I didn't say they don't boost it. I just question how big of a boost considering the number who come in that will never be qualified to work here.
Nope, it's not. Having inside information beats your Globe & Mail report hands down. Maybe if the various federal and provincial govts made things more attractive for living wage jobs we wouldn't need to keep bringing in immigrants to fill shit jobs that quite frankly are destroying the climate you're so concerned about. I'm talking about the fast food industry of which Timmies has become a part of. You can't keep an economy running on minimum rage jobs either.
Oh my. I didn't realize that Canada wouldn't have become such a great country without a parade, jerk sauce, curry and falafel.
So it's better to alienate those who are already living there. Yep, worked great for the Native people over here.
Yeah, it was. The comparison is quite apt considering the federal govt has been lying to immigrants for years and now they're lying to refugees. There have been more than a few stories of Syrians who were convinced to come here despite NOT being in a refugee camp. You see, the govt lied to you as well. The majority of the Syrians who were brought over were not in refugee camps. Many already had a place to live in a host country and several of them had jobs they could support their families with. Why do you think the vetting process was practically non-existent. The assumption was since these people found somewhere else to live in the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey for example) they didn't need proper vetting. What Trudeau wanted was more voters. Interesting isn't it, that he also wants to fast track their citizenship just in time for the next election. The purpose of taking in refugees is to give them a safe place to live until it's safe for them to go back to their home countries. It's not supposed to be an opportunity for the govt to start virtue signalling by rushing them into citizenship.
Add that to the fact that they live in hotels and motels while they struggle to find work that will allow them to actually support a family is not really helping them when they already had a home and a job.
Of course I do like how you deftly avoided the subject of religious and ethnic discrimination in public housing. Yeah, I guess it's okay for a muslim to reject a disabled applicant for public housing because he wasn't a muslim. Just like it's okay for Armenian Orthodox Christians to discriminate against anyone who isn't an Armenian Orthodox Christian when it comes to public housing. All of which is sanctioned by govts that constantly espouse the virtues of equality, non-discrimination and multiculturalism.