are plenty who clearly do come here ready and willing to work. I have mad respect for a lot of the Filipinos who came here. They left a tropical/sub-tropical country to come to what is essentially an Arctic country, thousands of whom moved to Canada's coldest city, Winnipeg. And why did they move to Winnipeg of all places? Because for at least a decade Manitoba and Saskatchewan were screaming for workers, and not minimum rage workers, workers for real jobs that paid living wages. They moved to where the jobs were, not some ethnic enclave where they could pretend they still lived back home while enjoying all the benefits of this country.

Koreans and Vietnamese are also very productive people in Canada whom I have no problem with. Very friendly too, both of them although the older Koreans' friendliness is more formal than spontaneous but nonetheless, still respectful. Just don't try and f*ck with them. :lol:

The fact that you pathetically had to resort to calling me xenophobic and ALT-Right is just further proof of the weakness of your argument. The "inside information" was a set up and you jumped all over it just as I expected you would. You're as predictable as the daily sunrise.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh and BS, no to to put too fine a point on your utterly ridiculous assertion that I'm xenophobic, I have no problem with immigration, never have. I DO have a problem with mass immigration just for the sake of having mass immigration. It does neither party any good.
There are plenty who clearly do come here ready and willing to work. I have mad respect for a lot of the Filipinos who came here. They left a tropical/sub-tropical country to come to what is essentially an Arctic country, thousands of whom moved to Canada's coldest city, Winnipeg. And why did they move to Winnipeg of all places? Because for at least a decade Manitoba and Saskatchewan were screaming for workers, and not minimum rage workers, workers for real jobs that paid living wages. They moved to where the jobs were, not some ethnic enclave where they could pretend they still lived back home while enjoying all the benefits of this country.

Koreans and Vietnamese are also very productive people in Canada whom I have no problem with. Very friendly too, both of them although the older Koreans' friendliness is more formal than spontaneous but nonetheless, still respectful. Just don't try and f*ck with them. :lol:

The fact that you pathetically had to resort to calling me xenophobic and ALT-Right is just further proof of the weakness of your argument. The "inside information" was a set up and you jumped all over it just as I expected you would. You're as predictable as the daily sunrise.
Um. . . whom are you addressing, please? Your post doesn't quote anyone, and it follows mine.

I don't recollect ever calling you xenophobic.

But, just for the record, categorical statements like the ones you made in your post are always wrong.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How long is it light after the sun is 'down'? On the ocean it is dark right away. In AB it is light for about 3 hours as the Rockies block the sun and the clouds reflect the light for than many hours under an awesome sky.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
She was not talking about worldwide population growth but specifically growth within Canada's borders. for worldwide population growth, yes, we need a sufficient replacement birth rate. But for population growth within a given geographical area such as Canada, then a combination of birth rates supplemented by immigration can contribute to growth.

Was that clear enough for you?

I'm talking about the difference between population growth and birthrate. Canada's birthrate has been declining for decades, but Canada's population has been increasing. These are facts. I don't know what Durry is going on about because I didn't read his post and I won't. He's a massive idiot and a complete waste of time.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I'm talking about the difference between population growth and birthrate. Canada's birthrate has been declining for decades, but Canada's population has been increasing. These are facts. I don't know what Durry is going on about because I didn't read his post and I won't. He's a massive idiot and a complete waste of time.

It may go down a little when the boomers all die, because of the massive amount of people that generation had.

But life also naturally seeks a sense of belonging.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Man are you ever f*cking clueless, and pathetic for that matter. You obviously didn't comprehend what I wrote very well if you think I'm xenophobic. And yes, inside information. How many family members did you have working for Immigration? Personally, I had no idea that Immigration Canada was an ALT-Right source of info. But I'm sure you'd know better since you read a Globe & Fail article.
As for the lies the immigrants and Syrians were told, all you have to do is open those dead eyes and ears of yours and listen to them.
It's pretty f*cking sad when people like you are stupid enough to believe that facts and reality are somehow "ALT-Right" just because they don't align with your naive personal beliefs.
Oh, and guess what sport? The lying to immigrants in particular started long before Trudeau. This isn't something that just the Liberals have done but in your desperate effort to defend your shiny pony's policies you utterly failed to grasp that this isn't a partisan issue.
It is ENORMOUSLY difficult to have an intelligent discussion with someone who obviously a one dimensional partisan hack.

That for proving once again that you are a racist idiot with little or no substance to his posts. I challenge you to find one Syrian or any other refugee who is not happy to be in Canada.

I'm not the on running around calling the military this and that on a forum, yet too cowardly to say it in the street.

That's you being a gutless coward.

Once again bravely said. You are a real hero on the internet. And you are attacking someone who has constantly defended Canada's military in this forum, so not only are you only brave when you are in front of a keyboard, but you are also utterly clueless.

You ever serve, justlooking?

I'm guessing that he expects immigrants to do his serving for him. Mind you an immigrant would probably make a far better soldier anyway.


House Member
May 18, 2010
I challenge you to find one Syrian or any other refugee who is not happy to be in Canada.
Most Syrian refugees want to be home in their own country.
Given all the freebies they are getting, of course they are not going to say they don't like Canada, but most of them still don't have jobs and most still can't speak English.

Many are beginning to realize that they will never be able to be independent in Canada because they just don't have the skills to survive here independently particularly when they have five to seven kids.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Most Syrian refugees want to be home in their own country.
Given all the freebies they are getting, of course they are not going to say they don't like Canada, but most of them still don't have jobs and most still can't speak English.

Many are beginning to realize that they will never be able to be independent in Canada because they just don't have the skills to survive here independently particularly when they have five to seven kids.

So what? I would imagine most refugees prefer their homeland to a certain extent - even those from Haiti, but if you think people fleeing a war prefer to go back to dodging barrel bombs and poison gas to being in a safe place you are simply deluding yourself.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
So what? I would imagine most refugees prefer their homeland to a certain extent - even those from Haiti, but if you think people fleeing a war prefer to go back to dodging barrel bombs and poison gas to being in a safe place you are simply deluding yourself.

Maybe what he means is that they're not prepared to bow in adoration to a Canadian dear leader.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
So what? I would imagine most refugees prefer their homeland to a certain extent - even those from Haiti, but if you think people fleeing a war prefer to go back to dodging barrel bombs and poison gas to being in a safe place you are simply deluding yourself.

Or even the illusion of their "homeland." They hang around in Irish and Scots pubs and pretend to have some sort of connection to the countries their great-grandparents fled.

Of course, it's OK if they're white.