Muslim Canadians are proud to call this country home:


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
That’s the heartening take-away from a valuable survey by the Environics Institute that captures the attitudes of the million-strong Muslim community and gives the lie to conventional stereotypes and misperceptions. The survey will be an eye-opener for those who question the community’s attachment to this country.

But it also poses a challenge for policy-makers, especially when it comes to younger Muslims, many of them second-generation.

Younger Muslims are more religiously observant than their elders. And they worry more about high levels of discrimination. Some 35 per cent of Muslims overall say they experienced unfair treatment over their religion or ethnicity, far higher than the general population. Younger Muslims expect things to get worse. And they feel a slightly weaker sense of belonging to the country. That raises a concern that some may become alienated and prey to extremist views.

While the wider Muslim community believes that very few in their faith support violent extremism, it also recognizes the need to confront that concern head on.

At root the survey confirmed that the vast majority of Muslims, or 83 per cent, feel “very proud” to be Canadian. That beats out the 73 per cent of non-Muslims who feel the same. Fully 94 per cent said their sense of belonging to Canada was strong. And 84 per cent feel their community is treated better here than in other western countries. These are powerful indicators of a community that has put down deep roots and doesn’t deserve to live under a cloud of suspicion or to be scapegoated for the crimes of others

At the same time, Muslims see no contradiction in being good Canadians and good Muslims. Not surprisingly, more than 80 per cent say that both their Canadian nationality and their faith figure strongly in their sense of personal identity. That said, 50 per cent say religion plays a bigger role than nationality. Then again, so do 28 per cent of other religious Canadians.

Given that Islam, Christianity and Hinduism are all growth religions, it’s no surprise that attendance at Muslim religious services is up, with 48 per cent now participating once a week or more. Similarly, 48 per cent of women now report wearing the hijab head scarf. The fuller body-covering chador and the face-covering niqab are each worn by 3 per cent.

Younger Muslims in particular are finding identity in their faith. Fully 61 per cent feel that being Muslim is key to their identity, and they are the most likely group to attend mosque. But it doesn’t follow that they are less attached to the nation and its values than are similarly devout Christians, Hindus, Jews and others.

Muslim Canadians are proud to call this country home: Editorial | Toronto Star


House Member
May 18, 2010
It's Muslim culture to lie to infedels.

Actions speak loader than words.

When the Soldier was killed in Ottawa, European Caucasians lined up to join the Canadian military, Muslims lined up to travel to Turkey to join ISIS. Do you call this a commitment to Canada?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
All it takes is a few bad apples to make a fool believe the whole shipment's rotten

When you have a reputation of having rotten apples, only a idiot doesn't expect to find a few of them in the whole shipment. You have to spend money evaluating all of them to get the bad ones out.

To ignore bad reputation is just as dumb.

If a car has a bad reputation, Are all of them bad? Are you going to ignore many of them could be?

The bad ones don't stand out and tell you.

Bad reputation devalues a group. Muslim's have low value because of bad reputation. I don't want them because of high risks of getting a bad one.

The same way I don't want to buy a Ford.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
If you turn a reasonably good person against you with your misguided rampage, you have only yourself to blame for the lumps

What misguided rampage? I don't want to share my community with Muslims founded on bad reputation, Based on facts they have bad apples who want to kill us, and they have verbally expressed it to create fear.
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
What misguided rampage? I don't want to share my community with Muslims founded on bad reputation, Based on facts they have bad apples who want to kill us, and they have verbally expressed it to create fear.
And based on this post we have lots of white bread hate here too - one who's publicly announced he'd kill with his nailgun without trial or knowing facts. What makes you any better?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Yeah ... we're so ethical we watch "Muslim" (brown, anyhow) jailbait get groped in coffee shops and don't do a thing about it

If you do this, in a couple of years it will look like Afgan looks like now. You'll see all the women wearing burkas, no girls in school, each Arab man will have 4 wives etc etc. Actually the last time I was in Richmond, I was having coffee at Timmys and a Muslim with 3 wives came in. The youngest looked about 13 or 14, the other two were about 24 & 30. He tried to act like the youngest was a daughter, buy when they went outside to take some pictures, he kept squeezing the young ones breast. It was sickining to watch but he continued with his stupidity like it was his perfect right to do what he was doing.

There are shyteheads in every basket....


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
The diffrences is the **** head whites don't want to kill me because I'm white. That helps my odds.

The **** head Muslimes want to kill all none Muslimes.

I doubt you have the intelligence to understand the difference.

And based on this post we have lots of white bread hate here too - one who's publicly announced he'd kill with his nailgun without trial or knowing facts. What makes you any better?

What makes me better is I'm not going over there to seek them out to kill them. Like their bad apples are doing to us.

But I doubt you can intellectually understand the difference.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The diffrences is the **** head whites don't want to kill me because I'm white. That helps my odds.
Only if you're the only crack dealer in town
The **** head Muslimes want to kill all none Muslimes.

I doubt you have the intelligence to understand the difference.

What makes me better is I'm not going over there to seek them out to kill them. Like their bad apples are doing to us.

But I doubt you can intellectually understand the difference.

They're not coming over here to kill you either. You're just not worth the effort - but I'll bet you're not brainy enough to figure that out or you wouldn't be ranting


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
They're not coming over here to kill you either. You're just not worth the effort - but I'll bet you're not brainy enough to figure that out or you wouldn't be ranting
I was near when Corporal Nathan Cirillo, Died.
Not that you care. From what I can gather you think he deserved it.

Thanks for sharing What kind of dickhead you are.

We get it, Will have to wait for someone close to you to die before you start caring. You heartless bastard.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
True. You ain't likely to do nobody no harm hiding under the bed.

Apparently this gives me value, as I can be trusted to not kill you. I have a good reputation. :lol:

Only in a twisted mind like yours would a potential killer have high value.

I'm constantly reminded that I'm arguing with idiots.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Apparently this gives me value, as I can be trusted to not kill you. I have a good reputation. :lol:

Only in a twisted mind like yours would a potential killer have high value.

I'm constantly reminded that I'm arguing with idiots.
You're cute when you're surly.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You're cute when you're surly.

Thanks :lol:

Are you out of the closet yet tec ? ;)

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