NOTE: None of the following has anything to do with the Quran.
Ask Dr. Electron!
Hi kids! Have you ever wondered why grownups talk about things like renewable resources, cheap power and transvestites? The answer is simple. That's because adults are all interested in things like this. When you're older, have to work, and all your dreams have been dashed upon the rocks of despair, you'll be talking like that too. But back to the question: What are renewable resources?
They are any type of power or power production that can be generated indefinitely. The generation does not harm the environment and is inexpensive to do. Pretty simple, eh? Well...almost!
See that picture above? The electricity for your ipad or computer comes from those little things called electrons. This picture isn't exactly what an atom looks like, but we all need a picture to look at, to help with our understanding of things. Electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom. Wow, kind of complex, isn't it? The movement of the electrons allows us to watch television, play games on our computers or text your mom...Yuck!
There are so many electrons in the universe that we'll never run out. And just because you use electrons to make the night light work in your room does not mean that they are used up or destroyed when you turn on the bulb. Electrons move from place to place. Because they are so full of energy, just having them pass through your computer of the filament of a light bulb makes everything work inside. Amazing!
Scientists have a few theories of how electrons move through conductive material. My favourite is called the 'Bump Theory'.
Imagine that picture above, except that you have millions of atoms, not just one. Now imagine that as the electrons orbit around the nucleus, the electrons on the outermost ring or orbit occasionally slam into other electrons orbiting adjacent atoms. These outermost electrons are known as valence electrons and the collision knocks or 'bumps' them out of orbit. When this happens, they are called 'free electrons'. Free electrons are what travel through conductive material. This travel is referred to as current flow.
What a mouthful! Next time you're listening to your favourite Justin Bieber song, remember that 'the Biebs' comes alive because of free electrons. So why is it that we have to pay to go see him 'live in concert'?
Here's a picture of electrons (those little round, red balls), flying out of orbit and making current. Cool!